The Freedom Convoy in support of the Canadian truckers anti-mandate convoy is spreading across Alaska. Drivers should on Sunday expect to encounter long convoys of trucks and cars in numerous communities, to include:
- Mat-Su convoy to Anchorage starts at 11 am
- Anchorage convoy to Eagle River starts at 1:30 pm
- Eagle River post-convoy event starts at 3 pm
- Kenai convoy starts at 1:30 pm
- Interior convoy w/potluck dinner & BBQ starts at 3 pm
More details that have been made available from Alaskans Against Mandates:

Sunday, Feb. 611am – Depart from Trunk Road Park ‘n Ride and travel to Anchorage to meet up with Anchorage convoy at Cabela’s
Rally Route: From Trunk Road Park ‘n Ride, head south (inbound) to Anchorage, left on C St., left on 100th, then take the second right and follow to Cabela’s. Information about the Anchorage to Eagle River convoy is at the bottom of this page.

Sunday, February 6th
1:30pm – Depart from the Kenai Walmart (10096 Kenai Spur Hwy)

INTERIOR (Delta, Healy and surrounding communities to Fairbanks):
Sunday, Feb. 6
3pm – Join at the Carlson Center or along the route to the second rally point at the Safeway Parking Lot in North Pole; convoy route is from Carlson Center to North Pole Shopping Center:
Leave the Carlson Center towards Airport Way traveling SOUTH on Wilber Street;
Turn right on Airport Way traveling WEST past Pioneer Park towards Peger Road;
Turn right on Peger Road traveling NORTH toward the Johansen Expressway;
Take the On-Ramp onto the Johansen Expressway traveling EAST towards the Steese Hwy;
Turn right on the Steese Hwy traveling SOUTH towards North Pole to the Santa Clause Exit;
Plan extra time, depending on participation it may be slow-going, organizers said. The group says its best guess is that the convoy will leaving the Carlson Center at around 4 pm.
I’ll be in church at 11 am.
Pray for us.
And the Branch Covidians are in church every time they put on their beloved masks.
Mongo, Anchorage to Eagle River starts at 1:30. Join the fun ?
Bring your trucker hat, your cowboy boots, your CB, and your dog, hop into your rig, and head north. You won’t need your log book. It only goes to Eagle River. The long hauls are for real truckers.
America First people get confused when Canada First differs in health choices. This is called MAGA Deranged Syndrome
And just as we have come to expect, Frank, your comment makes no sense whatsoever.
I suspect that your radical leftist divorcement from reality has become terminal.
Sorry, not sorry.
Canada First means American truckers can stuff their mandate objections and MAGA hats until they receive vaccines or the pandemic ends. What a waste of fuel
That statement is so logically incoherent, it’s making dead people dumber.
Honk Honk…..Let’s go Brandon
It’s nice the Anchorage area can publish the Freedom Convoy, it’s times, and locations. Here in Juneau we have an investigation in place for our secretly organized freedom parade. The offense? They supposedly didn’t have a permit. Sad when you have to get government permission to go for a ride and place an American flag on your door.
Jim, its blindingly obvious our totalitarian-inclined, communist-leaning, city government is contriving to exert retribution over those in Juneau who do not conform to their pathetic ideologies. There was no “parade” needing a permit. Unlike a parade, the convoy conformed to all traffic laws. To be consistent, the city would need to require parade permits every day from state workers causing rush-hour traffic on Egan Drive.
Let’s encourage law breaking so more.
Name the law that is being broken here, Suzie.
OK, I’ll cut to the chase: you can’t.
Why do abject cowards, weak-minded conformists and obsequious lackeys for those in power, like you, take pride in, I have to wonder? Anything? Or is simply being an intolerant, self-righteous, bitter, angry, groupthinking NPC somehow provide meaning to your almost certainly empty and unfulfilling lives?
I am humbled and thankful that freedom-loving patriots across this state have chosen to follow the example of those in my home town, Juneau. As you all know, the patriots in Juneau were the first in our state to stage a local convoy rally in support of freedom-loving Canadian truckers. The fact Juneau patriots triggered similar action across the state is uplifting to our spirits. May God bless America….
Let’s go Dunbar!
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