Rep. LeDoux says the charges against her are ‘FAKE NEWS’


On Friday, Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux learned of charges from the Department of Law, accusing her and her former aide, and her former aide’s son, of illegal election activity during the 2018 primary.

In a hastily crafted statement, she wrote, “Because this is a pending legal matter, I cannot comment about the details other than to state that I am innocent of all charges and look forward to clearing my name in a court of law.”

But on Sunday, the lawmaker from District 15 took the matter to the court of public opinion:

“Attacks on Gabrielle LeDoux are FAKE NEWS,” she wrote on the Gabrielle LeDoux for State House Facebook page.

“The political establishment is trying to bring me down under false allegations. What they are spreading is FAKE NEWS.

“I have stated clearly and honestly – that I never engaged in any illegal campaign activities – period,” she wrote.

“I have always fought for my constituents in East Anchorage and JBER, and this attack is not only against me but against you as well. 

“But I will not stop fighting for what is right,” LeDoux wrote. She went on to recount the things that she has stood for: Full Permanent Fund dividend, repeal of SB 91, and forward funding education.

“The political establishment has caused uncertainty around funding our children’s education EVERY YEAR,” LeDoux wrote.

“The political establishment will not stop until I am gone – but let them come, because I will fight to clear my name.

“I am fighting for you, and I ask you to stand with me and ignore this fake news,” LeDoux wrote.

It won’t be that easy, however, for LeDoux or her former campaign team. LeDoux and former aide Lisa Simpson, and Simpson’s adult son face charges of voter fraud in a close election in 2018, which LeDoux only won with absentee ballots.

Some of those absentee ballots turned out to be fraudulent, which would mean separate charges may be brought against LeDoux by the U.S. Department of Justice, since those ballot came through the U.S. Postal Service.

LeDoux will have some explaining to do to a jury about the content of her text messages, such as the one admonishing someone to “don’t worry about the legality of this. Remember when I wanted to challenge people 4 years ago the division of elections was simply not interested.”


  1. I was SO hoping for this to come out. And potential Federal charges to boot? Get the popcorn ready.

    You can’t outrun Motorola…

  2. Her lips are moving must be thew truth because she is a politician you can trust to do the right thing correct. HA HA she is going to get what she deserves.

  3. Kicking and Screaming. She will only be removed by being dragged from office kicking and screaming. Even if she loses a primary or general election.

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