Attorney General Treg Taylor provides guidance to librarians regarding obscene material being made available for kids and teens


Treg Taylor, Alaska’s Attorney General, on Thursday issued a directive to public librarians across the state regarding the pornographic and arguably obscene content being increasingly pushed on to minors in libraries. This move follows growing public concern over books with graphic sexual content accessible to children and teenagers in both school and public libraries.

In a detailed letter, Taylor outlined the legal implications of providing such material to minors, highlighting three key areas: state criminal laws, municipal ordinances, and state and federal education laws. He emphasized the responsibility of librarians and educators in ensuring their collections do not violate these laws.

Key Legal Provisions Cited:

  1. Distribution of Indecent Materials to Minors (AS 11.61.128): This statute criminalizes the distribution of sexually explicit material to children under 16. The law requires proving the distributor’s age, intention, and knowledge of the material’s nature. Violations can be classified as a Class C felony.
  2. Enticement of a Minor (AS 11.41.452): This Class B felony involves communication with minors to engage in sexual acts. It stresses that actual engagement in these acts isn’t necessary for a violation; mere enticement or encouragement is sufficient.
  3. Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor (AS 11.51.130): This law applies to those aiding minors under 18 in breaking state laws.

Municipal Ordinances and Education Laws: The letter also references municipal ordinances, such as Anchorage’s, which make disseminating indecent material to minors a misdemeanor. In terms of education laws, while no direct statutes govern library materials, librarians in schools are required to provide library records of minors to parents or guardians.

The Attorney General urged librarians and school districts to review their policies and conduct to ensure compliance with these laws. He highlighted the importance of protecting minors and reminded public employees of the protections offered under Alaska’s Whistleblower Act for reporting violations.

Taylor said he hopes the letter will assist librarians in navigating and complying with the law, ensuring a safe and lawful environment for minors accessing library materials.

Anchorage schools remove ‘Gender Queer’ graphic memoir from school shelves

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  1. Ok so who do I talk to? I have a list of titles that are clear violations, and they were hand picked by Felix Rivera.

    • Send all the info to the AG, CC the principal, librarian, school board, must read Alaska, and your attorney if you have one…

    • Perhaps the AG himself? I dunno…is there an attorney in AK that would file suit if a case came forward?

      Suzanne, Is there a link available for the directive so we can read it ourselves?

    • File a report with the Troopers. I doubt APD will do anything because they essentially work for him, and he controls their budget.

    • Contact the Mayor’s office on local Anchorage school library violations, email Treg Taylor for the state criminal offenses. List facts, documented violations, pictures when possible, including names, dates, places.

    • This should def be investigated. He has a lot to say in his position. Hand picked by him. Asking why he thinks these type of books are needed???.
      Parents, be aware!!!

    • The AG’s office or your local prosecutor. If the Grand Jury system was working correctly, a sitting GJ could take your complaint and act on it.

  2. Closest thing I got to anything “inappropriate” as a youth, in the school library were the old National Geographic mags that had African women in them that were topless….. because, culture. The most confusing thing to me were the several metal neck rings and those huge lip plates in their lower lips.

  3. Could you please provide a link to the AG’s letter? The only recent letter I found on the AG’s website was a letter clarifying the right of parents to be notified two weeks in advance of school lessons about gender identity,

    • Here is a link to the AG’s directive to librarians: ‘

  4. It’s almost as if there was an earnest sincerety in that time, but of course “there’s nothing new under the sun”.

    Pornography was available then. And kids, interested in that, could find it, or I imagine lived in an environment where it was readily available.

    Maybe, it’s the cynicism, blatant and evidentiary irony on full display at this time, wherein some major political parties avoid ethical, humanitarian goals, to promote obscenity in public arenas as if it should be simply acceptable. Any day, now, should ‘All in the Family’ make a comeback, with all its entrenched tropes? When my husband arrived to this country, at the tail end of troops returning to the USA on Pan American Airlines, he was advised that if wanted to understand American culture he should watch the TV show with his college buddies.

    Of course, growing up homestead-style, we didn’t have a TV set at home, but when I watched that classic program in its long-running reruns at the laundromat, it seemed a fluff and fascinating satire. The laugh track in the background, is what I am sure was educational for my husband. I am not an elitist, AV, by the way. With eight of us there would’ve been no time to watch television except once a week, perhaps.

  5. Who is going to do the spot checks at the libraries to make sure these obscene books do not creep onto the shelves, accidentally on purpose?

  6. We as a state really need to change our education system and get back to learning English math and history. We don’t need to be learning about sex in school. It doesn’t help you at all in the real world alaska is in the bottom for education.

  7. Now the Alaska Attorney General needs to review all of the Alaska curriculum to ensure classroom grooming is stopped. How about former Anchorage Acting mayor’s drag queen party for minors? Pictures were posted on Fakebook!

    Time to prosecute the evil demons that are grooming children!

