Smith and Jones take on Sen. Gary Stevens for Kodiak-Cordova-Clam Gulch Senate seat


Senate Seat C, which stretches from Cordova to Clam Gulch to Kodiak Island, is a race to watch this election season. All three candidates for the seat are Republicans, and one of those Republicans is Sen Gary Stevens, the grand old man of the Alaska Legislature.

Sen. Stevens, of Kodiak, began serving in the Legislature after winning a House seat in 2000; joined the Senate in 2003. He’s risen to become Senate president, served on the Legislative Council for several years, as majority leader and as Rules Chairman, a position he now holds.

Two credible conservatives from the Homer-Kodiak Senate district are taking on Stevens. If only three are in the race by the close of business on June 1, all three will proceed from the primary election ballot on Aug. 16 to the general election ballot, which is the ranked choice ballot. This poses a real challenge for Stevens in this fairly conservative part of the state.

Walter Jones is from Anchor Point. He’s a truck driver, and also an Army veteran who served for 18 years in the military. Jones’ website is at this link.

“In my 32 years in Alaska, I as many of you have watched at once prosperous State turn into a vacuum for nonprofits, a haven of domestic and foreign interference into the heart of Alaska’s political being, destroying the Alaska spirit, destroying Alaskan jobs, Alaskan small businesses, our resource development, restricting subsistence rights of Alaskan residents while feeding industries that are destroying our oceans by depleting fish stock for future generations of Alaskans,” Jones writes on his website.

Heath Smith is a born-and-raised Alaskan from Homer. He has served on the Homer City Council, is a family man, and is in the trucking business, running a local UPS operation in Homer. Smith’s website is at this link.

“I had the great honor of serving on the Homer City Council for six years. Through that experience I learned that public service is highly rewarding when you get results. It’s time for new energy and a new perspective to lead our district in Juneau. I commit to representing each of our communities interests in the legislature, and will work hard to improve the quality of life for all Alaskans,” Smith writes on his website.

Stevens, also an Army veteran, has a massive resume, including a Ph.D. from the University of Oregon. He was elected mayor of Kodiak, was president of the school board, presiding officer of the borough Assembly, on the board of directors for the Alaska Municipal League and Alaska Conference of Mayors, chaired the Kodiak Mayor’s Conference, was ex-officio member of Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation, and is a retired university professor, having taught at the University of Alaska for 25 years.

In the Senate, Stevens is considered a gentleman and a left-leaning moderate, who has voted against a full Permanent Fund dividend over the past six years, since the Legislature started cutting the dividend. He is one of the only incumbent republicans who has endorsed Sen. Lisa Murkowski for Senate.


  1. Anyone but Stevens: “… is considered a gentleman and a left-leaning moderate, who has voted against a full Permanent Fund dividend over the past six years, since the Legislature started cutting the dividend. He is one of the only incumbent republicans who has endorsed Sen. Lisa Murkowski for Senate.” Up to Kodiak if they want to repeat more of the same or change it up with one of the other two alternates.

    • Kodiak, the land of Louise Stutes and Gary Stevens, strongly dependent on the ferry system. Unfortunately I doubt they will elect a true conservative

  2. The time has come for Gary Stevens to retire from the Senate. He has lost touch with his constituents and has been thoroughly captured by the public sector unions and non-profit industry for some time now.

    • I’m not a proponent of rank choice voting, but because of it it means that one of these guys does not have to drop out. These guys can present a unified front and urge their supporters to rank Stevens last.

  3. Every time there’s a close vote in the state senate, you can count on Stevens to have voted on the wrong side – Kodiak’s Murkowski.

  4. I asked Senator Stevens if he has seen the movie “2000 Mules”. He replied that it was too busy. Tells you all you need to know about Senator Stevens. I will not be giving him my vote.

    • That is an interesting way to decide on who to vote for. Choose one movie and if they haven’t seen it, no vote. Have you seen the movie 200 Motels?

      • Thanks for telling us you are one of the losers who put our country in this state of disarray. Better start scraping the Biden/ Harris sticker off your Subaru before November

  5. Not true, as long as you rank Stevens last who or whom ever gets to Fifty Percent first will win…in round Two so you have two shots at taking him out…one on one is more of a challenge, especially with a highly unfavorable RINO who will be picked 3rd by most voters.

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