Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Monthly Archives: May, 2020

Alaska flunking U.S. Census, only 37% responding, compared to 54% in U.S.

CONGRESSMAN DON YOUNG SAYS WE NEED TO STEP IT UP The state of Alaska may have had a drop in population, but looking at the...

AG says it doesn’t matter if ‘Our Fair Share’ broke law, oil tax hike goes to ballot

The Attorney General of Alaska said it is not important that signatures were gathered illegally on the oil tax initiative that is heading for...

PFD online applications hit all-time high last month

Roughly 604,000 Alaskans filed for their Permanent Fund dividends online this year, an all-tine high for online filers. The Dunleavy Administration had extended the...

COVID-19 update: Zero on Wednesday, 9 on Thursday

After a day without any COVID-19 cases being diagnosed in Alaska, the brief respite was broken with nine cases diagnosed on Thursday, according to...

Right-on-right ‘RINO Safari’ group gets fined by APOC

The Alaska Public Offices Commission has filed a complaint against Anchorage political operative Michael Chambers for failing to file reports in support of 2020...

Recover Alaska promoted alcohol tax illegally, APOC complaint says

A group that campaigned for an alcohol tax in Anchorage is the subject of a complaint from the staff of the Alaska Public Offices...

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