Bert Cottle jumps back into race for Mat-Su Borough mayor


Bert Cottle has made it a three-way again. After dropping out of the election for Mat-Su Borough mayor due to health issues involving chemotherapy, three weeks later Cottle has said he’s back in.

“That’s right, I’m still in the race for Mat Su Borough Mayor. Initially I tried to withdraw from the race after finding out I was going to have to go through chemo therapy. This would make it difficult to campaign, attend community council meetings and candidate debates. But the withdrawal time had already passed, so my name remains on the ballot. Since that time, I have responded well to my chemo treatments, and I have had many calls and messages from residents asking me to stay in the race. So I have made the decision to actively get back in this race and give it 100 percent. Although I’m feeling positive about my ability to be effective as mayor, if for any reason in the future I would have to resign from office, a special election would take place. This would open up the opportunity for a whole new list of candidates and more choices for borough residents. If you still believe in a bright future for the Borough and feel I am the one to help get us there, I ask for your vote on November 2nd,” Cottle wrote on Facebook.

Cottle is the former mayor of Wasilla. Other candidates for borough mayor are Edna DeVries, currently the mayor of Palmer and Matthew Beck, formerly on the borough Assembly.


  1. So can we have a debate between him and DeVries? He seemed to miss the last one.
    Beck says one thing and does another. Not interested in hearing any of that again.

  2. Bert is another Democrat in RINO drag. It seems this state is just chock full of ’em and I for one am sick of it. No thanks we don’t need your wish-washy progressive nonsense.

  3. Most of the work of elected officials is operational. Complete the jobs underway when you took office, make things run smoothly, improve infrastructure, take on projects that benefit the community, get the best results for the best cost, avoid incurring debt to do this. Catch problems early and fix them before they get out of hand. Keep things on an even keel. Bert Cottle did this for Wasilla. Regardless of political party, if we had more community leaders like Cottle we’d be in a better place.

    • Ah! So Cottle SUUUCCCKKKSSS!
      Got it.
      Thanks Keith.
      Given an endorsement from Keith for Cottle, I can be sure that DeVries is the only decent candidate.

  4. Thank you, Mr. Matthew Mark! I was afraid I was the only person who remembered how Matthew Beck (previous MSB Assembly member) ran Republican and voted Liberal. He’s still voting liberal and calling himself nonpartisan. At least he’s that honest.

    Also, thank you to those of you who recognize who is Bert Cottle? He’s congenial, a great joker and not much for sticking by his Constituents wants, needs and desires. I truly enjoy the man, but wouldn’t give 2 cents for the candidate.

    EDNA DeVries has served in at least 9 terms in the roles of Palmer Council and Mayor (2x each), MSB Assembly and Mayor (2x each) as well as a MSB Senator in our Legislature. I’ve watched and appreciate who Edna is, both as a friend and an elected official. Edna has always been a Constituent-Based elected official. She would NEVER veto a passed ordinance, she respects the positions of those with whom she serves.
    Besides all of that, Edna is a happy, generous and well informed individual. She’s even handed and welcoming. We couldn’t do much better than to Elect Edna as our MSB Mayor.

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