Larry Elder running for president


Conservative talk radio host Larry Elder announced Thursday he is running for the Republican nomination for president in 2024.

The 70-year-old, who attempted to unseat Gov. Gavin Newsom of California through a recall process, unveiled his news on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

Elder has been the subject of racist slurs by the Left. Rolling Stone magazine headlined its story, ” Larry Elder, Failed GOP Gubernatorial Candidate…” Wikipedia describes him as a “right-wing political commentator,” although he has a law degree, has written numerous books, and is a longtime columnist.

Elder, who was the leading candidate to replace California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom if he had lost his recall election, said he has long been smeared by the left – including the Los Angeles Times, which in 2021, when he was the leading candidate to replace Newsom, featured a column in which he was called the “Black face of White supremacy.” It also wrote, “Larry Elder’s fans prove he’s a face of white supremacy.”

“One other L.A. Times columnist referred to my views as White supremacist – because I am pro-life, because I don’t buy the notion that America is systemically racist, because I want secure borders, because I want us to be energy-independent instead of energy-dependent; because I know that our urban schools are a disaster,” he told Carlson.

“I feel I have a moral, a religious and a patriotic duty to give back to a country that’s been so good to my family and to me. And that is why I’m doing this,” he said.

“America is in decline, but this decline is not inevitable. We can enter a new American Golden Age, but we must choose a leader who can bring us there. That’s why I’m running for President,” he wrote on Twitter on Thursday.

Elder joins a Republican field that already has former President Donald Trump, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, entrepreneur and author Vivek Ramaswamy, and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson.

Also believed to be a likely contender is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who appears to be gearing up for a run.

On the Democrat side, President Joe Biden is hinting he will be ready to announce his bid for reelection this month, and Robert Kennedy Jr. has announced he’ll challenge Biden, as has New Age spiritualist Marianne Williamson.

Photo: Larry Elder speaking at the Libertarian 2016 FreedomFest at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, Nevada. By Gage Skidmore.


  1. Has Nikki Haley dropped out yet??
    Larry Elder knows he has no chance…but I’m sure we can get a free book tour out of it like Ben Carson did in 2016.?

  2. He turned out to be a Big Nothing in California, very disappointing & He will do the same in His Presidential Race!

  3. Larry Elder? Nah. The Republicans would have bottomed out completely to have him as the party’s standard-bearer.

  4. First Ben Shapiro was accused of being a white supremacist and then Larry Elder. The white supremacy movement seems much more inclusive than I would have imagined.

  5. If the GOP primary was right now, I’d vote for Elder.
    Pres. Trump is losing too much, 1st to Biden & then his awful picks got slammed in the mid-terms.
    BUT, Elders is 70, a bit too old ….. imo.

  6. Those discrediting him for his loss to Newsom are failing to think inversely with logic; a loss in leftist California is a certificate of credential. Elder is consistently conservative, clear thinking, and articulate. It is possible for him to break out in the race. I would vote for him.

    • It is also possible for the Politburo in Anchorage to come to its senses and govern instead of ruling.

      Jesus could come back tomorrow as well.

      But the odds for either of those happening are shorter than Elder breaking out of anything.

    • Coog, “inverse thought,” eh? Right now you sound like a blitzed, barroom spectator who’d give Minnesota Fats advice on “reverse English!” No doubt, when everything is going to hell under Elder–were he elected president, God forbid–I’d expect you to be saying that things have never been so good!

      The Voice of Opposition to Nonsense–I’ve got to doff my hat to you Coog: that’s a great company slogan!

      Come back, Coog, I ain’t done trolling!

    • As a groundskeeper he might make good choice. As for myself, I want somebody who can do more than rank leaves and tend to the rose garden. Trump or Biden? What a choice that would be–old farts, both “men” of valor and honesty!

      I’ll go for the Mario brothers for president and vice president before I vote for either of these phonies! But, then again, I might go for Pac-Man as my top choice!

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