Sunday’s Freedom Convoy in Anchorage picking up steam, may be massive


The Southcentral Alaska group that is promoting a Freedom Convoy 2022 in support of Canadian truckers opposed to vaccine mandates is gathering momentum. The group will stage their trucks near Cabela’s on C Street in Anchorage on Sunday, starting at 1:30 pm. They plan to drive to the Eagle River Lion’s Club.

The route has changed and may change slightly again, organizers said, but currently is going to go to O’Malley Drive, and then turn onto the New Seward Highway going north. Drivers in the convoy will try to remain in the right-hand lane but will be going slowly to keep the convoy together through the lights starting at 36th Ave. The convoy will turn onto the Glenn Highway and head toward Eagle River.

The mayor of Anchorage, Anchorage Police Department, and the State Departments of Transportation and Public Safety have been advised, and the truck scales by JBER will be closed on Sunday, so trucks may bypass.

Drivers in the Anchorage area should be advised that potentially hundreds of trucks and cars will participate and that the route will be jammed with vehicles of all sizes. There are people planning to be on overpasses waving at the convoy as it passes.

The group of people organizing the event will be raising funds to support the Canadian truckers, but will not be using the GoFundMe fundraising platform, which seized the funds that have already been raised, threatened to forward the donated money to the charities of GoFundMe’s choice, and then came under threat of a fraud investigation by the State of Florida. The GoFundMe platform has disqualified itself for use to support the truckers.

Instead, the Anchorage group is planning to use an alternate fundraising platform that respects the concerns of conservatives. Details on that fundraising method for the truckers will be revealed on Sunday.


  1. I’d rather fund the Canadians via GiveSendGo. It’s paradise here compared to what the Canadians and Australians have been suffering through.

  2. The fire of united free people of North America and unified relationships of Alaska with our Canadian friends cannot be quenched. God bless you all who participate and support our truckers, which represents the movement of economy both in Canada and Alaska. Sorry that I cannot be with you in person but definitely in spirit and I will continue to rally and rattle leadership to free our economies.
    I encourage the rally to drive by the Port of Anchorage, as a large portion of our exports and imports are transported through the port in addition via the ALCAN.

    Rep. Ken McCarty

  3. You gonna make a left turn and go through THREE lights to get from Cabelas onto New Seward? That’ll break everything up into small groups.

    You should gather somewhere on the east side of New Seward, like use the frontage road south of OMalley, two lanes, runs from OMalley past Huffman to Dearmoun. Fill both lanes for a mile south. Then use OMalley on ramp.

  4. Why Cabela’s? Why not Sportsman’s warehouse?
    Costco and Cabela’s have been the poster child of draconian mask enforcement in Anchorage while Sportsman’s Warehouse has continually recognized its customers freedom of choice.
    After being physically removed from Cabela’s for refusing to wear a mask I’m not going to pretend they identify with what this FREEDOM convoy represents.

  5. Once again where is our Governor? Why is our state not investigating the fraud call gofundme. Stop hiding under a rock and stand up and help. The health care workers and our National guard need your help now.

    • Milquetoast Mike finds himself in a situation where he cannot stand up and take any decisive action. Why? Because he’s complicit. If he fires Zink and the DHSS cabal, he’ll be implicated. His only option now is to insulate and hope to play the middle. Pathetic. Cowardly. Self preservation.

    • investigate gofundme? ASD is still under the anti-science universal coerced mask edicts, the anchorage assembly is running crazy and stole millions in cares act money and the AKleg is trying to purge a man for wrong think all while they refuse to balance the budget. there are much bigger fish to fry right here at home my friend, screw gofundme let the govs. who have their houses in order worry about that.

  6. GoFundMe Rips $9,000,000 from Freedom Convoy; Planned to Redistribute Fortune to ‘Approved’ Charities Like BLM.

  7. I am worried that Eagle River is going to be too small for all the vehicles that will be driving. I wish they had thought about taking this to the fairgrounds in Palmer.

    • What I wish they would have done would be for the convoy to start in Anchorage as planned, head out to Eagle River as planned, then end up in the front yard of any one of the Marxist Nine, but most of all in front of Christopher Constant’s house.

