Monday newsletter: Palin makes it interesting


For readers who don’t subscribe to the Monday-Wednesday-Friday Must Read Alaska newsletter, (subscribe at this link) here’s what you’re missing in this morning’s email:

Good morning from Somewhere in Alaska … A wild weekend of news it was! The race to replace Don Young just became the biggest political event in the country.

Tune into the MRAK podcast here (or here) this morning for an in-depth discussion about the line-up for Congress and who may make the cut for the final four in August.

Will Sen. Lisa Murkowski vote in favor of Ketanji Brown Jackson for the Supreme Court? Her decision is expected soon, maybe today, and the vote on KBJ will be brought to the floor of the Senate this week. Murkowski and Sen. Mitt Romney are the final two votes that haven’t been declared. We’re waiting with dread.

Alaska Airlines flights are returning to normal, with only 37 flights canceled so far today, or about 5 percent. But the day is young…Now, into the thick of it …

DON YOUNG’S ASHES BROUGHT HOME; HE IS MEMORIALIZED IN FITTING FASHION The service in Anchorage would have pleased the Dean of the House greatly. Almost all of the politicos of the state were there, as well as many of his true-blue friends. Stories were told, and more memories were made. Read more here.

A special thanks: Curtis Thayer and Rhonda Boyles, who organized the event at Anchorage Baptist Temple, did a beautiful job and that is in spite of the various competing interests that can come to play during such times. Both of them were lifelong friends of Don Young, (as in, not on payroll and not lobbyists. Just friends.)

BREAKING: TRUMP ENDORSES SARAH PALINThings are getting heating up in the congressional race. Call this the marquee race in the country right now. Read more here.

Department of Obvious: This means Gov. Mike Dunleavy, Kelly Tshibaka for Senate, and Sarah Palin for Congress all have the endorsement of Trump. Is there another state that is getting the full Trump treatment? Not that we know of. 

NICK BEGICH ALL OF A SUDDEN IN CROWDED RACE He was somewhat dominating the field of challengers for Congress, but when Don Young died, everyone jumped in, including Santa and Sarah. Read more here.

SANTA AND SARAH: DO EITHER HAVE A CHANCE? An analysis of who the top four could be for the August election. Read more here.

NIKKI HALEY IS ENDORSING SARAH, BUT PERRY GREEN IS FOR NICK BEGICH The former South Carolina governor is friends with Sarah, and it’s the first big national endorsement made in this election. But Perry Green is an Alaska legend, too. Read more here.

BETTING MARKETS PUT SARAH PALIN ON TOP, NICK BEGICH SECOND Overnight the wagers started on who will win the race. It’s apparent who the frontrunners are already. Revak is in the also-rans category. Read more here.

Sarah Palin reportedly has a campaign team with 18 people, which indicates she has it pretty well organized. Some of them were seen at Palin’s father’s house recently. In addition to Corey Lewandowski, she has Michael Glassner, Trump’s strategist for his 2020 presidential campaign. 
Tara Sweeney, running for Congress, is seeing big dollars coming in, with a finance committee already up and operating. She had a team going well before she filed.
Alan Gross, running for Congress, is said to have raised $500,000. He has national reach for fundraising and will probably not try the old “bear doctor” routine that sank him last time.
Art Hackney, political consultant in Anchorage, was quoted in the New York Times saying that Palin would have to bring it on to beat Sen. Revak. Hackney has the state senator’s campaign contract. On a podcast Sunday, Hackney was trying to create momentum for his client.
True? Todd Palin and Sarah Palin are in a major custody battle over their minor child. Court records are sealed due to notoriety.
Alan Gross and Chris Constant signed the Recall Dunleavy petition in 2017. Gross and Constant are on that list for Congress, both extremists.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski raised $100,000 at a fundraiser in Texas over the weekend, hosted by former President George Bush.
Brett Huber, who ran Mike Dunleavy’s 2018 campaign for governor, is going to be running the independent expenditure group associated with the Republican Governors Association, in support of Gov. Mike Dunleavy. Word is the group has set aside $3 million. Matt Larkin, who ran the independent expenditure last time, is joining the Dunleavy campaign with Jordan Schilling and Tyson Gallagher.

ANCHORAGE TURNOUT LACKLUSTER. REPUBLICANS NOT GETTING BALLOTS Only 14 percent turnout? Where is everyone? Read more here.

BALLOTS NEVER ARRIVED AT DOZENS OF ANCHORAGE HOMES We have a problem with conservative voters not getting their ballots. Read more here.

ALASKA AIR PILOTS PICKET SNARLS TRAVEL IN NORTHWEST Pilots union folks are disputing they are the reason. They say Alaska Airlines is mismanaging. Read more here.

CRITICAL RACE THEORY BILL IS IN SENATE EDUCATION Public testimony will be taken on Monday. Get details and testify. Read more here.

Thank you, everyone, for your subscriptions, donations, and news tips (keep those tips coming!) Most of all, thank you for your friendship.

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TIM BARTO: THEATER OF THE ABSURD AT THE OSCARS The slap heard ’round the world and other hypocrisies from the Academy Awards. Read more here.

