Hmong leader says Gabby LeDoux violated D-15’s trust, so he endorses David Nelson


David Nelson, the Republican challenger for House District 15, won a key endorsement this week from the leader of Alaska’s Hmong Community.

After years of supporting Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux, Hmong Alaska Community President and Founder Pastert Lee has said enough is enough.

“The Hmong Community trusted Gabrielle LeDoux for many years and voted for her. Not anymore. Representative LeDoux has violated our trust and dragged our community into a growing voter fraud controversy. She is now facing felony and misdemeanor charges,” Lee wrote.

“All of us need a new State Representative that we can trust. That’s why I’m endorsing David Nelson for the Republican nomination in House District 15.” – Hmong leader Pastert Lee

“Please join your neighbors in the Hmong Community in voting for David Nelson in the Primary Election on August 18,” he wrote.

Nelson declared his candidacy in February.

Hundreds of Hmong-Americans live in District 15, which encompasses Muldoon. LeDoux is accused of filling out absentee ballot applications for many of the Hmongs in 2016 and 2018. She later insulted them by saying their English just wasn’t that “excellent.”

Approximately 265 Hmong applications were submitted to the Division of Elections from that district in 2018. This year, only 14 have been submitted to date.

In March, after years of investigation, the State Department of Law charged LeDoux, her former chief of staff Lisa (Vaught) Simpson, and Caden Vaught for voter misconduct. The charges stem from the investigation that was started in 2018 after the Division of Elections identified irregularities in some of the absentee ballot applications and absentee ballots returned for the primary election.

LeDoux has a court date on Aug. 20 for the felony and misdemeanor charges.

There were many bizarre irregularities in that 2018 election, including 17 people having voted from the same address at a tiny Muldoon trailer, and several votes cast by people who were dead.

And then there was the death of Charlie Chang, a Hmong-American hired by LeDoux to help turn out the vote. He died shortly after she visited him in California; she said it was stress.

In the end, the Division of Elections said that 26 irregular absentee ballots were cast for LeDoux, who ended up winning against Republican challenger Aaron Weaver by 87 votes in 2018.

She has since called those criminal charges “fake news.”

Now, LeDoux is encouraging Democratic Party voters to switch parties so that she can get reelected, since she has long ago lost the support of her fellow Republicans, who sanctioned her and endorsed her opponent Nelson.


  1. The democrats will support her and have no problem at all with what she has done…it is just their kind of everyday politics

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