Criminal complaint: Doctors who signed complaint against fellow physicians now complain they got unwanted chocolate and information in gift bags


Alaska doctors who complained to the State Medical Board about a group of fellow physicians using non-FDA-approved treatments for Covid-19 illness received gifts of chocolates and information packets over the holidays from the Alaska Covid Alliance, a small group of allies of the alternative treatments.

The letter accompanying the chocolates and information pamphlet explained to the complaining doctors that the Alaska Covid Alliance-associated physicians had been using a series of treatment protocols for 20 months, and that the attached information was meant to better explain what some of those practices are and where they are being used successfully in the world.

Read: From A to Z, doctors who signed complaint letter

The complaining doctors didn’t universally appreciate the gesture. Some felt intimidated, they said. Many of the signers of the original complaint are women doctors who are part of a closed Facebook page, where they aired their extensive grievances about having received the chocolate and educational resources.

“Some felt threatened, unsafe, intimidated by this letter and the chocolates that came with it in a nice holiday gift bag,” said one of the Covid Alliance supporters, who was mystified at the reaction. “Their Facebook page kind of blew up about it.”

Read: Public turns against group of doctors trying to stop early Covid treatment

The accompanying letter from the Alaska Covid Alliance discussed medications such as ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, which are believed to be safer than many common drugs used to treat various illnesses.

In response to the complaints about intimidation, Providence Medical Center management sent the following letter to its medical staff, saying that the matter was elevated to the Alaska State Medical Board:

“Hello Members of the Medical Staff,

“It has come to our attention that ​multiple members of our Medical Staff have received deliveries to their home over the past couple of days. The deliveries include a letter from Alaska Covid Alliance along with unwanted gifts. Although the message states that it is intended to be informational, some recipients are perceiving it as a form of intimidation. We believe these deliveries are targeting those who signed the ASMB letter. Through partnerships, we have informed ASHNHA and the Alaska State Medical Board about these activities. Please report to the Medical Staff Office ([email protected]) if you have received these unwanted gifts or visits so we may sense the scope of this activity.”

The gift bags were intended to be an olive branch to the complaining doctors, who were trying to get the Covid Alliance physicians’ license revoked by the state medical board. The medical board has refused to take action against the pioneering doctors.

As for the olive branch, it was stalking, Dr. Merijeanne Moore said to the Anchorage Daily News. She was one of the first to author the complaint to the Alaska State Medical Board about the medical participants in the Early Treatment Summit, organized by the Alaska Covid Alliance. Moore, who is a psychiatrist, filed a police report, and an Anchorage detective was assigned to the case.

“We wanted to start a dialogue,” said one member of the Alaska Covid Alliance. Let’s come to the table. It’s 28 pages, a synopsis of all the early treatment research that has been done.”

One of the Covid Alliance volunteers said the deliveries were made to home addresses after Providence prohibited them from being delivered on its campus. Other volunteers mailed the gifts after being unable to deliver them in person. One recipient of the holiday bag threw it down on the driveway when he realized what it was, a volunteer reported.

One of the Covid Alliance volunteers said she was interviewed by APD Detective Jason Deville, and that the case number is 21-507288. She said the detective wanted to know if the candy had been tampered with.


  1. So a psychologist with no experience in treating viruses is triggered by a gift basket? Might have to give her practice a call about alternative treatment options since she is such an expert.

  2. Makes y feel real confident in our medical system… I thought they cared about people. Instead, it’s “lick my boots or hit the highway” – like a bunch of commies. If this really were a medical emergency, I would think they would welcome all information that is verifiable.

  3. These aren’t doctors that are complaining about the chocolates and information. They’re a bunch of karens masquerading as doctors. Note who they are and never ever let them treat you for anything. If they were truly doctors they would want to investigate treatments that are actually working to save lives. It seems as though the biggest drug cartel in the world, (big pharma), has unlimited influence

  4. Sooooo….. They threatened and attempted to take away our medical licenses, we send them chocolate, and they feel threatened!!!!!!! What a bunch of cowardly totalitarian Karens!

