With two days left in the special congressional primary of 2022, today is the late Congressman Don Young’s birthday. He would be 89.

Media notes: The Washington Post published its long-form story on the congressional race in Alaska, and it’s mostly accurate and expansively reported. And Bloomberg has a story out as well about the Alaska race. National Journal is prowling around the campaigns looking for quotes for a story as well.
Newsweek, which has become very left-leaning, has as story up now as well. That story is here.
The Washington Examiner story features mainly Santa Claus and Palin, at this link.
Meanwhile, the local Alaska media decided to gin up a story that any candidate who lends money to his own campaign is committing something akin to “legalized bribery.” In other words, it is legal to loan money to your own campaign and it is done all the time.
You cannot make this stuff up:

Native News Online has an interview with Tara Sweeney, linked here.
Spotted at baseball night: Nick Begich was spotted at the Chinooks and Mat-Su Miners opening game on Wednesday.
Ad buys: Mary Peltola bought new broadcast flight for $6,000 in Anchorage. Sarah Palin’s new radio ad flight cost her $11,000 for Southcentral Alaska stations. Al Gross bought last-minute broadcast for $24,000 in Fairbanks, Anchorage, and Juneau.
Endorsements: The Teamsters Union Local 959 has endorsed Tara Sweeney.
Alaska House Republican Caucus Leader Cathy Tilton has endorsed Nick Begich.
Rep. Andy Josephson endorsed Adam Wool in a letter to the editor, which states, in part, “At the same time, Adam has been unafraid to take tough votes in defense of climate reduction and mitigation measures, gun safety, and a responsible Permanent Fund dividend, to name a few. He has also been principled, while simultaneously working well with both sides of the aisle. Rep. Wool has been collaborative, not divisive. Adam is also an exceptional listener.”
(Key phrase: The Democrats call it “gun safety.”)
Colony Days Saturday: Which candidates will show up for Colony Day parade in Palmer on Saturday? The weather is expected to be cloudy and in the mid-60s. Must Read Alaska will be there for the festivities.

Celebration in Juneau: Celebration, a big Tlingit-Haida-Tsimshian event in Juneau, brought in candidate Mary Peltola for the festivities and parade. Celebration is one of the largest gatherings of Southeast Alaska Native peoples, drawing thousands of people, including more than 2,000 dancers, according to sponsoring organization, Sealaska Heritage Foundation.
Fundraisers: Nick Begich is holding a fundraiser at the Keith Manternach hangar on June 9 at 5:30 pm. The campaign said the first 15 people get a free NBIII t-shirt, and yes — full disclosure — MRAK publisher Suzanne Downing is a co-host and will attend.

The real story here is:
How well did Don Young know Don Jonz?
Jonz was the Cessna 310 pilot who flew Reps Begich and the Speaker of the US House on that ill-fated journey over 50 years ago. Jonz was a cowboy pilot. He took off from Anchorage even though the 310 was red-tagged by the previous day’s pilot, Bob Thomas. Thomas said the de-icer
was acting up. Negligence? Reckless? Or, Intentional?
So, according to our local Pravdas, NB3 is bribing…….himself???
I would ask them how that works, but I am not in the mood to listen to a bunch of nonsensical babblings and screechings from leftwing loons.
Don is in a very hot place now you bet and he is not alone there are many many many many oath breakers with him knowing they all deserve it. Save yourselves let the wicked rest, is the best advice.
After the election Begich can go to a fund raiser and collect $650,000 in donations to repay himself. Of course Begich won’t do any favors for these people because that would be bribery
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