Groundhog Day, Alaska Court System edition: LeDoux in court on Monday, or will it be delayed?


Groundhog Day may be over for 2024, but the trial of former Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux has its own deja vu quality about it. The original alleged crime took place in 2018, but the former lawmaker, who is a lawyer, knows how to work a court system and delay a trial.

Monday, LeDoux has yet another scheduling and trial-prepping court date in the election fraud case that has dragged on since she was first charged by the FBI in March of 2020, and indicted by a grand jury in June of 2021, on multiple felony counts of voter misconduct in the first degree.

The charges stem from the investigation that started in 2018 against LeDoux, Lisa (Vaught) Simpson, and Caden Vaught after workers are the Division of Elections noticed irregularities in some of the absentee ballot applications and absentee ballots returned for the primary election for then-House District 15, a Muldoon neighborhood that has many immigrant Hmong residents. The Alaska State Troopers, in conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Investigations, conducted the investigation, the essence of which is that LeDoux and her functionaries were overly helpful in marking and returning ballots from immigrants living in at least one mobile home park in both the 2018 primary and general elections.

LeDoux and Lisa Simpson were each indicted on five counts of voter misconduct in the first degree and Caden Vaught was indicted on four counts of voter misconduct in the first degree.  They all have entered pleas of not guilty to the charges.  

Since then, justice has been delayed numerous times for a variety of reasons, the first few delays related to the Covid pandemic that was still creating scheduling problems in 2021.

Monday’s court appearance at 2:30 pm in the courtroom of Judge Kevin Saxby is supposed to be a trial-setting conference, not the actual trial.

But such court events have come and gone for LeDoux, who is now 75 years old. Even if she is convicted, LeDoux, who is a lawyer, is likely to appeal the charges and delays could continue for her until she reaches her late 70s. More likely than a conviction in this case is some kind of plea agreement with the state.

LeDoux was part of a caucus that called itself the Muskox Caucus. She broke ranks with Republicans and forged a Democrat majority in the House with then-Reps. Jim Colver, Paul Seaton, and Louise Stutes — all Republicans who broke off from the Republican caucus in 2016. The only Republican member of the Muskox Caucus that is still in office is Stutes.


  1. I doubt that astute workers at the Division of Elections noticed “suspicious” ballots. If so, it would be the first time in Alaska history that such a thing happened. They were tipped off! The $64,000 question is why?

    • Fishing: One thing is certain, even if the alleged snitch had ulterior motives, LeDoux et al. had almost certainly committed illegal acts and the right thing was done in bringing that to light.

  2. That woman has been a disrupter and complete waste of time and money in our legislative process for decades. She mounted millions of dollars of attacks against Sarah Palin and people in her administration during Palin’s time in office. There is ample evidence that thes operatives, like LeDoux, are a protected class in Alaska’s judicial system. The US Constitution premise of equal protection under the law is void.

    • Pretty girl, reasonably talented, wildly overhyped and exposed.

      In another life be a fun weekend, but nobody Id even consider trying to have a serious relationship with.

      As to what I think you’re “fishing for”, she is not gonna move the electoral needle at all. And the people who think she’s part of a master plan to sweep Grandpa Bloodstains back into office are delusional.

  3. This comment was particularly true: “knows how to work a court system and delay a trial.” Thirty years ago my daughter was hit by an uninsured motorist and there was a big lawsuit. I can remember the lawyer saying for her not to be in a hurry because the longer it was delayed, the more positive the outcome would be and a higher settlement.

  4. delay a trail? she take lessons from the golden anointed boi wonder of the east coast?

    Elmo worries about everyone on this site, are you all okay???

  5. If this quantifies the safety of our electoral system in Anchorage, then we have plenty to worry about. It’s not against the law to cheat if there are no consequences. Or excessive time erodes justice.

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