      • That is just a ridiculous lie, and actually just more of the psychological projection in which radical leftist authoritarians routinely engage, John.
        In truth, ALL of the official mandates and coercion surrounding this panicdemic that has been whipped up by the political establishment and corporate media (both of which you obsequiously bow to at every opportunity) has come from “your side”, the side of statist power and tyranny. Your statement is even less than merely stupid.

      • Goodness John. Comparing doctors trying their best to take care of patients and save lives based on what they know, believe, and have witnessed to overt rioters and looters and terrorists? And then accusing these doctors that are fighting for less rigidness from the government agencies of being “totalitarians”. Do you really expect to convince anybody of anything with this? The only person you are fooling is yourself and the like minded desperately needing to justify whatever is going on inside of your hive mind. As far as everyone else, you are convincing them that you have lost grips and are lashing out like people do that are experiencing cognitive dissonance.

        You are the enemy to a free and healthy society until you can take some time to reflect and be humbled, IMO, with respect. I sincerely believe you are making a fool of yourself. I’m not saying that to be insulting. I’m saying that because the world needs opposing viewpoints that are relevant. What you are spewing out is irrational garbage that obviously is only inspired by a desperate need to protect your self-righteousness and spite. I’m just recommending pumping the breaks and taking two steps back to see how what you are saying is a complete contradiction of your own beliefs.

        I’m not subscribing to comments any longer. So no need to reply back to me. I won’t see it.

        • Justin: such hypocrisy! You ream out Seymour for the use of the word “totalitarian” and how such a loaded term won’t convince anyone. Then you insult him with typical exaggeration – hive mind, lashing out, lost your grip, enemy to a free and healthy society, fool, irrational garbage, self-righteousness and spite. You’re are a flaming holier-than-thou hypocrite.

  5. Yep, nothing says ‘hate’ and ‘intimidation’ like a free gift of chocolate.
    I guess that’s why I have always felt terror while passing through the candy aisle at the grocery store.
    Honestly, THIS is a problem? I guess the oh-so-sensitive doctors complaining here are too-delicate snowflakes as well as being hypocrites, mindless groupthinking conformists, and violators of their Hippocratic oaths and medical ethics.

      • If they chose to gift me with free chocolate, they, or anyone else, is more than welcome.
        What would be YOUR problem with that scenario, John? Clearly, you and all these other radical credentialed authoritarians associated with the corporate-medical-pharmaceutical establishment are just feigning mock outrage, and once again desperately trying to claim the moral high ground that you do not and never did occupy.

          • One does not encounter flak until one is over the target, Evan, so I take the numerous, rabidly hysterical and desperate, but intellectually empty, attacks from you and John Seymour as demonstrations that I have indeed hit the target.
            To the extent that your posts here are not in that vein, I simply take them as confession-as-projection, at which you and John and Frank Rask excel, i.e., accusing others of the faults, crimes and sins of one’s own.

  6. Wow. Well first, I don’t think the gesture was a good idea.

    I suspect these people, those that went through the trouble and seemingly almost pathological effort, to purposefully attack fellow healthcare professionals for wanting to treat patients with safe early treatment medications that are proving effective, are not nice people. Hence goodwill would not be recognized nor appreciated and especially any information that contradicts their rigid, maniacally control-focused ideas. Sadly I would suspect the psychiatrist, Dr. Moore, may herself benefit from some psychological and/or psychiatric health. I do hope she is getting it so that she can feel ‘safe’ again.

    It really would have been a better idea to leave well enough alone as the medical board ruled in favor of the Covid Alliance. Sadly it appears the gesture was received as the equivalent of salt on a wound.