  8. I’ve tried several times to use givesendgo and it didn’t work for me. A alternative place to donate would be a great option.
    Truck Trudeau ?????????

  9. Although it seems better here in Alaska, our medical staff in Anchorage and other areas are suffering from low staff so many had to quit because they did not want to take this toxic vaccine. Patents in these hospitals must wait until a over worked nurse can get to them, this is no fault toward any nurse it is the fault of hospital administers who make this mandate unreasonable and place the burden on floor staff who take the vaccine even it is against their better judgment on horrible side effects to include death, if minimal care isn’t concern enough patient’s family can not come in to see you and check on you! Now mandate is coming to include all care agencies working with special needs kids/adults in their homes and facilities. What will be next as it creeps throughout our great State one day you will be facing this illegal immoral mandate. Ps support the truckers

  10. Last news on gofundme is that someone smart said to use chargeback to get their monies returned instead of filing paperwork that gfm had never done before. That’s one big chunk o money out of their profit and tells you where the company’s allegiance lies.. They’ve since backed off and are reimbursing all who gave with no hassles.
    I think they screwed the pooch.
    Give send go is trying to keep up with all the donations so don’t give up on them.
    Go truckers!

  11. Givesendgo was featured on Citizens’ Free Press nationally today. So many people used the site to donate to the Canadian truckers, that it was overwhelmed with traffic that it repeatedly crashed.
    It took awhile for each link to come up, but I did get through to make a donation. Just be patient and keep trying!

  12. Where the Hell is the Cowardly Lion aka Governor Dunleavy? History is being made and, as usual, he is missing in action! End the Mandates!

    • The Anchorage Daily (Radical Leftist) Spews has degenerated into such a sad mockery of what it used to be, and what a media outlet should be. I have noticed over the past few years, but especially since the Covidian Cult got rolling two years ago, just how blatantly and unashamedly they have been spinning their headlines and stories to fit the establishment narratives and the radical leftist agenda, along with censoring or refusing to report stories that do not support either. They are now just another corporate media propaganda arm, and or “The Washington (Com)Post – Anchorage Edition”.

  13. A group of teenagers asked me today “Why are you supporting this group (Truckers) when they are stealing food from the homeless and breaking into peoples houses?”
    This is what there telling kids in public school!


  15. I just got back home (4:45 PM Sunday) from the Anchorage-to-Eagle-River trucker’s Rally for Freedom, where I was waving the Alaska state flag from the Hiland Road overpass for over two hours, and it was awesome to behold! And not just for the hundreds of big trucks, and not just the many more smaller personal pickup, Jeeps and SUVs that joined it, but for the even larger number of non-convoy vehicles who nevertheless honked in sympathy and support both before and during the actual trucker’s convey itself.
    It was nice to see so many happy people who appreciate and value freedom, as opposed to the scowling, bitter, angry, intolerant, coercion-happy leftists who unfortunately (for now) dominate Anchorage politics. As a number of us on the overpass said to each other, Eaglexit cannot happen fast enough!

    • I went ice skating instead of watching truckers waste fuel. Hilarious that local truck drivers that don’t come within 250 miles of the Canadian border and are all about America First question Canada’s sovreignty

      • And as usual, Frank, you are blind and utterly clueless to the broader issues at play here. This convoy and rally was about demonstrating support for the Canadian truckers in their righteous resistance to, and rebellion against, medical authoritarianism and fascism in the putative name of ‘public health’, as well as in opposition to the similar (if nationally lesser) Covidian authoritarianism and insanity in our own country.
        As for condemning the “waste of fuel”, I failed to note any analogous condemnations when Burn, Loot and Murder were engaging in numerous violent riots and arsons in 2020.
        Hypocrisy, thy name is radical leftist.

      • Do you do the same thing when an anti-racism rally is held in Anchorage? Go skating? Or do you support it, even though I doubt you have ever been the victim of racism, and I am assuming you are not a racist?
        When an anti-racism rally is held, do you demand that everyone at the rally be a person of color? Or, do you join in and add your voice in solidarity, even if racism does not affect you personally?
        I wonder Frank. Do you put the rallies you agree with under the same microscope?

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