Oregon Democrats turn over illegal FTX funds to feds, but Alaska Democrats give them to crypto crooks


The Democratic Party of Oregon will send $500,000 to the U.S. Marshals Service. No, they aren’t buying the U.S. Marshals Service. These are funds that had been donated to the party by an executive of the crytocurrency scam called FTX. The Department of Justice has been trying to claw back all the donations made by executives associated with the massive international scam.

The Oregon Democrats had been fined a minor $15,000 for wrongly reporting the source of the donation last year, and Oregon Republicans said the $500,000 needed to be turned over to the bankruptcy court.

Oregon Democratic Party also handed over a $7,100 donation from FTX founder and CEO Sam Bankman-Fried, at the request from the Department of Justice, AP reported.

The $500,000 came from Nishad Singh, a FTX executive who pleaded guilty in February to federal criminal fraud charges.

Meanwhile, Bankman-Fried is out of jail on $250 million bail, one of the largest criminal bails set in U.S. history. His parents’ home in Palo Alto, Calif. was put up as bond to ensure he doesn’t flee the country.

Bankman-Fried was one of the biggest donors to Democrats and their woke causes across the country before his empire crashed down around him, sending FTX on a track to bankruptcy. There were several others in the company who made millions of dollars in political contributions.

Alaska Democrats were beneficiaries. Bankman-Fried donated $9,756 to the Alaska Democratic Party in 2022. The party, without announcing it, refunded the money to Bankman-Fried in January, rather than returning it to bankruptcy court to make victims whole. This may be looked at with suspicion by the Justice Department, as it can be seen as an illegal transfer while bankruptcy proceedings are in process.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski was also a beneficiary of Bankman-Fried’s political largesse. Late last year, she donated that the equivalent of her contribution to a nonprofit associated with members of her own family.

Bankman-Fried founded FTX, a cryptocurrency exchange, in 2019. He gave away hundreds of millions of investors’ dollars to Democrat candidates and causes. By the end of 2022, he was in jail for essentially stealing money from thousands of cryptocurrency pioneer investors, laundering it through a sub-company called Alameda Research, and giving it to political entities on the Left, likely influencing the outcome of 2022 elections, and possibly the control of the U.S. Senate because the of the sheer size of the resources he made available to Democrats.

Bankman-Fried pleaded not guilty and has tried to have the case thrown out. But U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan set a trial date for Oct. 2. It’s not unusual, however, for trial dates to get pushed forward, and observers expect this one, which is extremely high profile, will not be heard in October.


  1. Alaska is sinking into the democrats sewer. Anchorage is the holding tank and the rest of the state is the leach field. No ethics, morals or patriotism. This is a sad thing to witness since my family has been here for a very long time.

    • Been here 56 years, move here from Fairbanks as a kid. Never thought I would see racketeering and fraud by an assembly right out in the open and no investigation or prosecution.

  2. One thing for sure. Being that Lisa also had these funds funneled to her shows that FTX was consistent with their distribution demographics. It’s a safe bet there are many other wayward donations sent her way.

  3. Show off hands. Who thinks the “select committee on legislative ethics” will take this up on Monday?

  4. “Sen. Lisa Murkowski was also a beneficiary of Bankman-Fried’s political largesse. Late last year, she donated that the equivalent of her contribution to a nonprofit associated with members of her own family.” Storyknife Writers Retreat in Homer. Dana Stabenow Director, President, Patrice Krant Director, Treasurer, Paula Martin Director, Vice President, Rhonda Sleighter Director, Secretary-AK Corporation Database.

    Just shake your head and move along, nothing to see here. Business as usual. Politicians keep getting re-elected despite their actions and voting records.

  5. How benevolent, exemplary and ethical, of our state’s most senior lawmaker to funnel illegally laundered political bribes to an unnamed nonprofit associated with her family, to avoid returning the funds to those who were cheated out of them? What kind of voters put such an individual in public office, and what does that tell you about the family of Alaska’s senior lawmaker?

  6. There you go, the money train. He went beyond his value, otherwise he would never have been caught. Or maybe he missed a payment. The “ethics “ of the Democratic Party all can be bought.

  7. Lisa could care less! She is in her 60″s. RCV and a bunch of ignorant Democrats (sheep) just sent her back to Bidens Den for another SIX years! Why the hell would she give up the quick cash! She is under full protection of the DOJ as well as back in good standing with AK Republican Party! Lets party on Lisa!

    Wouldnt everyone just love to go party at Storyknife Writers Retreat? Im willing to bet its more like Sammy Frieds crab infested orgy frat house.

    • Yep, I think your spot on Andy.,
      I thought I had heard that the permanent fund directed a large some of money to FTX early on in this scandal.
      Can any one confirm ?
      Thank you all.

      • Yes- sort of. The Permanent Fund invested money (200 million comes to mind, but I am not certain if that is the correct amount) in a hedge fund, that in turn lost it all at FTX.
        Such a speculative, risky investment was totally inappropriate for a business entity like the Permanent Fund, of course. I am still waiting for the Perm. Fund managers to sue the hedge fund, for misappropriation of PF money.

  8. But wait a minute… How is Oregon going to maintain their status as an Electric Blue democratic Heroin-addicted homeless utopia without all the illegal money being poured into their Democratic Selections Campaign Party.
    Only one thing is certain about Oregonians. They will NEVER vote RED! Way too many California Democrats have flooded Oregon ever since Cali got too screwed up to live in so they packed up all their destruction manuals and headed North on the new Oregon Trail and littered the valley (Bend Oregon=Cali Utopia) pushing the conservatives closer to Idaho.

  9. Lisa needs to pay the money back, but she won’t. She knows she’s in with the Democrats, above the law and expectations of decency.

  10. Gotta give Murkowski credit for chutzpah! She gave her illegal campaign contribution from FTX to a family affiliated non-profit as a donation to a writer’s retreat in Homer. Talk about recycling illicit money! No wonder Biden likes her so much. Birds of a feather.

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