Charlie Chang now dead, LeDoux says



The man who was paid more than $10,000 by Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux to deliver some 100 absentee ballots in the District 15 House race, has reportedly died.

His unexpected death was reported by LeDoux to KTUU news reporter Richard Mauer.

LeDoux travelled to California shortly after the Aug. 21 primary election, but it’s not known if she met with Chang, who is a registered Democrat in Fresno, Calif. but who voted in the District 15 primary election. He has several relatives in the Anchorage area.

LeDoux lost to her primary opponent on election night by three votes, but won after all the absentee ballots were counted. By the time she left the state, the integrity of the results of those absentee ballots were already in question.

According to LeDoux, Chang had felt a lot of stress from the District 15 corruption allegations, and he died of a stroke. It is not known if law enforcement had had a chance to interview him.

Among the suspicious voting patterns in District 15, ballots were requested by seven people who were dead, and several other people say they never cast a ballot, although ballots were received by the Division of Election in their name.

An investigation has been started by the State Troopers, and the case was referred to the FBI, according to Must Read Alaska sources.

Meanwhile, Jake Sloan, a Republican in the district, is challenging LeDoux by offering his name as a write-in candidate.

[Read: Criminal investigation now underway]

[KTUU broke the story.]


  1. Has any sane person ever actually met him? He could well be a figment of her imagation, so she could pay someone to act as if he were an actual human!

  2. LeDoux travelled to California shortly after the Aug. 21 primary election, but it’s not known if she met with Chang. Then where did she go?

      • What was the date of death? You checked the Fresno Bee? And why did she hire a “Democrat” to help her get Republican votes?

      • Please stay attuned unto this development, Suzanne, and please update us as to any further provable updates.

        Thank you for your good work!

  3. This is exactly what corruption looks like. It isn’t written in Hollywood; what is written there is intended to sell laundry detergent. Political corruption is designed to fool the law, in this case the State of Alaska justice system. So far we don’t know whether they have been fooled or not. But we know we have been fooled, and dead people asking for ballots, seventeen voters allegedly living in one Anchorage trailer house, union bosses meeting behind closed doors to have the Democratic Party nominee step aside 4 years ago and deciding to give public jobs to the Lt. Gov. nominee and other candidate, and Westlake, Parish and Fansler being brought in to roll the Alaska House in the bargain; that is what corruption really is. Ladies and gentlemen we have true corruption right here in Alaska. Maybe Charlie Chang existed, or maybe not; maybe he is dead or maybe he is being held somewhere until November 7; or most likely we will never know and the story has many more layers than we can imagine. In any case this is what big city corruption looks like, and only idiots would expect Walker, Mallott, Walker’s AG, and the Anchorage Daily News to tell us the truth even if they happen upon it.

  4. This just keeps getting better and better. Chang dying is a very unexpected and bizarre turn in this story line. I get that LeDoux is under suspicion of voter fraud from the quick-to-judge conspiracy theorists readers of this site, but for this Chang guy to turn up dead. I could imagine Chang and LeDoux coming up with some unsophisticated voter fraud scheme by mailing in requests for absentee voter who are dead, but I cannot imagine that a state House seat in any state, let alone Alaska, would ever be worth killing for. I mean assassinating someone to get the presidency is one thing, but all this for a measly state House seat that really is not that important….Almost unthinkable. Does some small time state Representative really have the where with all to pull something like that off?

    • I, for one, am unconvinced that Mr. Chang is even real, let alone ‘dead’.

      And no, I am not of the realm that believes that Ms. LeDoux ‘offed’ Mr. Chang, should he actually exist, but I find it very convenient that a central figure within a possible examination of voter fraud has suddenly ‘perished’ after the central figure that benefited from said individuals ‘work’ announced an end to that individual.

      It sounds to me, frankly, as fiction, from start to finish.

      And not very good fiction, at that.

  5. Found this on the Central Valley Hmong Democratic Club web site. Mission Statement

    We, as Democrats, are devoted to advancing equal rights for all Hmong people regardless of age, race, gender, sexual preference, religion, national origin or economic status. We support the Democratic Party and those Democratic candidates who support our mission.

    We will strive to realize these goals:

    To educate the Hmong community and others about the significant differences between the two major parties on issues of concern to this community.
    To encourage, empower and inspire Hmong to run for political office.
    To encourage members of the Hmong community to support and vote for Democratic candidates, especially Hmong Candidates who are committed to defeating prejudice.
    To lead the Central Valley Hmong Democrats to improve its record on issues of importance to our community.
    To work for the nomination of Hmong Democratic candidates at local, state and national levels of government who will be fully supportive of the struggle against bigotry and intolerance.
    To provide manpower, resources, guidance and training to support and provide Hmong political candidates the best experiences and opportunity.
    To provide Hmong elders and non-English speakers the support they need during elections.
    To work with other groups and individuals to promote these goals.

    President: Dr. Charlie Chang
    [email protected]

    Meets third Thursday of each month at 6 p.m.
    Democratic Party HQ
    1035 U St., Fresno At least looking into Sue, even if you don’t post.

  6. I wonder where the police are in all of this. So the Board of Elections or whatever have discovered illegal absentee ballots. My hat is off to you. You recounted the vote. You discovered the illegal activity. You pass this information to the police. Good job. fair enough. Where are the police now? No comments. No investigation on their part that I have heard about. It seems blogs like “Anchorage Daily Planet” and Must Read Alaska” are doing a more thorough investigation into this matter than the police. A reporter from KTUU knocks on the door of the two addresses these illegal absentee ballots originate from. The residents who open the door say to her “Ask Gabrielle.” Why was a policeman not knocking on the door before this reporter?

    A reporter’s detective work now has someone directly involved in this case implicating Gabrielle LeDoux. What more evidence do you need to start a formal investigation? Are the police corrupt? Are they incompetent? Chief Doll certainly reminds me of the Sheriff of Nottingham. Isn’t voter fraud a little more important than another stolen car?

    There was a Federal race on that ballot. That means you can get the FBI involved if you don’t care to do the leg work. Have you requested the FBI’s assistance? Also, where are other powerful people who have an interest in seeing Le Deoux fall from grace?

    What is the Alaskan Republican Party doing from within to pull the strings and make sure an investigation takes place? Another powerful Alaskan Republican legislator for example could kowtow the law department into taking this whole thing seriously. The extent of the Alaskan Republican Party’s involvement seems to be supporting write-in candidates. Would it not be more effective to pursue a salacious voter fraud investigation against LeDoux for whom you have everything to gain by seeing her fall? Where are the powers that be in this whole situation?

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