  8. It will take EVERY tool at our disposal to ferret out and overcome the evil that has taken root. This is an excellent development. Thank you AG Taylor.

  9. Thank you AG Taylor! Everyone print this and post in your public and school libraries! Provide to your librarians! Share and post in your medias! Tape it to the outside of those obscene books! Let’s get this state cleaned up!

  10. Ah yes. Nothing says America like banning books. Also, who gets to decide exactly what qualifies as obscene, etc.? Who is going to have this job? Doesn’t history teach us that this is the very person most likely to become debauched? It’s like Canadian laws trying to dictate to people which pronouns they have to use when addressing people. Equally ridiculous. If a kid brings home a book that their parents feel is inappropriate, then THAT is the correct point of the decision making process, not the government.

    • First of all this is not banning books. We requested just moving them to the adult section or older teens. That was rejected.
      Do you believe in outlawing pornography graphs for children?
      That is what many of these books are!
      He didn’t even address federal poronography laws!

    • Funny how you reach for the “banning books” lie; nobody is banning books. They will not be available in school libraries. That’s not a ban, that’s geography. Drive to the several muni library locations and quite literally have a ball. Touch any children inappropriately lately?

      • Aren’t conservatives against big government? This s allowing someone other than parents to determine the “geography” of books as you put it. You’re kidding yourself.

        • Your comment is perfectly indicative of the Left’s inability to prove any level of basic reasoning even when facing common sense and reality.

          You didn’t execute a, “gotcha” statement, you showed you have the critical thinking skills of an12 year old.

          Any person opposed to this, supports pedophiles and grooming of minors and you are a threat to our children.

        • You want children to view pornography.

          Why would you want that to happen?

          Obviously there is no good answer to that, so we are left with your motivations.

    • According to your last sentence Any or all porn is acceptable in the library until the child brings it home and shows it to his/her parents?
      If so you are a Jeenyus.

    • cman, I know you are not that ignorant, so quit while you are ahead. Age-appropriate is not banning.
      It should also be pointed out that Margo Bellamy of the school board did not allow parents to read from these books at a public meeting, because “they were inappropriate since there were students present”! That should say it all.
      Your idea that parents can make a choice when the book goes home, ignores that this is inappropriate content. Teachers have books in their classrooms and allow students to read or students can read at the library during “library hour”. Teachers and librarians become the deciders.
      Here is what I suggest you do:
      Go to a local book store and peruse the following books;
      Gender Queer, Let’s talk about it and This book is gay and then tell us IF you would be okay if your 6 year old brought that home and asked you to read it aloud to him/her.
      We have warnings about violence, sex, smoking etc on TV shows and movies, we bleep bad words, but somehow graphic pornographic content is perfectly fine for a school library. Really???

      • A Taxpayer: Perhaps you did not read the AG’s letter to librarians? Age-appropriateness is not addressed in the letter or in Alaska state statute or municipal codes as you seem to think. BTW–the three books that you cite as “graphic pornographic content” do not appear in any elementary school catalog anywhere in Alaska, so it is highly unlikely that a six year old child would bring them home to ask parents to read it aloud to them.

        • Age-appropriate was pointed out in conjunction with cman’s claim of banning books and unrelated to the statutes.
          This material and its graphic content in a school library is a violation of the sections the AG sites. Just because they do not appear in any elementary school catalog means little, as teachers may choose to supply their own for their classrooms. If memory serves there was a report about emails last year between librarians and teachers in a local K-12 school regarding supplying these books to the classrooms. My point is simply that kids can be exposed to these books at school WITHOUT parental knowledge and in violation of the statutes the AG presents.
          If these books are so harmless as cman claims then he should have no issues reading them aloud.

    • I will agree with you, but the statutes cited are sufficient. I note that the AG is not pursuing any investigations, which speaks loudly to those who would harm our kids.

    • Frank–Publishers Weekly calls Taylor’s actions “chilling.” I think that his directive can certainly be interpreted as “chilling,” both in the legal sense of prior restraint AND in the sense of being horrifying or frightening.

      • Oh get over yourself! “horrifying and frightening” please!!
        Nothing in the statutes infringes on your ability to free speech, peaceable assembly or contributing to this blog. These books are available to anyone, who wishes to purchase them for their own household. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor isn’t “free speech”.

        It makes it clear that lewd and pornographic material per the statutes has no place in a venue predominantly populated by minors. When teacher and librarians offer these materials to impressionable minor students without parents knowledge, it infringes on parents rights to direct the education of their children and interferes with the parents desire to freely impart their religious beliefs to their children. A right guaranteed under the 1st amendment.
        While you demand government stay out of your way, you are using PUBLIC schools (a function of government) in perpetuating YOUR agenda.

    • Actually pedophilia and grooming minors, and for that matter any child under 18 is not protected under the 1st Ammendment.

      But I bet a million bucks you can’t reason why.

      That is your problem, for whatever reason, you can’t comprehend the principles and reasonable application based on natural law, aka, reality.