WIN GRUENING: A POETIC MOMENT IN ALASKA HISTORY, BEGICH, YOUNG, BEGICH III While this set of events may seem extraordinary, there have been two other similar occurrences in recent Alaska political history. Read more here.

RANDY SULTE: IN SPITE OF WHAT YOU HEAR FROM WEDDLETON, ALL IS NOT WELL IN ANCHORAGE John Weddleton says the Assembly is working as normal with the mayor. That’s so odd, because it sure looks like the Nine are working as hard as they can to destroy the mayor. Read more here.

BOB GRIFFIN: WHY I WON’T PICKET ALASKA AIRLINES A pilot discusses labor relations and whether the pilot union is taking things too far. Read more here.

KELLY TSHIBAKA: THANKS TO LISA MURKOWSKI TEAM, ALASKA IS IN TROUBLE It will be not until late August that Alaska has a member of Congress. The ranked choice voting debacle is to blame, and that’s Murkowski’s team. Read more here.

RYAN NELSON: REVAK LIED, YOUR PFD DIED. HE WANTS AN UPGRADE? Revak doesn’t deserve to be elevated to Congress. He cannot even keep his promises as a state senator. Read more here.

MICHAEL TAVOLIERO: GOVERNMENT EDUCATION IS A FAILURE There are solutions. The solutions begin with creating real competition between schools. Read more here.
ART CHANCE: UNIONS MAKING POLICY IS NOTHING NEW The story of what may well be the most expensive memorandum ever produced by state government. Read more here.

JAMIE ALLARD: IT’S TIME TO PROTECT WOMEN’S SPORTS WITH SB 140 Women need a level playing field, not one taken over by men who are competing as “better versions of women.” Read more here.

STEPHANIE TAYLOR: I’M READY TO SERVE ON ANCHORAGE ASSEMBLY She’s running for East Anchorage. Here is her bio and philosophy. Read more here.
JOHN QUICK: COMPANIES CAN GIVE BACK WITHOUT GOING WOKE It seems that company charitable programs drift left over time. How can your company avoid that trap? Take a look at how some do it.

JODI TAYLOR: FOCUS ON KIDS, NOT BUILDINGS — VOTE NO ON PROP 1 We need to put the attention into the classrooms, not the brick and mortar. Read more here.

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Henry Hub Gas: $5.72
Alaska Pipeline Barrels: 501,253
Alaska Permanent Fund: $82,051,200,000
Earnings Reserve Account: $16.8 billion
Uncommitted ERA: $10.1 billion
Must Read Alaska | 200 West 34th Ave. #220, Anchorage 99503 |


  1. Alaska (Seattle) Airlines is in the process of replacing their mainline 737 service for much of their Alaska routes with Horizon’s Brazilian made regional jets. Don’t believe me? Make a reservation for beyond this summer and you’ll see. But, they’ll keep the Alaska name and logo and pass themself off as ‘Alaskan’…

  2. The link to your podcast requires a Facebook account. Maybe try a more reliable platform without a history of political censorship?

    • You can also find our podcast on all the platforms, including Pandora, Google Play, iTunes, Spotify, etc. Facebook is just one platform.

  3. Murkowski WILL vote for Ketanji Brown Jackson, and ramble on about how quailified she is, which will be true, BUT it is her judgment that is in question, and her repeated leniency (in many cases BEYOND that which was called for) when judging pedophiles. These are horrific crimes, and no leniency is deserved or called for.

    So when Lisa stands with KBJ, EVERYONE needs to be asking themselves WHY.

  4. Murkowski WILL vote for Ketanji Brown Jackson, and ramble on about how quailified she is, which will be true, BUT it is her judgement that is in question, and her repeated leniency (in many cases BEYOND that which was called for) when judging pedophiles. These are horrific crimes, and no leniency is deserved or called for.

    So when Lisa stands with KBJ, EVERYONE needs to be asking themselves WHY.

  5. Sarah is politically smarter than josh revak, she knows who to insult and who not to insult. Palin didn’t start her campaign insulting downing nor other admirable freedom defenders as allard nor being associated with other attacking blogs. Revak will be the one working harder to repair his image (alaska is a small village, doesn’t take long for news to travel, and those voting know their legislators) after his impulsive unexplainable explicit remark.

    • Seeing sarah and todd has had to face the same family disappointments, her family drama makes her more endearing cause she knows what many alaskans, especially with those kids who ‘grew up the native dysfunctional way’ because of one native parent or both struggling to fit in both worlds and make sence of ‘native issues’ we gone through during childhood. She knows what we go through facing their own family drama because of generational mistakes. Her faith held her together, and she continues taking care of herself, and she looks well for someone who went through so much family struggles.

  6. Alaska has a culture of survival. Some states are garden states, show me states, sunshine states etc. Alaska has a strong belief in precipices. “Go have fun on a precipice!” Is our story board (and don’t you ask for help or you will be fined and imprisoned”. It’s all inauthentic as get all out. Do me a favor. Don’t weep for me, Argentina. Plus they just need salvation by Jesus Christ. They need God.

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