Several media outlets have reported that a white substance discovered in the White House on Sunday is, indeed, cocaine.
“We have a yellow bar stating cocaine hydrochloride,” a District of Columbia firefighter was overheard on a radio transmission on Sunday night, according to the New York Post. The hazmat team was instructed to “bag it up and take it out.”
President Joe Biden was not in the White House at the time. He was at Camp David.
This is the type of news that, had it been Donald Trump in the White House, it would have been at the top of every news outlet in the nation for days. But major outlets have diminished the incident.
According to a spokesman for the U.S. Secret Service, “On Sunday evening, the White House complex went into a precautionary closure as officers from the Secret Service Uniformed Division investigated an unknown item found inside a work area. The DC Fire Department was called to evaluate and quickly determined the item to be non-hazardous. The item was sent for further evaluation and an investigation into the cause and manner of how it entered the White House is pending.”
The cocaine was found in a work area of the West Wing, although no specific location was given. It may be the first instance of cocaine, an illegal drug, having been found in the White House — or the first instance of such a discovery being made public.
Hunter Biden, the president’s grown son who has had a history of illegal drug abuse, is at Camp David with his father for the second week in a row, as the two are embroiled in an investigation that involves major international corruption that allegedly took place when Biden was vice president and while Hunter Biden was a paid member of the board of a Ukrainian energy company. Commenters believe the two are strategizing over how they will navigate the congressional investigation underway.
The New York Post reports that Hunter Biden, 53, “who has acknowledged a prior addiction to crack cocaine, was on the White House grounds Friday before heading off to Camp David with his father for the holiday weekend.”

One of the main themes of the Biden campaign in 2020 is that Biden would “bring dignity back to the White House. In one month, he has not only brought in a pride festival that featured a topless man with fake breasts, a topless woman who had scars where her beasts used to be, and now a bag of cocaine, of unknown quality and value, found inside the West Wing.
When will this insane corrupt regime ever end !?
This administration is so in your face corrupt and filthy. My gag reflex is working overtime. How about that rainbow flag on our capitol for the 1% of the population that is deranged. Got to love it. A world war and a draft can’t happen soon enough. A bunch of these ungrateful little bas—– need pruned.
Hunter leave some?
No, his hookers did though.
Hookers? I thought those gals in the photo were Hunter’s daughters, or Hunter’s sister in law. Isn’t incest a game the entire Biden family plays?
Biden Family Values. It could be the making of a twisted sitcom, where the Democrats and their deranged, mental illnesses could be the subject matter of weekly plots. It would take strangeness to new levels.
Can Hunter write that crack off his taxes now?
Sigh,, dammit Hunter…
I guess they forgot to also mention the crack pipe and used condoms found in proximity to the white powder. Courtesy of “distinguished guest” Hunter.
It’s the lead story on USAToday and it was also in CNN, so your claim that “major outlets have diminished the story” is absolute BS. Also, do you know how many people work in the White House and would have had access to such a work area? Plenty. But yes, go ahead and mention Hunter Biden.
At least you don’t pretend to hide your slanted, biased reporting.
Nor do you.
Of all the left leaning media organizations out there and only reported by two? Not a good percentage. Besides, Hunter brings this upon himself and he doesn’t hide it, he videos and posts it. Why? He’ll never get in trouble or have to answer for his misdeeds.
Those two were the ones I found after about a 30 second online search and I’m sure there are more. The point being it totally contradicts what Suzanne is claiming in her ridiculous article.
I see you are stepping up to defend the establishment and the status-quo powers-that-be yet again, cman.
It seems to be an automatic response for you.
Only Cman would be Hunter Biden’s apologist. Lick them boots!
Cman, really pally you don’t need to defend the Biden’s. Smoking Crack is the least of their crimes, in fact it’s one of their better attributes! Stop being so testy and begin being grateful that your President loves his rascal of a son enough to cover for his minor indiscretions, I mean who wouldn’t, right? Oh, and as for who works at the White House and what type of pick me ups they enjoy at work as they slavishly pontificate their inane propaganda to the American Public…. well, I guess we now know that they really are smoking crack!
I’m not defending anyone, simply pointing out the weakness of the article. I assume you just automatically believe it?
Yes cman, I agree it could be a very weak article unless the mysterious white powder turned out to be Anthrax which is why DC firefighter hazmat team was called to determine what it was. Thankfully it tested to just be non hazardous cocaine hydrochloride.
But like you say why would anyone just automatically believe it?
USelessAToday? Is that still around? That was a “major” news outlet ages ago, not anymore. And, CNN is so desperate to get eyeballs on screens they are willing to turn into Fox News.
