Alaska’s lone congressional representative has taken sides in labor dispute involving Mat-Su Borough school bus drivers and Durham School Services, the bus company.
The drivers dropped the children off at schools last Tuesday, and then walked off the job, creating chaos for parents, teachers, and drivers on borough roads.
“Striking is never an easy decision for workers — particularly educational professionals. The Teamsters Local 959 voted nearly unanimously to begin striking for better pay and safer working conditions. I’m sure they didn’t make this decision lightly,” Rep. Mary Peltola wrote. “Let’s get them a good deal ASAP so they can get back to serving the Mat-Su community. When workers organize, they win!”
The Teamsters have asked the district to intervene with Durham School Services, which won the contract to provide school bus services in the Mat-Su, but took over during the Covid pandemic and has had numerous challenges faced by other companies who are trying to staff up with licensed commercial drivers.
Teamsters Local 959 endorsed Peltola in her bid for Congress and donated to her 2022 campaign the maximum amount allowed by law.

Peltola vs. Ticketmaster
In other news, Rep. Peltola has come down on the side of super-star singer Taylor Swift against Ticketmaster, an online ticket broker that the pop star has had a dispute with over business practices.
In a post on Twitter, Peltola posted the Monopoly game banker character, and parroted words from a Taylor Swift song, “I’m the problem, it’s me.”
Taylor Swift fans are charging that Ticketmaster and its parent company, Live Nation Entertainment, have a monopoly by controlling 70% of the big concert ticket market.

Not everyone was amused at the commentary by Peltola. One Twitter user responded by reminding Peltola that more important issues were at stake for Americans, while another Twitter commentator questioned what intern had taken over Peltola’s Twitter account.

