Jamie Allard: Superintendent fails a key test of commitment and judgment



The Anchorage School District is a crash course on the failure of our public schools. It has some of the worst academic performance in the nation.

Superintendent Jharrett Bryantt inherited this mess when he accepted the role of superintendent. He has faced challenges that are undoubtedly compounded by political polarization, racial tension, and ideological propaganda.

Given his desire to improve our communities by investing in students, his recent decision to deny elementary students the chance to meet Dr. Ben Carson, an American hero and symbol of the American Dream, has left many deeply puzzled and disheartened. 

When asked to elaborate about his decision during the recent Anchorage School Board meeting, he refused. His equivocation about which policy gives him such authority, and failing to give any real explanation for his actions leaves room for assumptions and speculation.

Was this a politically charged decision? Would he have disinvited Barack Obama? It’s unfortunate that Bryantt refused to reach across the aisle, look past political affiliations, and put our students first. His actions have created more discord and robbed children of an incredible educational experience. 

Dr. Carson’s journey from humble beginnings to becoming a world-renowned physician is an inspiring story of perseverance and accomplishment. A hardworking single mother gave everything she had to raise him into a man of character, with the grit and determination to achieve the unimaginable. He overcame his disadvantaged childhood, living impoverished in the inner city and nearly failing out of elementary school, to become the youngest Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery in history at Johns Hopkins Hospital, a position he held for 29 years.

He was the first to successfully separate conjoined twins that were attached at the back of the head, and the first to perform an intra-uterine brain surgery. He was awarded the Medal of Freedom, the highest honor a civilian can receive in this country.

He is a former United States Cabinet member, serving as the secretary of Housing and Urban Development. He founded the American Cornerstone Institute, which promotes “faith, liberty, community, and life,” ideals that founded our nation.

That such a distinguished person would take the time to visit Mountain View Elementary School is extraordinary. An inspiring encounter of that magnitude can change the trajectory of a child’s life.

Dr. Carson demonstrates how to make it in life and not let anything stand in your way. It’s just the kind of story needed at one of the most diverse elementary schools in the country. It is beyond disappointing to see you take away an opportunity to expose our students to such a positive role model. 

While I understand the challenges of navigating a politically charged environment, it is essential for educational leaders to rise above ideological differences and prioritize well-rounded education and diverse perspectives. Dr. Carson’s achievements and character transcend political affiliations. To veto him based on politics, religion, or personal preference is folly at best and discrimination at worst.

It’s sad that Anchorage’s superintendent couldn’t see that benefits of such an accomplished man being able to inspire each and every one of us. I question if he has the experience or ability to understand the importance of what it means to educate our children.

Education should embody the values of critical thinking, open-mindedness, and intellectual curiosity. Denying students the chance to engage with someone like Dr. Carson shows a lack of understanding about what is helpful to them.

The Anchorage School District has a well-known list of shortcomings when it comes to accomplishing its core mission. Regrettably, it has just added to the list.

Rep. Jamie Allard is a member of the Alaska Legislature, representing Eagle River, and co-chairs the House Education Committee.


  1. Bryantt is nothing more than a rubber stamp for the LGBTQ infested Democrat Party. Education in Anchorage is nothing more than politics and deals made inside the teacher’s unions. It’s about money and power. The kids are being taught how to be robots. Bryantt will keep his job only long enough to where he hates the weather, then the teachers union will look for the next useful idiot. Anchorage will continue to raise little trannies with low test scores……..but the real goal is to make them vote for Democrats ONLY.

    • “……The kids are being taught how to be robots……..”
      And sex toys. You’re perfectly correct, Mr. Griffen. Sad state of affairs……..

      • Next round of Covid coming soon. Anchorage School kids will be masked up by October. And the 2024 election is over a year away.

  2. “It’s sad that Anchorage’s superintendent couldn’t see that benefits of such an accomplished man being able to inspire each and every one of us. I question if he has the experience or ability to understand the importance of what it means to educate our children.”

    I agree. But, more than understanding simply the “importance” of educating children, I wonder if Bryantt knows what it actually means to educate a child.

    • I think he spent a couple years teaching in the classroom. Evidently, not enough time to learn what it actually means to educate a child, but enough time to be hired and paid handsomely to lead teachers on how to educate children.
      On the flip side, it has been said that one cannot lead where one has not gone. Maybe he is just the current placeholder.

  3. Of course Ben Carson was banned. Mr Carson wouldn’t even think of giving a speech or graduation commencement at a public university, he wouldn’t be safe. Now, if he were to dress in drag and perform some type of gyrating dance, he’d be okay.

  4. This whole stupid article is a complaint about some dippy politician not being able to take up Anchorage students valuable time. Whatever, lady.

    • Your comment shows ignorance of the accomplishments of this man, especially as a renowned surgeon, regardless of his political affiliation.

    • Suzanne- must be showing an example why she throws Blackie’s comments in the trash can. This one deserved not to see the light of day. The comment also an attitude example of being a contemptuous woman as the Bible says, “ Proverbs 21:9 — ‘Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife” and husbands can be the quarrelsome husband where the wife would rather live in a small room away from her husband.

