Democrats change their presidential primary calendar for 2024, setting up conflict with ‘too white’ New Hampshire


On Saturday, the Democratic National Committee overwhelmingly voted to make caucuses and primaries in South Carolina, Nevada, Georgia, and Michigan the first positions on the presidential election calendar for 2024. That decision takes away New Hampshire’s primary as first in the nation.

According to the new calendar, which has been aggressively sought by President Joe Biden, South Carolina will now go first on Feb. 3 with its Democratic caucuses. It’s a huge victory for South Carolina Democratic Party Executive Director Jay Parmley, who for several years was the executive director of the Alaska Democratic Party, and Matt Greene, the party’s technology director, who also served in a similar role in Alaska until he left with Parmley in 2019, and Lindsey Kavanaugh took over as Alaska Democratic Party executive director.

Second on the presidential nominating calendar for Democrats will be Nevada and New Hampshire on Feb. 6, 2024, and then Georgia on Feb. 13, and Michigan on Feb. 27.

The reason for changing the order of caucuses is to reward states that were good to Biden in 2020. South Carolina was a key to his success in 2020 and its large black population is a reliable Democrat Party voting bloc. New Hampshire is not diverse enough, according to Democrats, who have placed greater value on equity than tradition.

But the problem is that New Hampshire is interested in protecting its position as first in the nation and even has a law on the books that gives the Secretary of State the power to move up the date of that state’s primary to protect its “first” status. This, if it continues to be a conflict between Democrats and New Hampshire, could mean New Hampshire may move its primary into the final week of January, 2024.

New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair Ray Buckley said the state party isn’t playing along with the DNC: “The DNC did not give New Hampshire the first-in-the-nation primary and it is not theirs to take away. This news is obviously disappointing, but we will be holding our primary first. We have survived past attempts over the decades and we will survive this. Our first-in-the-nation primary has been an integral part of our state’s history for over 100 years, and is enshrined in state law. We look forward to welcoming candidates to New Hampshire in 2024 and beyond. We will continue to do what we in New Hampshire do well — provide a level playing field for all candidates and ensure they are stronger and ready for the fights ahead.””

The vote to shuffle primary positions was taken Saturday, when the party leaders gathered for their winter meeting in Philadelphia, where the vote was taken to ratify the proposal by the party’s rules and bylaws committee, which is rewarding diversity, a hoop through which New Hampshire can’t jump. The Granite State has an over-90% white, non-Hispanic population, with just 1.31% of residents being black or African-American.

“Folks, the Democratic party looks like America and so does this proposal,” said DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison.


  1. If only the radical leftists in the Democratic Party could muster a fraction of this level of internal debate over things that REALLY matter, like, I don’t know, political and social policies. But no, on those matters they are in apparent virtual lockstep with each other.

  2. The kicker is that they want the 2024 convention in Atlanta, after calling for boycotts of Georgia over its “Jim Crow” election integrity laws were passed.

  3. Hmm. Almost seems like the goal of diversity is destroying America and replacing it with something different. Conservatism has turned into destroying America, but 5 years later than democrats want to.

  4. The biggest irony here is the Democrats hate black people.

    Happy to use them as props, happy to keep them in perpetual semi poverty and victimhood, but actually give a damn about them? Hell no. The party of Karen wants them as far away from them as possible.

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