Sunday, March 16, 2025

Yearly Archives: 2020

Stolen? Kennedy election is still debated to this day

Sixty years ago on Nov. 8, John F. Kennedy was elected President of the United States. The Democrat went up against then-Vice President Richard...

Mat-Su Borough election results

Results from the Nov. 3 Mat-Su Borough local elections: In Assembly District 4, Robert Yundt II (1,819), leads two runners-up, Colleen Vague (595) and...

‘Land of No’: Biden is about to shipwreck Alaska’s economic boat

Joe Biden has made many promises to his keepers that he now must keep. Of special interest to Alaska is the one that he...

Nate Silver to Al Gross: You aren’t going to get 70%, brah

Even Nate Silver, the Generation X statistician who is looked to by Democrats to paint a rosy picture for their prospects, isn't buying what...

Mayor Quinn-Davidson: The children shall be masked

Acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson decreed on Friday that all school children in Anchorage shall wear masks. Even while playing sports, such as basketball, and...

Game of Thrones: Some legislative leaders push back on governor’s emergency order, want special session

WINTER IS COMING, WILL LAWSUIT BE FAR BEHIND? Behind the scenes in Alaska's legislative leadership, leftist sparring with the governor and incoming Republican leadership is...

Sen. Shelley Hughes is currently top vote-getter in Alaska — higher than Trump

A strong turnout of voters in Senate District F, the conservative fortress of Chugiak-Palmer-Mat-Su, swept Sen. Shelley Hughes to victory with more votes than...

Please don’t send in the counselors and the hot cocoa

CONSERVATIVES ARE DOING JUST FINE By SUZANNE DOWNING Four years ago, public schools and universities offered counseling for students traumatized by the Trump win. Parents dropping their...

Educator is person being charged with destroying Don Young signs

Charges are pending against Helen Desinger, 68, of Anchorage, who is believed to be behind the destruction of Congressman Don Young campaign signs that...

Art Chance: You say you want a revolution

By ART CHANCEYou say you want a revolution. You’re watching one. Our forefathers would have been shooting already, but for the most part we’ve just...

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