I am not sure whether you realize what the word “major” means.
Ok cman, Lets be honest here. People may have mentioned Hunters name when drugs were discovered in an area he was the day before maybe because hunter has had a very extensive past with many encounters with law enforcement unreported because secret service was called to mop up the crime scene.
Nobody reported the rented car He wrecked and abandoned littered with drug paraphernalia in the median along the freeway escaping a rehab in Cali. Nobody reported the abuse of a rented mansion in Cali all when secret service was renting and living in the mansion next door to provide cover.
When Hunter abandoned a laptop with many photos of Hunter doing drugs with many prostitutes and other incriminating info showed up and turned over to the FBI they called and told twitter and facebook executives not to allow because it was all a Russia hoax.
I think Hunter has left an evidence trail long enough to lead people to think of Hunters name when drugs are found the same as when Billy Clintons name pops up when soggy cigars and stains appear on the pool table in the oval office.
There is no doubt in my mind it could belong to the secret service as well especially if the big guy is using Baracks old secret service buddies. You know the ones that flew to Columbia with him and started the big rukus in Bogota all because they brought hookers back to their hotel got their thrills then refused to pay for play.
Its all in the game of bringing decency and trust back into the Whitehouse after Donald Trump desecrated it by flying an American flag instead of a “rainbow”flag.
Do you get it now or should we go on?
It helps to shed the mask and come up for oxygen once in awhile.
Cman give it up your way out of your league. Hunter has pictures and video of his drug use so of course he would be a likely suspect.
Secret Service or the DOJ probably had to deliver a new Bag of Cocaine to Camp David,
That just meant Hunter Biden was visiting.
Did they escort Hunter out first? ?
Cokeheads don’t loose their stash. They will lick the bag. You would think a Cokehead would have a hard time functioning in such an enclosed secure environment. There’s more to this story to come. Betting the truth will never come out .
If your analysis is correct, it may not be unreasonable to suspect that the magical white powder was being delivered by a non-user to someone else. Hunter obviously comes to mind but it is actually more disturbing to think that there are other, perhaps multiple, other cocaine users in the White House. It would explain some things. Americans get the government and leaders they deserve, without reference to political stripe.
Drug test everyone who works in the White House, our military gets tested , many others have to test for employment. Carr’s grocery tests for employment. Why not the leaders of our country. This might explain the behavior of the President.
Drug test and then do what with the results?
Promote them to replace Sam Briton?
These are the Biden’s they have an unlimited stash of dope and money.
Cokeheads that are not paying for their own dope do not care whether they lose any. Plenty more available, just for the asking.
Why is this a surprise? Nearly everyone in the Biden family has been through rehab. It probably dropped out of a pocket or a purse
Well over two years in the White House who knows what else is in there, or who else.
Regardless of whether or not it’s Hunter’s simple fact is the boy is a Class A screwup.
At some point the White House has to distance themselves from Hunter before he does something so blatant it can’t be covered up.
It will never happen. Even Hemingway understand the haves and have nots.
Ironically, there was an easel and some watercolors nearby ….. and a bag containing a heavily used Depends adult undergarment.
Well! At least we know the Housekeeping/janitorial at the White House are honest. Most Housekeepers/janitors are honest. They find something while cleaning they turn it into the supervisor. Who else would find it except the cleaning crew? Anyone else working around our President most likely would had kept the discovery hush hush.
Driving that train high on cocaine Hunter boy you better watch that speed.
Trouble ahead; trouble behind.
He better get convicted while dad’s in a position to pardon him. If this rolls into the next election he’ll be hearing dear old dad’s ineffective voice way off in the distance…
“C’mon man”.
“Gimme a break, man”.
“He made a mistake man, let it go”.
“My other boy died in Afghanistan, man. Call it even”?
“A card laid’s a card played, man”.
“You sound like you could use some pain and suffering money. What’s a good account number for you?”
Most adults know what happens when we assume things.Most people know this President is not running the government.As a pretend Catholic, the President allows such undignified events to occur. Have you heard of the comment United we Stand , Divided we fall. As our morality is tossed out, as our belief in a higher being is tossed out, we are soon going to be tossed out. The Chineses are patiently waiting.
It’s not the first time cocaine was found in the White House. Remember “Clinton Chronicles”.
Looks like the cartel is paying the big guy is 10%
Cocaine laying around the White House. People exposing themselves in front of children on White House lawn. Gay pride flag displayed more promintly than the Stars and Stripes at the White House. What next from Biden’s puppet masters?
When is Biden going to be Grand Marshall at Gay Pride Parade?
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