Sam Brinton, former Biden Energy official with ties to Anchorage gay therapy ordinance, released with no bail


Samuel Brinton, a former senior Department of Energy official in the Biden Administration who was arrested late last year for airport baggage theft, was let out from the Hennepin County Public Safety Facility, a medium-security level county jail in Minneapolis, without bail last Wednesday.

Brinton was charged with stealing a woman traveler’s designer luggage worth $2,325 near the baggage claim area at Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport on Sept. 16. 

Brinton was dressed in colorful male attire as he strode confidently from the building with his lawyer last Wednesday, unusual for a person who is more often seen in public dressed in flamboyant women’s attire and red lipstick. Brinton views himself as non-binary, meaning he is comfortable as either male or female, or perhaps neither. It is unclear if he was held in the men’s or women’s unit.

Brinton was fired from the Department of Energy in December, where he had been in charge of spent nuclear waste. After his luggage theft arrests in Minneapolis and Las Vegas, he became an embarrassment to the Biden Administration, and was put on administrative leave and eventually fired.

Although his court date was originally Dec. 19, the hearing was postponed at his lawyers’ request. The judge, who referred to the defendant as Mx. Brinton, ordered the alleged luggage thief to not have contact with his victims, according to the Washington Examiner. If convicted, Brinton could face up to five years in federal prison and a $10,000 fine.

A year ago, the Biden Administration lauded Brinton for becoming the first “gender-fluid” person at a high level in the federal government. Brinton had top security clearances, as the person responsible for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste, all of which could be weaponized.

By October, he was charged in Hennepin County with felony theft when a woman at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport reported her suitcase missing from baggage claim, a theft that occurred on Sept. 16, and which was caught on airport security video.

Other video shows him taking that into the Intercontinental Saint Paul Riverfront hotel.

Later, he was charged with another felony grand larceny charges in Nevada, for a different luggage theft at the Harry Reid International Airport that occurred in July. Authorities were able to track him down after news of the Minneapolis theft became public and investigators reviewed security camera footage, which show a person who looks like Brinton stealing a bag from the Harry Reid airport.

When contacted by police, Brinton eventually admitted taking the bag from the Minneapolis airport. Later he checked the bag onto a flight he took back to Washington, D.C.

Brinton started a group called the Trevor Project, which advised the Anchorage Assembly on passage of an ordinance that makes it illegal for any therapist in Anchorage to try to dissuade a youth client from acting on his or her gay sexual impulses. The Trevor Project’s secret dealings with the Anchorage Assembly have never been fully revealed, as the Assembly and Clerk have redacted the documents heavily, claiming attorney-client privilege, even though there was no contractual arrangement with the Trevor Project.

He also led seminars in sado-macochistic sex.

Sam Brinton also was instrumental in drafting school policies used in several states that instructs played a key role in developing a policy adopted in various states “that instructs school districts to keep ‘”‘unaffirming'”‘ parents in the dark about a potentially suicidal child’s gender identity or sexual orientation, Fox News has since reported.

Brinton still has information about the country’s nuclear disposal systems and could be seen as a danger to national security, but at this point he is only being considered to be a garden-variety thief.

Biden’s gender-fluid nuke expert arrested in Vegas

Suzanne Downing – December 14, 2022

Biden’s nuke expert, Anchorage Assembly consultant, and apparent luggage thief, is ‘no longer a DOE employee’

Suzanne Downing – December 12, 2022

Luggage heist II? Energy Dept. official with Anchorage Assembly ties now accused of stealing second suitcase

Suzanne Downing – December 9, 2022

Biden’s nuke official who advised Anchorage on ‘Don’t Say Straight’ counseling ban gave kink-spanking seminar last week, even after being charged with luggage theft

Suzanne Downing – December 2, 2022

Tom Sconce affair: Biden’s gender-fluid nuke waste officer on leave from Dept. of Energy; charged for theft of luggage

Suzanne Downing – November 28, 2022

Document: Biden’s new nuclear waste expert helped craft Anchorage’s 2020 ban on gay ‘conversion therapy’

Suzanne Downing – March 7, 2022


  1. I suppose we will now have to wait a few weeks to learn of the New position It will be taking charge of in the administration…Maybe a job in the white House..??

