Canada extends border restriction until at least May 21


The existing US-Canada land border restrictions have been extended to at least May 21, 2021.

The Canadian government closed the border with the U.S. in March, 2020, and on Tuesday said the closure will be extended. Alaskans wishing to travel the Alaska Highway to the Lower 48 may or may not be able to cross into Canada.

Those traveling to the Canadian border should first contact the Canada Border Services Agency, 1-204-983-3500 (Long distance charges may apply). Officers are available Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (local time) except holidays. Information is also available at this link.

The closure pertains to non-essential travel. Those Alaskans moving south permanently may be able to travel through Canada, but they must test for Covid-19 and follow Canada’s strict guidelines, which includes moving quickly through the country. They should also contact the border agency to make sure they’ll be permitted through, and under what conditions. Those doing what’s considered essential work (moving freight, government assignments) follow a different set of rules.

Alaska has five border crossings with Canada: Near Chicken/Eagle/Dawson City, Tok/Beaver Creek, Skagway/Carcross, Haines/Whitehorse, and at Hyder/Stewart.


  1. We just came north back home to Alaska and we had to have 2 negative virus tests before crossing the border. Then restrictions in Canada and we had less than 10 Canadiens we had come in contact (masks and 6 1/2 feet, 2 meters apart) in 2000 miles!!! Canada is needlessly losing alot of money with these excessive restictions.

  2. One wonders whether restricting border crossing is Canada’s payback for President Biden cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline.
    Prime Minister Trudeau & Co. may recognize the Biden regime’s weakness as an opportunity to leverage border-crossing restrictions into renegotiating the USMCA agreement to Canada’s advantage.
    In either case, productive Americans realize nothing is likely to improve while the Biden regime remains in power.

  3. Funny
    Social distance, lots of open space
    How crazy is this.
    Plus wear your mask while driving by yourself in your car. How Stupid is that, it makes me shake my head when I see this, why. Wait wear your mask inside your own home too.
    Canada is hurting itself, people spending money in there country. Driving, cruise ships, flying to Canada etc.

  4. Bad news!! Crossed Canada by road many times coming and going from Alaska starting in 1966 all the way thru 2006 !! Left a fair amount of money their each time but more importantly , built rapport in support of our historical good neighbor policy. Now that seems to be going the way of the Allan travel guide- what was it called?

  5. If America had a real president the border would be 100% closed to all Canadians. No import of goods; no exports to them.

    As we used to say to people who tried to stop the pipeline:
    “Let the B*****ds Freeze in the dark!”

  6. Looks like we are vacation at home again. I’ve seen most of the state in my 69 years. But it is beautiful.

  7. I do not see how America is really hurt much at all by the border restrictions. Alaska is a in a unique position but most of America hardly notice the difference when it is open or closed. Import of wood products/commercial products still goes on as mentioned in article. I have heard more from Canadians being upset because they could not cross the border to purchase cheaper goods in the US. The closed borders has actually help Canadian businesses improve their sales as the Canadians had to buy products in Canada for a change.

  8. What most Alaskans fail to realize, the border is closed because it was stupid Americans who lied at the border and took vacations in Canada. They would say we are traveling to Alaska and they would be found out in Alberta camping Jasper or Banf. So thank your lower 48 idiots for ruining the traveling. Trudeau and Biden have a lot in common.

  9. This is a lack of vaccine power play from Ottawa, who didn’t procure and cannot produce them. Simple as that.

  10. Amen Lila. We can pray we are able to claw it back and have a fair election, or I fear the days of real presidents and real borders are long gone..

  11. Canada is just trying to protect itself. Can’t blame them for that. All the people on here that say they’re not getting a shot and they’re not wearing masks isn’t helping open the borders. Canadians are different in the way they think and deal with problems. They may tend to overreact, but I can’t blame them for that. They do what they think they need to do which is all anybody can do.

  12. @Tevor, I’m going to call bull. You have no idea of what you prattle on about. The border has been closed to non-essential travel since mid-March 2020. What you babble about never happened.

  13. Becoming a state was contingent upon Alaskans being “safe” in international turmoil such as now. Canada professed ally, friend and neighbor agreed to continue unrestricted access between the states. This connection by land on the AlCan allowed Alaska to “become” a state. Without that overland, uninterruptible access the Territory would have remained like the Phillipines. The Canadians are well educated people. Revoking this friendship weakens America. There are military reasons right now why it is more dangerous for Americans to travel through a foreign state on the continent with ties to China. Alaskans may want to rethink the safety of isolation considering it will be decades if ever that Canada removes restrictions. No one will do anything.. Where is the loyalty.

  14. This one is on you, people who refuse to wear masks and/or get vaccinated. You can blame whoever you want, but the truth is that we in America have developed a streak of people who are anti-science.

    Serves us right for years of degrading and defunding our (formerly) world class schools and training our senses on Fox News (which, by the way, legally refers to itself as an “Entertainment Channel” so it can skirt any legal obligation to the truth).

    Deep state conspiracy indeed.

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