Tshibaka named chair of Trump campaign in Alaska


Kelly Tshibaka, former candidate for U.S. Senate and now host of the podcast, TV, and radio show STAND, has been named Alaska state chair for Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign.

Trump has received endorsements from other Alaska leaders, including Sen. Dan Sullivan, Gov. Mike Dunleavy, Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom, as well as congressional candidate Nick Begich.

Rep. Mary Peltola, on the other hand, has endorsed President Joe Biden, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski said she is not endorsing either Biden or Trump. She told reporters earlier this month that she was holding out hope for Nikki Haley, who has just lost her home state South Carolina’s primary.

Tshibaka ran as the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in 2022 against Murkowski. She co-hosts STAND with husband Niki Tshibaka. The show is dedicated to making courage contagious.

“President Trump boldly stands for freedom, truth, and government led by the people of America,” she said. “He alone inspires confidence that we can restore hope, unity, and prosperity after the destruction caused by Joe Biden and the Left over these past four years.”

Trump recently called into the Republican Women of Fairbanks’ Lincoln Day Dinner and spoke to the crowd via the cell phone of Gov. Mike Dunleavy, who was in attendance at the Westmark Hotel gala.

Alaska Republicans will have the opportunity to state their preference among the candidates participating in the March 5th Presidential Preference Poll, which is a type of caucus that is by ballot. It is run by volunteers of the Republican Party of Alaska, and those who want to participate who are not Republicans can change their voter registration at the door. The locations are at this link. The Alaska Republican Party has not announced who will be on its March 5 caucus ballot, but Trump and Haley are believed to have signed up, and Haley shows no signs of pulling out.

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  1. Trump has a proven history of making bad picks. Tshibaka was the establishment GOP pick to replace Murkowski. Brought to Alaska by Dunleavy and installed in a placeholder state job with her foreign husband gifted another unnecessary state job until it was time to prop her up as the Chosen One. Another Sullivan but trying to pass herself off as a “real” Alaskan because she was born here. She fled the state as soon as she could at a young age and found her true home in the Washington DC Swamp. She should go back there, just not as our representative. Hopefully actual Alaskans can see through her grift before it’s too late.

    • You sound like a democrat; trying make conservatives like Kelly Tshibaka sound like RINO’s and criticizing Trump while at it. lol! What a joke.

      • Thank you, Senator Tshibaka, for all you do. Lisa Murkowski doesn’t have half your brains, nor 1/4 of your beauty and grace.
        Oh, can we start referring to you as the next US Secretary of Education in the new Trump Administration?

    • PJ; I agree.
      I might add that there is no mathematical scenario that Alaska’s 3 electoral votes could change any outcome of a presidential election.
      I also would like to add that Senator Murkowski’s last election win was her most decisive victory.

    • Nancy and I worked hard with Scott Kendall to make sure that he got RCV on the ballot. Otherwise, our stupid little daughter wouldn’t have survived a Kelly Tshibaka Republican Primary. Further, she wouldn’t have survived a Joe Miller Republican Primary either, without Democrats and the Bush votes. Nancy and I love Kelly for her attractiveness and brains. But we just have to keep our dynasty going for a few more decades.

  2. President Trump is loyal. She is the excellent choice. A vote for Trump is a vote for the US Constitution and to defund the WHO our active declared enemy of our civil liberties.

    • Betchya she believe IVF frozen embryos are children whose survival DESERVE preserving. Her hard right positions on Americans’ and Alaska’s FREEDOMs will be a drag on Trump’s performance in Alaska. After Trump loses Alaska’s 3 electoral votes, KT should finally get a clue and move her next grift to another state.

  3. My question is – and I am not trying to be overly mean – What has Kelly Tshibaka ever done for Alaska? I am trying to gauge if she has lived and worked and served among us or whether she is an opportunist. What pulls more strongly in her: Alaska and Alaskans or a twenty-year career as a federal bureaucrat in Washington, DC with her Harvard buddies? I think it is a fair question and it has never been answered.

    • What had Lisa done? Aside from illigitilly given a senate seat her dad had no right posting her to. Take your blinders off, Lisa is terrible for Alaska, ask the oil producers.

    • What had Murkowski done other than being born to Frank Murkowski and voting against America in critical votes? Fair question.

  4. Trump always had good things to say about Kelly. He is putting together his Team, people he trusts. This Election we have to binde together like strands in a rope
    Lisa The Wicked Witch of the North, is going to undermine Trump—-Kelly knows how to fight Lisa

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