What’s up with the Walden Bros? Trent & Trevor talk about when U.S. Sen. Sullivan visited their store



In this episode of the Must Read Alaska Show, host John Quick sits down with Trent and Trevor, the dynamic duo behind Walden Bros, a custom clothing business in Alaska. Walden Bros specializes in creating unique hats, shirts, and hoodies for both individuals and businesses, catering to orders of all sizes.

John and the Waldens delves into their journey, discussing what inspired them to start Walden Bros, the valuable lessons they’ve learned along the way, and the memorable moment when U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan visited their shop on K-Beach Road in Soldotna.

They also talk about the challenges posed by inflation and how it has impacted their business of customized clothing. Tune in for an insightful conversation about entrepreneurship, creativity, and resilience in Alaska’s vibrant business landscape.

Find out morę about them here: https://waldenbros.store/ 

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  1. Trump’s proposed blanket tariff’s would be more inflationary than Biden’s targeted tariffs, particualrly for clothing. Low information voters do not understand the correlation. They prefer to hear Trump talk about times that are not coming back and how Trump will maintain their white privelege.

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