    • I am not sure if that was a poor attempt at sarcasm. Carson’s life is hardly defined by his political accomplishments (few). It is defined by multiple deeds, I dare say, you nor I even come close to approaching, let alone over 95 percent of the population.

  5. Respectfully, he did exactly what he was hired to do.

    He wasn’t hired for judgment or leadership. He was hired to expedite the wishes of the progressives of the school board and their union supporters.

    • YOU WIN the internet today! Precisely what he was hired for; ‘his relentless pursuit of equity’ is exactly what Margo Bellamy stated when she introduced him.

  6. He (in addition to being unqualified) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the NEA/AEA, which is wholly owned by the Democrat Party… are is the Democrat Party owned by them? I can’t say. In short, he is overpaid and under qualified and should be shown the back door. Sadly, he is probably doing exactly what/how they want him to.

  7. he took a page out of the assembly playbook. plastic bag bans, lock down, mask mandate, election suspension. they could, so they did no reasons given no evidence of effectiveness, no scientific basis just wild unchecked far left authoritarian ideology is all that’s needed. unfortunately this same instinct is probably what got bryantt the job

  8. Great article Jamie!
    It makes my heart swell with pride knowing we have representation in Juneau who actually cares about our children and families. It is uncommon to see a rep put in extra time to show effort on such an important issue.
    The entire ASD needs an overhaul and now is the time for everyone to get a glimpse into the administrations actions that are clearly in nobodys best interest but their own.

    It pains me to write a check out every year supporting a major failure in so many aspects.
    Student achievement is at its worst.
    The political bias in the classroom is illegal but goes unchallenged or corrected and more likely supported.
    The almighty powerful dictatorship style of the school board dictating what goes in our bought and paid for schools is sickening.
    I chose to defer retirement just to pay for all my grandchildrens private education costs just to give them the opportunity they deserve and prevent them from being exposed to the absolute disgusting material ASD promotes and pushes onto the library shelves.It is absolutely criminal that taxpayer dollars are wasted on material that the school board wont even allow to be read aloud at their “so called” meetings because of the lewd and disgusting sexual content.
    ASD needs to go.
    Vote NO on all bonds
    AMYA (Alaska Military Youth Academy)is an excellent choice to get high school students back on track and caught up with all the credits and moral common sense to get a job and a career PLUS there is no cost to the parents.
    It is by far the best program in the state and nation!

  9. Haven’t seen it mentioned how this management style affects the morale of educators, always having to be second-guessed and looking over your back.

    Can’t decide what was more disappointing: cancelling Ben Carson or how Bryantt fumbled through his explanation.

    It is clear — he acted before he thought.

    • NiewoeoehnerE, I wonder if this Bryantt is capable of actual thought? I mean to say he appears to be a perfectly trained and indoctrinated little Bolschevik!

  10. The state can fix this easily and approve school vouchers. In one school years the ASD would be a shell of its self. It’s all about the money and power of the ASD administration.

    • this!!! it could introduce much deeper and also personalized education at the very least it would introduce competition to the monopoly of ASD there are no drawbacks only upside this could have the effect of crushing the public unions hell bent on syphoning every last dollar from the anchorage taxpayer which in turn could help get fair elections back in the city due to the unions no longer being able to endlessly fund their far left candidates for assembly and mayor

    • Our legislature? The one where the “Republicans” are the best big government democrats?

      Better chance of me buying a winning lottery ticket in SeaTac.

    • It (unfortunately) cannot happen because the NEA and its local offspring is too powerful and commands the Democrat Party. The education system will continue to demand more money even though it is massively failing the students, and the Dems will make sure they get that money. In turn the Dem candidates will get PAC money and endorsements. One hand washes the other. We have a broken system.

  11. Excellent article.
    “…….When asked to elaborate about his decision during the recent Anchorage School Board meeting, he refused. His equivocation about which policy gives him such authority, and failing to give any real explanation for his actions leaves room for assumptions and speculation…….”
    By refusing to explain his decision, he went beyond leaving room for assumptions and speculation. He opened the door wide open for his ideological opponents to ride his incredibly stupid move like a rodeo cowboy. But he really had no other choice: there was not only no legitimate reason for doing what he did, there were legions of reasons for him to welcome Dr. Carson to address the children. His hiring came with controversy; he didn’t meet minimum qualifications. It didn’t take him long to prove himself incompetent, and even unable to stand up for his foolish moves with a half-a$$ excuse. What a sad state of affairs for Anchorage. It’s like a race to the bottom.

  12. OTOH, Margo Bellamy must be feeling the heat. Sent an e-mail complaint to the School Board yesterday morning. Got a response from Bellamy within an hour or two telling me that the kiddos could see Carson at the Boys & Girls Club. I’ve sent the School Board multiple e-mails complaining about their liberalism over the years. First time I ever heard from Bellamy. I think we got her attention and she is crawfishing like crazy. Cheers –

  13. Well now we see President Biden crashing the first day of school today at a Washington DC elementary school…Jharrett Bryantt comment, please.

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