Newsom appoints abortion advocate to Feinstein empty seat


In an exercise in intersectionality, California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sunday said he will be appointing EMILY’s List President Laphonza Butler of Maryland to fill the seat of the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California. Butler is not only black and female, she is lesbian, checking three valuable demographic boxes for Newsom, whom many believe to be eyeing the presidency in 2024, should President Joe Biden falter.

Newsom had earlier said he would appoint a black woman to the seat, if Feinstein was unable to finish her term in office. She died Friday.

EMILY’s List is a fundraising machine that helps elect Democrat women who support abortion. Rep. Mary Peltola of Alaska is one of the beneficiaries of the Fund, having received thousands of dollars from the independent expenditure group in 2022.

EMILY’s List says that since its founding in 1985 it has raised over $700 million to elect Democrat women who support abortion, and it has recruited, trained, and supported candidates that share the abortion-on-demand values of the organization.

Butler was an adviser to Vice President Kamala Harris before becoming the president of EMILY’s List. She was the head of SEIU Local 2015, a union representing more than 325,000 nursing home and home-care workers throughout California. She was on the University of California Board of Regents and was director for public policy and campaigns at Airbnb, where she would have crossed paths with Alaska Democrat political strategist John Henry Heckendorn, of Ship Creek Group, who worked for the CEO of Airbnb during that same period.

She served as a board member for the National Children’s Defense Fund, BLACK PAC, and the Bay Area Economic Council Institute. Butler was a director for the Board of Governors of the Los Angeles branch of the Federal Reserve System. She received a BA in Political Science from Jackson State University.

Although Butler lives in Maryland, according to her EMILYs List biography, she will have to reregister to vote in California in order to represent the state.


  1. Wow! Butler is appointed to a California senator position in a state she cannot legally even vote in, since she lives in Maryland. Checked all the boxes but “resident.” Small detail we’ll just overlook since race, sex, and sexual desires trump locale these days.

  2. Her first new friend in the US Senate will be another pro-abortion woman……..Lisa Murkowski.
    Catholics must be so proud.

    • I recall something in our State Constitution that values privacy and is secular. Religeon has nothing to do with an individuals personal health choices. You should consider that you have a very minority position and most people in Alaska are proud to be represented by Senator Murkowski

  3. So she actually checks 4 demographic boxes, because in addition to being a black female lesbian, she is also a bloodthirsty infanticide enthusiast….

  4. Looks like California just didn’t have a resident qualified to take the position but now Gavin, who clearly combines both beta male and female attributes, can count on funding support in his future campaigns as he champions the rights of “Men Who Identify As Women” to abortion on demand. And, honestly, does it REALLY matter that a “representative of the people” actually come from the population he, she or it purports to represent? Face it, senators take their direction from the party leadership, not the people, and that’s doubly true for Democrats. But appointing someone from the extreme other side of the country does make it undeniably obvious what’s actually going on.

  5. I was wondering how the kackling Kamala became so excited with electric school buses and the dreams of venturing into outer space.
    Butler is president of EMILY’S list that raised 700 MILLION to elect women (and Mary) who support abortion?
    Union Boss for nursing/careworkers in California?
    Board member of Childrens Defense Fund,BLACK PAC, bay area economic council.
    Very impressive resume.
    I am amazed at how much money is raised and spent on Abortion. It is a really big business.
    I can finally grasp the big push for the legislation California politicians and abortion groups trying to legalize and public fund the euthanization of infants up to 30 days after their birth for mothers /parents who changed their mind and decided an infant was just too much for them tp handle.
    I was having conversations with various church and religous groups who were struggling to raise money to counter this big push two years ago and was shocked at just the idea of it.
    I am totally stunned the level the progressive Democrats will go to push what appears to be a form of genocide for infants and children.
    However with Butler being a black lesbian woman of color with the support of many rich people (Newsome Harris Biden Pelosi) It seems the Democrats have become the party of death for unborn and live infants.

    How long before Murky comes out of the closet with her new mentor pinning her to the wall with orders from headquarters?
    Mary owes Butler a huge payback for the support she received from EMILY’S list.
    Its amazing to think Alaska owns TWO prominent swamp creatures.
    Alaska is home to more swamp than any other state so I guess its inevitable.

  6. The state of California residents don’t even have a chance to vote upon a list of candidates to continue serving out late Fiensteins term? Like Alaska did when Don Young died?

    • Her term expires with the 2024 election. The lady appointed only serves that term. She can file for re-election, but she will only serve until Feinstein’s term is up

  7. More proof hair gel is running for President. He has California locked down and is moving to shore up other constituencies.

    It’s also a very calculated move to keep his promise of diversity over talent, while not getting saddled with Barbara Lee. End game is to attempt to plow the road for Schiff.

  8. Barbara Lee supporters are not very happy right now. Newsom boxed himself into a lose-lose situation on this. Imagine the lose-lose situations he could create as POTUS.

  9. Newsom/Butler for President?…since she was Kamala’s advisor that puts her way up on the second rung already.

  10. OMG racist appointment anyone. We used to appoint the best qualified now we appoint based on skin tone. We have no where left to go but down. And a baby killer to boot. Good lord have mercy.

  11. What does it say about the quality of black female political talent in California that hair gel had to import one from Maryland?

  12. Pretty humorous that a bunch of anonymous trolls who purport to be Alaskan and supposedly support the Constitution would tell California what to do when California is excercising their State protocols. The trolling drivel never seems to end.

    • Oh “ Frank”…

      There you go again, getting all butch and macho over your troll business. I can imagine your nostrils flaring, your heart racing, pounding your chest like Tarzan.

      No one, except the imaginary people you post with, is telling California how to do anything. They are questioning the wisdom of it.

      Did you lose a bet?

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