    • I once worked with the director of mental health for a state. He was a psychiatrist. He stated that the psychiatrists he knew were all crazy. I don’t know if he was making a sublime joke or was stating a fact but it was most amusing to think about.

    • No luck was involved. The intent seems to have been education with a sweet treat. The result seems to have been the common progressive disorder response of feeling attacked for no apparent reason.

  7. Sounds to me like the complaining doctors are number one upset that other doctors would use their head for something other than a hat rack, two have a closed mind for anything that doesn’t involve big pharma’s money, three are paranoid about a gift and information package and four are feeling a little guilty that they didn’t join the Alliance. Using the Medical Board as a tool to attack the Alliance will not go well for them when the public finds out that the Alliance has NOT done harm to the publuc through the use of alternative medicines, but the use of the medicine of choice for those going in to the hospitals is killing people. Hopefully people will wake up and go to the Alliance instead of the hospital.

  8. Hard to follow up after reading the previous comments because they said it so well. These complaining “doctors” are hysterical. When I saw them described as, “Karens” it does seem surprisingly appropriate because you don’t think of “Karens” as being supposedly higher educated individuals in the medical field. They truly are in a group-think hypnosis, riding the coattails of their own degrees which they managed to attain who knows how long ago. And then they stopped learning, stopped considering, stopped seemingly all forms of conscious thinking, then they formed a coffee-clatch on Facebook and now they have reverted into their lizard brains of fear and anxiety. I think the medical board really needs to look into their behaviors and question why they would be so intimidated by other licensed medical professionals wanting to have an honest dialogue with them about COVID.

  9. So the Covidians are OK with attempting to destroy other peoples careers, but freak out over a gift basket?

    This society deserves to fall.

  10. They are whining about chocolate after they tried to delicense other MDs that disagreed with them. Of course Providence and Their hired henchmen doctors don’t want to treat Covid with Therapeutics. They get paid big bucks if they put Covid on the diagnosis and if they give the Covid approved kidney killer Remdisivir. More if they put you on a ventilator and die. It’s all about the $$$ and covering their own Massive medical malpractice.

  11. COVID Alliance doctors are world renowned quacks. They have deceived and defrauded thousands of people. Who could be surprised that they are trolling real doctors and gaslighting those who adhere to ethical medical practice?

    • Hey John,
      There a few shills that show up in here from time to time, but there isn’t a one of them that can out-halfwit you… (Queue Tina Turner singing ‘Simply the Best’). I suppose it would be different if you had two brain cells to rub together. If you happen to stumble upon the other one, maybe you could come back at it. Until then, SILENCE.

      • North: Seymour called them quacks. You squealed with typical ignorance – neener neener.

        Facts are simple: masks help, social distancing helps but the best (though not perfect) strategy is vaccination.

        But you and other MRAK enthusiasts will dismiss peer reviewed science in favor of the MyPillow dooshbag cuz you HATE people who are smarter than you

        • Let’s see… I will use the new definition of “vaccine” in this thread since the term now refers to reduction of symptoms and not full immunity as was the case for the polio and small pox vaccines.

          Present Covid vaccines indirectly evoke an immune response by directing the creation of antigens that the body creates antibodies to neutralize. This provides the person with the ability to limit the symptoms of the virus but does not prevent reinfections nor transmission.

          IVM and HCQ enhance the transfer of zinc into cells to aid in fighting the virus and reduce symptoms while the body creates a direct immunity to the virus. So, yes… they don’t directly “cure” but then neither do the Covid vaccines.

          As to “peer review”, I counter that we are in an era of peer censorship akin the the days of arguing against the germ theory. Publishing true data on IVM and HCQ has the same reaction as prescribing it…accusations of heresy. The positive effects of them is more than anecdotal.

          Through billions of doses of IVM and HCQ the safety index is far superior to the side effects of the vaccines. (yes… “as more die, more are being saved”…..)