      Even now as you’re what I write, it literally is like reading Greek for you…so sad…because it is your hubrus and anger, not your intelligence that is keeping you from understanding.

      You have the longest list of hypocrisy, being wrong about your accusations, and chaos because you have no moral compass. Even to the point not defending pedophilia, murdering babies, and mutilating children… should I mention your border philosophy increases human trafficking, drug deaths, and gangs?

      You know what the 1st Ammendment does expressly say?

      It specifically states the government is not allowed to suppress religious expression and political speech, both of which you want censored.

      Newsflash to the Lefties…you are not going to get a “gotcha” by trying to use the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as a way to grossly exagerate how we define it to gaslight us that we are the hypocrites.

  11. What took so long AG? This has been happening for years. There should be harsher penalties for violations, a misdemeanor? Needs to be a felony in my book.

  12. I’d like to see laws that ban all books containing instances of incest, prostitution and rape banned. Oh wait, that would include the Bible.


    • That’s a pretty obtuse way of putting it. Besides, I remember when people were wanting that banned in schools as well.

      If parents really want kids to read books that aren’t in the school library, there’s always the public library or a variety of book stores. It’s kind of like changing the channel, or using TV show and movie ratings.

    • More disingenuous twaddle from a muddle-headed radical leftist extremist.

      The difference between what is in the Bible and what is in the perversion-pandering grooming manuals for children that you defend, is that the references to prostitution, incest and rape in the Bible are object lessons in SIN — they are there precisely to teach what NOT to do in a civilized and moral society, not as something to be encouraged.

      • Jefferson–perhaps it’s been a while since you read the Bible. Most of the incest chronicled in the Bible was not to teach against sin as you claim. From: ‘ we get this information: “There are numerous examples of incest in the Bible. The most commonly thought-of examples are the sons/daughters of Adam and Eve (Genesis 4), Abraham marrying his half-sister Sarah (Genesis 20:12), Lot and his daughters (Genesis 19), Moses’ father Amram who married his aunt Jochebed (Exodus 6:20), and David’s son Amnon with his half-sister Tamar (2 Samuel 13). … It is important to distinguish between incestuous relationships prior to God commanding against them (Leviticus 18:6–18) and incest that occurred after God’s commands had been revealed. Until God commanded against it, it was not incest. It was just marrying a close relative. It is undeniable that God allowed “incest” in the early centuries of humanity. Since Adam and Eve were the only two human beings on earth, their sons and daughters had no choice but to marry and reproduce with their siblings and close relatives. The second generation had to marry their cousins, just as after the flood the grandchildren of Noah had to intermarry amongst their cousins.”

  13. I found this press release posted today on the Attorney General’s page.

  14. If they won’t remove deviant sexual indoctrination materials simply take a supply of black markers to your local library and redact the sections depicting illegal or abnormal material. Enforcement of the law and protection of our most vulnerable falls to the individual when the government fails in its duty. Remember that all police power actually originates in the individual and law enforcement agencies only exist as a convenience to the rest of us so that we aren’t required to handle every violation of our rights. Government and law enforcement would like you to believe that their power and authority come from some higher source but it does not…everything originates in the people and we have the right to take our power back when our public servants fail us.

    • Since the Anchorage Library System has removed all fines on overdue books, I would suggest just checking the (in)appropriate books out, and throwing them in a dumpster. What are they going to do?

      • Yeah, that is a horror, but please don’t mind pedophiles and groomers parking in the Teachers and Libraian lot.

  15. On the same day that Alaska AG Treg Taylor published a news release about his letter to school and public librarians, the Northern Justice Project and the ACLU filed a lawsuit against the Mat-Su Borough School District against its removal of 56 books from circulation. You can read the facts of the case and the court filing itself here: ‘

  16. In response to a Leftist who tried to say that moving the books is an infringement of the 1st Ammendment.

    It was such a nonsensical argument I just had to share what he said.

    Now here is my open response to anyone who is pushing back on this very needed and righteous letter by the AG.

    “Actually pedophilia and grooming minors, and for that matter any child under 18 is not protected under the 1st Ammendment.

    But I bet a million bucks you can’t reason why.

    That is your problem, for whatever reason, you can’t comprehend the principles and reasonable application based on natural law, aka, reality.

    Even now as you’re what I write, it literally is like reading Greek for you…so sad…because it is your hubrus and anger, not your intelligence that is keeping you from understanding.

    You have the longest list of hypocrisy, being wrong about your accusations, and chaos because you have no moral compass. Even to the point not defending pedophilia, murdering babies, and mutilating children… should I mention your border philosophy increases human trafficking, drug deaths, and gangs?

    You know what the 1st Ammendment does expressly say?

    It specifically states the government is not allowed to suppress religious expression and political speech, both of which you want censored.

    Newsflash to the Lefties…you are not going to get a “gotcha” by trying to use the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as a way to grossly exagerate how we define it to gaslight us that we are the hypocrites”

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