Thank God she’s focused on issues important to Alaska.
Yes, but what is her choice of toothpaste?
She parked her old broom on the wall like a hunter hangs his rifles. Peltola needs to just fly the hell away.
Agree! She has been a major disappointment to all Alaskans who have called her DC office because she still has no Alaska office. Let’s keep track of all of her failings as we organize in our effort to “show her the door” in the next election. She is unqualified, unethical, disingenuous, self-serving, and completely afraid of Alaskans who know how much she has managed to “get around” in Juneau.
Not to mention, a very low IQ person.
Andy; The broom is a symbol of honor hoisted onto the mast of a commercial fishing boat at the end of the season symbolizing the largest catch of the season, orrrrrrrrr it symbolizes a clean sweep through the election, or I am completely wrong, what the hell do I know.
One thing I can say for sure, she’s an Alaskan, born and raised and is not going anywhere.
There must be two very different Alaskas.
And I’m not going anywhere either.
Wow she needs to rest after those hard decisions. The bush community should be so happy.
Has anyone in the media ASKED Congresswoman Peltola herself about these issues?
Is not the basis of journalistic integrity seeking actual first-hand information from “the source of truth”? (Thanks B, you know who you are).
I will honor the people that inspire our collective lives with this new practice I am taking up in my comments.
Because what I live day-to-day resonates through transfer-ability into how and what I comment on and shapes the way I view the world, with my baseline as Alaska being my place of origination. Knowledge is growth and an active verb. Knowledge is not a noun or a period or an exclamation point.. It is the adventure of the question. And the only stability in chaotic world is the comfort of the perpetuation that happens to live in the seeking to experience life as life evolves and morphs. A neverending question. And the answer evolves. That is the beauty of life.
That is why data is gold. (Thanks J). It is not in the value of today’s price of gold – it is in the fact that humans have gold-fever – where is the next mother-lode?
Hope that our collective and/or individual lives will consist of what we define for ourselves as a success.
That is why there is room in our global community for each of us.
Because look at this: everyone is someone who did or protects someone who did, or had something done against them.
Why do we spend all our lives, energy, judgement on lashing out to protect our secrets. Secrets that were told to us that need to be secrets kept from someone else?
Is that not the definition of generational genocide?
Regardless of race, geographic boundaries, class, money, poverty?
Let go of our collective choke holds on ourselves and each other. Life is for the living. So embrace living our best lives.
Is that the broom that Mary, Mary Quite (Liberty-)Contrary is going to use to sweep her shameful voting record under the rug in her 2024 re-election campaign?
You must mean broom she used to whoop Nick and Sarah with behind the woodshed.
😉 😉 😉
No, she’s going to fly that broom back and forth between the Y-K Delta and Washington DC. It reduces her carbon footprint. It isn’t as fast a model that the Wicked Witch of the East (Killary) flies, but she’ll get a more fancy model after accumulating great wealth as a Congressma……….Congressperson.
That photo is meme gold when the time comes.
Of course one of her putting a broom through its paces could always outdo it.
What I enjoy about MRAK as the administrator of commentary and Her choice of timing to publish comments.
My comments await administrative approval and is either rapidly published or awaits approval and is then buried in the mass of comments depending on the way the administrator wants the storyline to go.
That is the sinister side of the real chilling effect of freedom of speech being violated.
Do not worry though, it has the forever fingerprinted and timestamps in the DNA of the digital worldwideweb.
When the Mefia (oops I meant media) Freudian mistake – serves you a teaspoon of sugar to make the medicine go down, you better ask what medicine are you taking, what is it the bandage for, and most importantly what is the underlying condition that you are in.
Stop allowing self-proclaimed authorities tell you what your condition is in.
At the very least, ask follow up questions before taking the medicine i.e. drinking the KoolAide.
You may be reading too much into it, Trudy. I get to them as soon as I can, yet I am but one person who has to go through an average of 600 comments a day. Your comment here appeared late Sunday night, and I’m just now getting to this task Monday morning after getting the newsletter out, having breakfast and taking a shower. I appreciate your comments, but I do plan to eat, sleep, and shower. – sd
Is that why you keep changing my “tough noogies” to “tough boogies” Suzanne. This has only just started lately as I’ve used that first term for years on here without your editing. Perhaps you’ve got it confused with some sort of misinterpretation.
Bill, I am doing no such thing. You are making your own typos. Check your work. – sd
Thanks for that-b is close to n but can’t imagine spell check would be involved.
It is always interesting and uplifting to read your well-considered rejoinders to other posters here, Bill, such as your erudite and intellectually withering “tough noogies”.
Hee hee!
Maybe Trudy can volunteer her time to speed the process up.
Those who groomed AOC have got to her. Do recall last August Election she had 1 ,,,,, 1 TV AD vrs Begich or Palin,,,, Last November Election she was much more prevalent on the boobtube. Taylor Swift has nothing to do with the Representation of AK. Do your job. Justice Democrats groom people like AOC and Peltola ect ,,, Now let’s not get started on how Choice Ranked Voting got Peltola elected over Begich or Palin.
All union, all the time. just like Don. Cheers –
Ticketmaster’s monopoly leaves musicians with no choice, diminished revenues and outrageous ticket prices. Similar to the medical costs middlemen get all of the money and leave users holding the bag. The anonymous trolls indicate many noses are already gone from self spite
Stop piggybacking on issues that will give you a positive spin with the people!!! We don’t need your 2 cents. You have already proven that you do NOT know what you are doing. Nor do you care about your job!
Peltola called the striking bus drivers “educational professionals.” Let’s get real, the school bus drivers are essentially truck drivers and nothing more. Let us note that Peltola is willing to grovel for votes.
It is good to see Mary has her preferred mode of transportation mounted magnificently on the wall there behind her!
The question at it’s most base level: what does a federal representative have to say about a local issue? Her attention is supposed to be on running the country (God help us, Please!). At the state and local levels we have governors, mayors, and state senators/reps that handle this stuff.
Stay in your lane mary.
Sarah Palin is the gift that keeps on giving. She’s kinda like political herpes. Once you get her, she never ever completely goes away.
Yes, it’s true Nick had plenty of baggage and may not have survived against Mary. But it’s also true Sarah split the right’s vote in a way no one else ever could have.
I wish Sarah a long and happy retirement. Elsewhere.
Peltola is the responsibility of the RINO’s that twice supported the 2 time, 3rd place finisher – the liser Begich.
And they couldn’t rank the red….
When nicholas begich ran, the campaign reminded me of don
young vs newcomer and unknown outside his friends dunbar all over again. So dunbar ran for assembly and artfully stratically chose every community work and photo sessions to project him more enduring alluring
candidate to his target audience. What method worked for dunbar can work for nicholas cause the two are similar.
Me thinks she is right when she says “I’m the problem, it’s me.” She’s the problem. What the h*ll is she doing weighing in on a local bus strike in one county-equivalent? Who does that? AOC II?
First Student is the current school bus provider in Kodiak. I understand the current school bus provider in MatSu provides for Fairbanks. Both bus companies are legitimate providers. Anyone with common sense would know when you pay less than the Anchorage wage you can expect trouble. I question the wisdom of making the change from the past provider. Anchorage is having problems even with their higher wage. Sometimes saving a nickel costs you a quarter’s worth of problems.
Get her a flight back to the bush.
Communist thru and thru
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