          The paranoia shown upon receipt of the gift/information packets offers a new social-medical term… Karenoia. Instead of a “thank you, but no thank you” response to the gift, this is now elevated to a level which further demonstrates a lack of psychological cushioning mature healthy adults would have. My recommendation is…. pop a few Valium or have a good stiff drink and read a nice book. The perception of integrity you save may be your own.

        • Evan,
          I see that it is difficult to accept that the feeble minded John Seymour has been crowned instead of you. Industry sponsored ‘facts’ and ‘fact checkers’ are the order of the day, and clearly are far to complex and effective for you to consider questioning or looking past where they direct your thoughts to. Probably best if you did NOT start to question it now. Just be certain to get your boosters. Your voice will fall silent soon enough.

          BTW – I don’t HATE anything. Not even you. That said, your projection is transparent.

    • Just more of your specious, dishonest and disingenuous projection and gaslighting, John. Have you no shame whatsoever?
      In actual fact, it is all those mindlessly conformist, un-critical-thinking, “go along to get along” groupthinking Covidian doctors who are the ones who have abandoned their medical ethics and their Hippocratic oath. REAL science does not demand blind conformity and unquestioning obedience to power and authority.

        • Actually it does, as proven by numerous studies.
          ‘Ivermectin is an FDA-approved broad-spectrum antiparasitic agent with demonstrated antiviral activity against a number of DNA and RNA viruses, including severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).’
          From the National Institute Of Health.
          Of course, to an ignorant troll with an agenda that means nothing.

        • Evan, ignoring the facts isn’t going to change them. Ivermectin does not kill the virus, it reduces the body’s inflammatory response from going off the rails into a cytokine storm(which seems to contribute primarily to a poor outcome for patients). It’s like Motrin doesn’t heal your sprained ankle. Motrin only blocks the pain receptors, so you can get some rest and let your body do the work, while also reducing inflammation. After almost 2 years your March 2020 rhetoric is getting old and worn out. Read a little will you, please.

        • Evan,
          A vast body of scientific evidence proves your statement of Covidian faith to be not just wrong, but a willful lie.
          Your denial of reality, and the denial of reality in which all you blind believers in pro-establishment orthodoxy engage in regularly, has reached the level of outright psychosis.
          Tell me, because I have asked this question many times, here and in other online forums, but people like you will never answer it: How does it feel to be a kneejerk conformist and sycophant to those in power? Do you thereby somehow feel more righteous, or is it purely out of fear and moral cowardice that you willingly lick the boots of sociopaths in power?

  12. Unfreaking believable! It should be a matter of public information who these complainants are, and that info should be widely known. I would have absolutely no trust in their objectivity or capabilities in treating patients. That they would allow science and data to be shoved aside to accommodate political viewpoints is beyond frightening.

    I don’t trust anyone who has a nose ring and is led around by political winds.

    • It is widely available. Check out the article mentioned at the beginning of the is article “From A to Z, doctors who signed complaint letter” . You are right that everyone should know these names:

  13. Pitiful indeed to receive fudge unexpectedly during the Christmas season from professional societies. YOU COULD JUST SAY “THANKS” like every other business person does. But, no. They want pity of all things and federal intervention. Piteous indeed.

  14. Sounds like more thin skinned milenials that need psychological help. Give me a break. Our country is doomed these bunch of pansy’s got their nose into politics and got what they deserved,

    How about a list of these morons so we can all avoid their them.

  15. Got to wonder if dunleavy will step in and bring in doctors from the outside for a ridiculous amount of money to help solve this conflict!?
    Jab jab jab jab jab

  16. The sad truth is cohabitation will no longer work. We need a national divorce from these people, but how do we divide up the country, and the states? How much longer can we live with people that want a godless, lawless utopia?

