Quinnipiac poll: Republican enthusiasm for election is up, and abortion is only an issue with Democrat voters


With less than one week to go before Election Day, the number of Americans who say inflation (36 percent) is the most urgent issue facing the country today is on the rise. It’s 9 percentage points higher than it was in a similar poll in late August, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released Wednesday.

After inflation, concerns drop off dramatically, with abortion (10 percent) ranking as the second most urgent issue, primarily with Democrats. Abortion was not a double-digit issue for either Republicans or independents, and no other issue reached double digits in importance, the polling group said.

Running for governor, candidates Bill Walker and Les Gara have made abortion their issue, and running for Congress, Mary Peltola has referred to abortion as “freedom” and made it her key issue, along with fish.

But it’s not the issue on the minds of voters, other than Democrats.

  • Among Republicans, inflation (57 percent) ranks first followed by immigration (15 percent).
  • Among Democrats, the top issues are abortion (19 percent), inflation (15 percent), gun violence (14 percent), climate change (10 percent), and election laws (10 percent).
  • Among independents, inflation (41 percent) ranks first with no other issue reaching double digits. 
  • More than half of Americans (54 percent) say the price of gas and consumer goods is the economic issue that worries them the most right now, while 25 percent say the cost of housing or rent, 12 percent say the stock market, and 5 percent say their job situation, Quinnipiac University reported.

More reporting from Quinnipiac on its poll results show a massive difference in voter enthusiasm:

  • In measuring how motivated voters are in this year’s midterm elections, roughly half of registered voters (52 percent) say they are more motivated to vote than in past midterm elections, while 7 percent say they are less motivated, and 40 percent say they are just as motivated as usual.
  • Among Republican registered voters, 60 percent say they are more motivated to vote, while 2 percent say they are less motivated, and 36 percent say they are just as motivated as usual. 
  • Among Democratic registered voters, 51 percent say they are more motivated to vote, while 7 percent say they are less motivated, and 40 percent say they are just as motivated as usual. 
  • Among independent registered voters, 47 percent say they are more motivated to vote, while 9 percent say they are less motivated, and 43 percent say they are just as motivated as usual.

Quinnipiac University Poll regularly surveys residents in many individual states on the Eastern Seaboard, and also nationwide about political races, state and national elections, and issues.

2,203 U.S. adults nationwide were surveyed from October 26 – 30 with a margin of error of +/- 2.1 percentage points. The survey included 2,010 registered voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.2 percentage points.

Read the rest of the poll’s results, including opinions on Joe Biden, Ukraine, Russia, and Congress at this link.


  1. Maybe that’s why democrats don’t care about violence in their cities. It’s a form of post birth abortion.

    There has never been a time in this nation when abortion was a top 5 issue to anyone but the hard left fringe.

    • That is because abortion = murder=death, and the hard left fringe is nothing if not a death cult. They glorify and seek the death of babies, the death of individuals, the death of standards, the death of morality, the death of the economy, and the death of our shared society.

    • They don’t care about violence in their cities because in the perverse way they look at the world, criminals are the real victims (of racism, poverty, capitalism, judgmental drug and vagrancy laws) and victims of crime are the oppressors (the ones propping up capitalism and an unjust society with their work, property, taxes, and citizenship).

  2. The Democrats did not address inflation very well in their messaging, the Republicans did not have to. McCarthy will not be able to get anything meaningful accomplished as Speaker IMO. Too many MAGA crazies in the Caucus

    • “…….McCarthy will not be able to get anything meaningful accomplished as Speaker……..”
      There’s a simple, key principle that Demonrats and leftists refuse to understand. It’s central to the Hippocratic Oath:
      “First, do no harm.”
      As long as Demonrats are not in political power, less harm is passed into law, policy, or regulation. Gridlock becomes good, because it results in less harm.
      As time progresses toward the end, this reality intensifies.

  3. Ugh did you see that full on propoganda on the front page the ADN today? Lord we need lightning strike or something. Gee wiz!

  4. If you have a booming economy snd people make money! They can deal with their issues! If you don’t have a booming economy! You have government fed lies!And you rely on government! Back government out!

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