Peltola votes with The Squad against ending the three-year national Covid emergency declaration


Alaska’s Rep. Mary Peltola joined Democrats in voting against a bill that would end the national Covid emergency declaration.

House Joint Resolution 7 passed 229 to 197 on Feb. 1, with some Democrats voting with Republicans to end the emergency immediately. Peltola, however, voted with The Squad, as well as Reps. Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, and other hardliners. Eleven Democrats voted to end the emergency.

The joint resolution, which is not likely to be considered by the Democrat-controlled Senate, would terminate the national emergency concerning Covid-19 declared by President Donald Trump on March 13, 2020, which has been renewed every 90 days subsequently by Trump, and by Biden. The country has been under the public health emergency declaration for nearly three years.

Earlier, Peltola had voted against allowing health care workers the freedom to choose whether to get a Covid vaccination and boosters.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden has declared he will continue the emergency until May 11, because he says that ending it earlier would be too abrupt for hospitals and health care providers.

The joint resolution is not complicated. In fact, it’s just one sentence: “Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, pursuant to section 202 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622), the national emergency declared by the finding of the President on March 13, 2020, in Proclamation 9994 (85 Fed. Reg. 15337) is hereby terminated.”

According to a summary by Kaiser Family Foundation, the Covid health emergency declaration gives the government flexibility to waive or modify requirements in Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP programs, as well as private health insurance regulations. The president can quickly allow authorization of medical countermeasures to provide limited immunity to providers who administer services, such as vaccinations.

In addition, all of the legislation that provided massive amounts of funding during the emergency are tied into the emergency declaration, such as the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act , the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (CAA). Those flexibilities expire when the emergencies are expired, although most of the money associated with these spending bills has already been spent by the recipients.

The early days of the COVID-19 pandemic were marked by several emergency declarations made by the federal government, under several broad authorities, each of which has different requirements related to expiration, Kaiser wrote.

More information from KFF is at this link.


  1. AND(???) … Her ‘no’ vote benefits Alaska and Alaskans how and for what purpose?
    Maybe(???), Revak can shed some meaningful illumination on this issue?
    Or(???), possibly they’re all simple and true Lap-Dogs, covert agents of others?

  2. The above picture was taken moments after someone asked mary, “Are you ever going to vote for anything beneficial for America?”

  3. If you travel in Yupik (& Native) areas, Covid precautions are readily accepted.
    Many villages were near 100% on the shot.
    Perhaps due to the history of devastation that communicable diseases had in Native communities.

    My wife’s grandma was one of only 7 survivors of the 1918 pandemic in her town.
    They have a very real memory of pandemic in villages.

    Of course Ms Peltola is supposed to be the Congressperson for ALL Alaskans
    But, keep in mind, that AK is more Democrat everyday.
    Like the pre-oil, FDR, Territorial (Colonists) days

    I was just in Sitka and there were a few business’s that still demand masks in the store.
    That surprised me, although most of Sitka was maskless.
    My son had to have the booster to remain in the program he is enrolled in down there.

    • I would simply tell any Karen store owner who demanded I wear an idiotic, useless and dehumanizing covidian mask to enter their store to go to Hell — just after I told them I would NEVER patronize their business ever again, and would suggest to everyone I know to not do the same.
      Intolerance, blind conformity and sheer stupidity should have consequences.

  4. I got to laugh how all these new age liberal radicals instantly find a pair of black framed glasses to wear shortly after getting into their new positions , I don’t recall any of them ever wearing glasses before, it’s obviously a desperate attempt to make themselves appear intelligent lol. These Lunatic Squad Members are all miserable and Low self esteem type people who obviously have serious personal issues! They all Hate America , but they have no real problem sucking the American taxpayer dry. Total Parasites,!

  5. Peltola is a creation of the Industrial Welfare Plantation. It’s only natural that she would vote for maintaing rules that maintain the IWS’s authority over the rights of the individual and diminish liberty for all.

  6. It can be no more obvious that it was never about “the science “. It’s about money and political gain. Like the Chinese airship we would never have known about it but for seeing it with our own eyes. You can only tell so many people that they are seeing things.

  7. I hope none of this surprises anyone. Before the election, her website clearly stated she solidly stood with the obiden administrations’ policies and ideals.

  8. If we did not have rank voting I really do not think she or Murkowski would have been voted back in. I also believe that not a lot of folks understood how the rank voting worked. There is no way to drain the swamp if this continues to happen!!

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