  17. Elizabeth Henry summed it all up well and I would only add one word to the end of her post “self-inflicted” wound.

  18. What caught my attention was that Providence would not allow the gifts to be delivered there. I don’t know if there was a legitimate reason for that, but it seems unlikely.
    So I have to say again, that Providence can’t be trusted for health care anymore. If I have to be hospitalized or have surgery, I would prefer to go elsewhere.
    Something is wrong there, and I think it starts at the CEO.

    • I think if you know of a good surgeon that didn’t take part in this petition, you are probably ok if they have to use Prov’s surgery center. Prov has a ton of money and they have some of the best equipment. But ya, I am with you. I don’t enjoy ever giving Prov more money and I don’t trust Prov’s ER or hospital care, especially when it comes to Covid. I wholeheartedly agree that the CEO smells bad too, but that goes with Prov everywhere. They try to monopolize every municipality they go into, subtly or not so subtly get involved in politics, and buy up private practices and provide all of the surgery centers. They are as non-profit as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that only seems to be getting more money instead of giving it all away as Bill vowed he would do before he died. After “donating” 10 billion to the foundation and seeing it turn into 200 billion, he called it “My best investment”. Prov is 100% the same. Prov’s goal is to make money, grow, and take over, and they tell themselves it is so they can “do more good”. I really wonder how much the Catholic Church is steering that ship. Either they aren’t, or they are but don’t want nuns and priests and some archbishops to think they are or think they are allowed to get in the way. I’m getting into sensitive territory, and so with respect to Catholics that I love and cherish, I’ll just say as an outsider, I ponder this.

  19. It never stops. Whatever the “Left” accuses the “Right” (sorry, that’s the basic division we’ll use here) of doing, has become the pattern of EXACTLY what the Left is doing.
    Examples: “You’re intolerant and we hate you!” “You’re racist, because you’re white!”
    And here we are again:
    “You’re intimidating me!!”
    Uh, attempting to revoke a person’s livelihood didn’t qualify as intimidating? And the only response was chocolates and a pamphlet?
    One does wonder if the trees are too close for these people.

  20. These people are insane?. There is no dealing with them using good Christian values of kindness and cooperation. They are content in their ignorance and determined to slander those who disagree with their control tactics. The real Doctors and Scientists do the research for themselves – not drink the Kool Aid because they are mandated to do so. Shame on you!
    Praise to the Covid Alliance for putting forth the Science that the public is not allowed to hear so that We The People can make our own informed decisions.

  21. These hysterical Karens are not doctors, except in name only.
    What they are, is members of a cult. It beggars the imagination to try and picture just how diseased one’s mind would be, that your response to a gift of chocolate, would be to bravely throw it down onto your driveway and……… the cops?????
    It’s a travesty that people are entrusting their medical care to these unhinged dingbats who run away shrieking in terror upon being faced with an opposing viewpoint, one that is often about medicine that has been safely used for over 50 years.
    Anyone who is still unaware that these Covidiots are a cult, has to have been asleep for the past two years…

    • I think many of the population just shrugged their shoulders and “trusted the science”. They didn’t put any skin in the game, and just went with whatever because they don’t trust the government that much, but they do trust most doctors and whatever, hopefully this will be over soon enough. Those people have to be seeing the cult now. That’s my hope anyway. The more these people get exposure for their behaviour and reaction to things, the better. My only concern is that eventually members of the cult will probably be embarrassed, but instead of having a change of heart, they deflect again (like they did with Jussie Smollet) they get even more spiteful, vengeful, and vindictive. The message coming out of the cult now is “healing” and “resilience” and how climate change is still on everyone’s minds…. so heads up. Climate change isn’t about the planet just like covid isn’t about the virus. It’s about needing a cause and needing to be heroes against enemies.

      • I’m with you Justin, in seeing some rays of hope that the general populous is waking up and seeing the damage that is being done to people who take the experimental “Vaccines”, and pushing back.
        Only time will tell whether or not it is ‘too little, too late.’

      • Justin: It seems like you are applying the term “cult” to the Alaska Covid Alliance. That makes sense, but coming from you, it doesn’t make sense.

