Fairbanks red wave: Conservatives win four of seven races


The Oct. 4 election in Fairbanks for both borough and city is final, with conservatives winning four of seven races, but losing the city council races.

Conservatives winning: David Pruhs for borough mayor, Brett Rotermund and Barbara Haney for Borough Assembly seats, and Melisa Burnett winning a school board seat.

In North Pole, Jeff Jacobson and Chandra Clark won seats on the council.

Also winning for Fairbanks Borough Assembly was Mindy O’Neall, who was unopposed. Brandy Harty won a seat on the school board, edging out conservative Les Nichols. Fairbanks City Council seats were won by Sue Sprinkle and Crystal Tidwell.


  1. A good start, but nowhere finished. Conservatives are getting themselves ready to win state House and Senate seats in the Fairbanks area. Of course, Dunleavy, Tshibaka, and Begich are the big goals for Conservatives.

  2. From what we are hearing, Fairbanks Republican candidates really kept a close eye on the polls and ballot tabulation centers. Good for them.
    But beware of Scott Kendall, one of the biggest Democrat cheat operatives in Alaska, who has his own eyes on the November races. His Democrat brother-in-law, Grier Hopkins, is in a very close House race. Adam Wool’s protege’ and former staffer is also in a tight race with conservative Kevin McKinley. And Democrat do-nothing senator Scott Kawasaki is being challenged by former Mayor Matherly. All of these races should be watched closely as to safeguard against the
    ballot shenanigans of Scott Kendall. Fairbanks, beware.

    • The Newsminus ran a lead story on this yesterday, implying that Republicans are suspicious of ballot counting procedures. Duh, really, Newsminus? Like, voting fraud never happens? Laughable. And why were three Left-wing former Democrat mayors also watching the ballot counting? The organizers of election fraud watching over the suspicious eyes of election fraud, while the ballot counters get the jitters. And reported by the left-wing Democrat newspaper, The Newsminus. You can’t make-up this sh*t.

  3. I thinking the lower the leadership position the more important it is to the higher positions. CityCouncils whoever is a council decides the foundation and how the building features stand and appear.

  4. I thinking the lower the leadership position the more important it is to the higher positions. CityCouncils whoever is a council member decides the foundation and how the building features stand and appear. That
    is where any political newcomer-or minority political group- ascends from to dominate a town -or district-or region over time.

  5. There would be a red wave in Anchorage also if the Assembly hadn’t rigged the system by putting in mail in voting. Ballot harvesting via six figure out of state union contributions to hire door to door ballot collectors is very difficult to overcome.

  6. The question is…is the country still sane? Maybe! Putting ultra small minorities over the majority only leads to madness.

  7. It is natural for a community to elect progressive city council members when the Mayor is conservative, our Democratic system and free press is tailored for checks and balances in our government. This balance is best for democracy and should be celebrated, not criticized

    • There is literally nothing “progressive” about woke authoritarian statism, unless your idea of “progress” is wholesale economic destruction, social fragmentation, and the teaching to kindergarteners of the finer points of anal sex.

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