Fifth Republican women’s club endorses Nick Begich


Five out of seven Republican women’s clubs in Alaska have endorsed Nick Begich for Congress, as the Alaska-born Republican tries to unseat Democrat Rep. Mary Peltola. The most recent club is the Matsu Republican Women’s Club, a legacy club of activists established in 1947.

“During the past 4 years Nick has campaigned passionately, traveling to all corners of Alaska, and meeting Alaskans where they live. By listening to Alaskans, he has learned about their concerns, and has been sharing ideas for moving Alaska and the country forward to a brighter future,” the club wrote. “Nick’s drive and passion for Alaska and the important role of Congressman for all Alaskans is evident as he consistently shows up at many functions all over the state, welcoming questions
on every subject. He is well-informed, well-spoken, and his stances on the issues reflect his conservative values.”

The other clubs that have endorsed Begich are Valley Republican Women, the two Kenai clubs and the Fairbanks club.

“In addition to his strong knowledge base, and because of his passion for Alaska, Nick Begich understands the importance of unity as we move toward the General election. He has vowed to withdraw if he places behind other Republican candidates in the Primary Election on August 20, 2024, to not split the vote in the General Election on November 5, 2024. No other candidate has made this vow,” the club wrote. “Nick Begich has proven he is an America-First candidate and is ready for the monumental task of representing Alaska and getting our country on a better track; the Matsu Republican Women’s Club Est 1947 shares with him in support for Donald Trump for President of the United States.”

While over 70% of the Republican women’s political groups that are voting members of the Alaska Republican Party State Central Committee have endorsed Nick Begich, Nancy Dahlstrom, who filed to run against him in November, has gotten the support of a large international police union.

Dahlstrom has a history of support from Big Labor unions. Through her connection to Gov. Mike Dunleavy, she has won the endorsement of former President Donald Trump.

But neither Trump nor Dunleavy have convinced the women activists in the Alaska Republican Party to support Dahlstrom, who has not pledged to drop from contention if she comes in third in the Alaska open primary. Begich has repeatedly made that pledge.


  1. This is amazing! Impressed to see the Republican women of Alaska supporting Nick. Alaskan women will not be told what to do!!!

      • Our decision to support Nick has little to do with emotion. Women are the activists in the conservative movement, and it may surprise you, but many of our associate members are men. We have members who are moms, daughters, fathers, husbands, grandparents, present and former military members, legislators, assemblymen, campaign volunteers, school board members, city council members, etc. We see what bad policy is doing to our children, our families, our state, and our country. It is our job to stand in the gap!

        Nick has attended many of our meetings, our fundraising events, events for other candidates, spent hours at our booth at the fair, etc. He is young and energetic, and has been working hard to acquaint voters with who he is. He also has revealed a wealth of knowledge in our many conversations with him and is not afraid to answer questions and discuss the issues.

        A couple of our clubs are hosting an event for Nick at the Green Pavilion in Iditapark @ 594 W Nelson Avenue in Wasilla on Friday, July 12th from 5-7 PM. We will supply the hotdogs, hamburgers, and drinks, and ask attendees to bring a side-dish or dessert. If you have not had a chance to talk to Nick, please join us—and bring your checkbook or credit card!

    • Count on my vote, Nick. I’ve seen enough. Nancy Dahlstrom can go off into sunset at her old age. We need young people like Nick Begich in Congress. And if Lisa says one more word against Trump she will be disinherited. Joe Biden and his Democratic Party are a sick and feeble bunch of nutcases. I don’t care anymore if Lisa thinks Joe Biden is her surrogate daddy. Eff Brandon.

    • What time does the ferry head back to Wrangell?
      I’ve got to retrieve my noodle wagon from Frankie’s garage.

    • Here’s a complete list of every election Lisa Murkowski won without the help of her daddy’s appointment, a phoney write-in, RCV, the Bush Natives who love free money, or the Democrat Party:

  2. Thank God! He is not a career politician. He built a number of businesses. Gained a great education and real on the ground experience and now, at 46, he has given the last four years to getting to know the issues around Alaska. If you want a career politician he is not your man. He actually wants to help solve the problems and has real experience that matters. You should actually meet my son. If you did meet him you would be supporting Nick. Take a look at what is real ans listen to the issues that matter and decide who can best represent Alaskans…..Nick’s Dad

    • I agree, NB2. I’ve been following your son’s work since 2021 and our entire family is voting for him.
      Please write a comment specifically for Nancy Dahlstrom. We want her OUT.

  3. Like to know what the status Nick’s personal loan to his campaign. Our governor stepped up his first campaign for governor with a 500,000 donation from his brother. I hope Nick just absorbs his personal loan and does not go on a fundraiser tour with lobbyists after being elected. Nick looked better to me when Trump supported Dahlstrom.


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