        As for climate change: do you trust your thermometer?

    • Tim: what if the CDC dropped a gift bag on your doorstep with information about the benefits of masks and vaccinations. You’d plop a brick and call out the Oath Keepers to defend your privacy.

      • As always, and as is the MO of a troll, you are projecting.
        The CDC has proved themselves to be liars and propagandists, but I would not begin trembling and drop their gift in my driveway, and run screaming into the house to call the police.
        I would merely throw their propaganda into my burn barrel, and keep the gift, if it had any use to me, if not, I’d give it away to someone who can use it.

  22. How ironic… As one who worked in medical offices for years, we had pharmaceutical reps come to our offices regularly bearing many gifts of chocolates, scheduled meals & all forms of items promoting their medications, treatments with their pharmaceutical brand all over them. Did not these same Doctors not consider how their fellow colleagues felt by reporting them to the medical board due to their differing treatment stance? Was that not intimidating to them? Especially when knowing their goal was to have their colleagues lose their licenses to practice?

  23. Intimidated by chocolates and viable information?…Really?…What a bunch of medical fascist scum. Never let these doctors treat you for anything. They are eugenicists!

    • SM: this is what disturbs me most about commenters on MRAK. You have so sense of proportion or nuance. It’s nuclear bombs or nothing. Doctors are eugenicists? Medical fascist scum? You haven’t the skills of reason and discernment and it diminishes the thrust of your effort.

  24. These are all adults, and doctors! Wow, overreaction much?
    Could they not have graciously accepted the gifts but then said, I don’t agree with you but appreciate your olive branch gesture. It’s how a civilized society reacts. I suspect they feel threatened because they know they are in the wrong.
    We’ve all just opened Christmas gifts. Did you get some you did not like? Be gracious when receiving gifts. At least that’s how I was taught.

  25. Thank you MRAK for publishing the names of these idiots who asked the Medical Board to discipline the real medical professionals who were practicing the art and science of medicine. They saved countless lives while these other losers cancelled all of our appointments for cancer screenings, dental cleanings, MRIs, etc and simply hid in their homes for a year.

    I found my OBGYN of over 20 years on that list and dumped her like the piece of garbage that she clearly is. Good riddance too – I prefer to be treated by an open minded professional in private practice and not some hive-minded member of The Borg Collective.

    I advise everyone to keep that list (embedded in this article) handy and we patriots start cancelling the socialists for a change. It seems to work well and it’s a language they speak – real, material losses.

    • It’s not cancelling if you aren’t threatening employers and sponsors with attacks from a lefty twitter army that composes less than .001% of the population that the lefty news media gives credence to. So, what you are talking about is good old fashioned free markets and boycotting and it requires something much more than people getting a power trip from using their twitter account and taking advantage of the hive mind behavior.

      I’ve been calling it a Borg Collective as well. The parallels are all there, some might even say all the way down to nanotech and microchip implants, just look at what’s going on in Sweden. And many members of this collective, I have no doubt, love Star Trek. Just goes to show that many aren’t against the Borg because of the concept but only because they are part of a different enemy collective.

      I will say that I work with doctors that have been pro-vaccines, pro FDA, pro Fauci, believe everything that comes out of the CDC, but didn’t take part in this petitioning and probably had an opportunity to. So good on them for at least being somewhat rational. The real interesting thing is that a minority of the infectious disease specialists in town signed the petition. Really wonder how dumb that makes a gastroenterologist and psychiatrist feel for signing something so outside their areas of expertise. They should feel intimidated. People that support lies deserve to feel threatened by the truth. And how ruthless does it look for an infectious disease specialist to believe others should lose their license for not following “settled science” or the “consensus” when they themselves are in the minority in that thinking. Well, if they were so sure of themselves to sign the petition, why should the care if these “quacks” sent them a box of chocolates. What happened to their courage? I can see how it comes across as a threat. What do they expect to happen if they go after colleagues licenses?