  2. Oh please, not this freak again! Don’t give him any press please, he’s already the poster child for mental illness!

  3. First axiom of politics in always in play.
    It is not the action being taken by the individual that causes the offense.
    It is the political affiliation of the person taking action that causes the offense.

  4. And yet…… there are still people on here actively supporting this administration and its pathetic mumbly figure head “Amtrak Joe”.

  5. UGH!
    It’s bad enough that we have to be confronted by the stories about this creature, but honestly, Suzanne, do you have to torment us with such lurid photos of that …. THING?!
    In contrast to my grammatical nitpicks with ‘frank rast’ regarding the proper usage of the words “who” and “whom”, now HERE we have one entity who could legitimately be referenced by the use of the word “that”.

  6. Let’s be really, really truthful: Mr Brinton was born a male and will die a male. I suppose he could surgically mutilate his body but every cell he has will have an X chromosome and a y chromosome for as long as he lives. He can fantasize all he wants but he is male. A few people may indulge his fantasies but NONE are required to do so. I hope this comment makes some people apoplectic with rage.

  7. Thankfully this unnatural “tolerance” historically has a very short shelf life. I think we are beginning to understand why. Sexual deviants ought to be expelled from society, as they often have a predilection to prey on others- especially children.

  8. MRAK, your repeated trotting out this guy is becoming tiresome. Don’t you have any fresh red meat for your readers to pounce upon and devour? Surely, with so many demented Libs out there, you can refresh your feed a little!

      You called this non-binary person a “guy”, Whidbey!
      How intolerant, sexist, racist, homophobic, non-queer-affirming, and eurocentric white supremacist of you!

        • Who is “you”, Leo?
          I suspect that you are simply projecting your own simplistic and blind partisanship onto others, for whom the converse manifestly does not apply.

        • Leo… Leo! Come back to reality here Leo.
          The folks on the right side of the political aisle are the bigots, remember. Conservatives HATE the LGBTQWERTY+-/* crowd. If this person was a Republican, he/she/it would not be a Republican for long.
          Please… try to keep up.

    • You could be the next Biden appointment to the loser administration. Your title could be chief nonsense informant. The dog goes down for the count. Suzanne does one of the best jobs in the world of media out there. You just whine because you are not taken seriously.

    • Repeated trotting out…
      What, there were three? Five? articles total? Among hundreds of other articles.
      This particular individual is of interest because it is a clear demonstration of the two tier justice system we have in this country. Politically connected people, well if connected to the left, get away with stuff the average person would be in jail for. .
      But, you want fresh red meat. Got it. How about another article about Mary Peltola voting in lockstep with the leftists. (Not even news because even a blind squirrel could have located that nut.)
      Oh…. I get it now.
      You are upset because this individual destroys your leftists beliefs that what you are is more important than what you do.
      Sorry, but diversity, inclusion, and equity are an express elevator to failure. Now, you know it.

  9. And, another leftist gets charged downgraded.
    Alec Baldwin has his charges reduced to remove “firearm enhancement” from the involuntary manslaughter charge. Turns out, there really are two justice systems in the US, one for the “elites” (or more appropriately, parasites) another for the rest of us.
    Does anyone think the average person would have their charges reduced? No, neither do I.

  10. He makes democrats humiliated what their candidates represent. Yes keep him in the news. He is our poster displaying where
    immorality takes a person, and how much sin the dnc and rnc tolerate.


  11. If they would have checked out his story about the conversion therapy, they would have found out he/she was lying. Also the physical abuse and hospital visits from it are not in any records anywhere. Guy is a total fraud that is just another “Diversity Hire”. This box checking as only qualification for job makes no sense. It is racist, sexist and genderist. He even checked the sexual deviant box.

  12. This is the 21st Century! We realize that this country is predicated upon keeping the word of God! We’re not a land of “good boys” and bad girls!

  13. Now we find out that outfit he is wearing in that picture is one of the one of a kind outfits stolen from a fashion designer. In fact from one of the page he stole. So he is so brazen he is wearing the things he stole in public in news photos. What a arrogent POS. Another worthless “Diversity Hire.”

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