  26. They are high priests and priestesses of the Covidian cult. There can be no tolerance or dialog with anyone who disagrees with their dogma and sacraments as espoused by their papal figure, Lord Fauci and minions such as Ann Zink.

  27. Who here would accept food from random strangers that announced they were from or advocated a group that you were opposed to? As one commentator previously noted, how many here would take a box of chocolates from antifa? And if antifa were to try to deliver that box of chocolates to your work but was turned away only to track you to your home, would you meet them in the driveway to accept their gift, or would you be there prepared to defend your person and property? Maybe these people bearing chocolates mean no harm and only want to open a dialog, or maybe they are antifa…
    Perspective is a powerful tool.

    • If they were Antifa, there would have been a horde of black masked, black clothed, helmeted thugs carrying weapons, not chocolates and information. And they possibly would have burned down the houses and broken many windows. Your analogy is faulty. Get real.

      • Dave,
        It’s not my analogy, read what I wrote again. It seems like you might be getting the idea of perspective though and you wouldn’t accept chocolates from antifa.

    • Did you seriously just create an analogy between doctors who are curing their patients and 26 year old Antifa thugs who have never worked a day in their miserable lives?

      • No.
        You should read what I wrote again, and seek out the definition of perspective…it’s clear you don’t have any.

        • No – you should read what everyone else wrote and seek out the definition of Leftist ideology……it’s clear you have all of it.

          • That’s funny. Do you even know what leftist ideology is? Exactly which part of what I wrote is leftist ideology?

    • Right, because a pro-alternative treatment advocacy organization is so very in line with how Antifa operates. Right up their ally. LOL!

      Those Covian doctors who want to squelch opposition know exactly who the chocolates were from and chose to spurn them, and spurn dialog, because they hate everything that doesn’t toe the narrative they have given themselves to.
      Yes, perspective is a powerful tool.

  28. I think this was a double edged sword that was perfect. First and foremost it shows that this alliance isn’t afraid of scrutiny and doctors pouring over their data. They aren’t snake oil salesmen that want to quickly fold up shop as soon as another doctor comes by because they don’t want their lies uncovered. They are the opposite. They have asked for discussions and debate and guess who folds up shop and runs away? Anyway, it also gives an opportunity to the ones that are genuine to actually look at the information and have maybe a change of heart, or at least see how the doctors in this alliance have come to their conclusions instead of relying on their enemies to speak for them. For the rest, ya, it’s an act that says, “ya, we see what you did. And here is some information about us if you care to look into what you signed up.” If these people feel threatened and intimidated, it’s because they are standing on shaky ground and should be knocked over before thinking they can pull a stunt like that again. Apparently all it took to knock them down was a box of chocolates and information about the people they oppose. That’s some pretty weak “scientific” ground.

  29. Will the APD also be investigating the kickbacks, er, I mean “incentives” these same doctors receive from Big Pharma for pushing their poisons?

  30. No credibility can be given to the “leader” of the attempt to discredit the doctors who have saved so many people in Anchorage as well as worldwide since she is “just a psychiatrist”! Anyone who is so triggered by receiving a gift basket with chocolate and medical information, that they are threatened and feel the need to file a police report, needs some serious psychiatric help themselves! What I would really like to know is how many medical personnel in the Anchorage area have actually treated themselves, family and friends with the “forbidden drugs” as a last ditch attempt to save someone who is critically ill!

  31. A complaint to the state and a police report??? LOL. These “doctors” wasted tax payer dollars to intimidate — indeed punish — better doctors and suppress the truth. I’m surprised these shallow, angry, un-teachable snowflake “doctors” didn’t ask for congressional hearings — like the Jan 6 witch hunt. “Doctor” Moore needs a shrink — and some meds. Get a grip, lady. Get a new profession.

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