Anchorage Assembly votes to recommend the resignation of an already-resigned library employee


The Anchorage Assembly leftist majority has such a strong dislike of Deputy Library Director Judy Eledge that it voted 9-2 to recommend her resignation.

Members who voted in favor of the resolution were metaphorically kicking Eledge in the teeth, since she had announced her retirement early this morning and the resolution was therefore moot.

Eledge was one of Mayor Dave Bronson’s first hires when he took office in 2021, and she was assigned the head librarian, with the hopes that she would put an end to things like Drag Queen Story Hour, and make the library a safe place for children and families. The Assembly would not confirm her, and so she dropped back in to the Deputy Librarian position, which needed no confirmation.

The Assembly majority already had the resolution to disparage Eledge on the meeting agenda for Tuesday night, and therefore discussed whether they should go ahead and vote on the already-meaningless resolution or just take a pass.

Assemblyman Felix Rivera said that because Eledge is the state’s representative to a national education board, he still wants to send a strong message that Anchorage doesn’t care for her conservative viewpoint.

Eledge had been secretly taped by another employee of the library saying things that, when taken out of context, could sound harsh. Leftists called her racist and bigoted.

Assemblywoman Karen Bronga said she thought the resolution should pass, if only because Mayor Dave Bronson had read a statement talking about what a great job Eledge had done at the library. She would be among the “do pass” votes.

Kevin Cross said that although Eledge’s comments were controversial, “when someone willingly leaves, you don’t slam the door behind them. I would prefer to move on.”

Assemblywoman Meg Zaletel, who was chairing the meeting, said “I think if we don’t take action on this resolution, we’re ally give a pass to bad behavior.” She didn’t seem to think that by taking action, the Assembly may be giving employees a pass to start taping each other and using tapes to drive people out of their jobs.

Assemblyman George Martinez said he was uncomfortable about setting precedence in singling out individual employees, something he has an aversion to. But he ultimately voted in favor of the resolution.

In the vote, only Assemblymen Randy Sulte and Kevin Cross voted against the resolution.


  1. Democrats and Lefties want division amongst us. It’s what they do best. Pure haters. Dividers. They hate people with real skills and talent. Envy. Jealousy. It’s why they grow old and look older than Republicans. Most of my patients are Democrats. They blame Republicans for their confusion and hatred. Does all of this sound familiar?

    • Dr. Dan, to cure thyself, you must pull your head out of your ass: if you do so, you might very well see the second coming of Christ! Then again, you may be looking for salvation with Donald J. Trump: if that’s the case, your head is in the right place!

        • Open your eyes, Danny boy. This country is in its last days–fanatics to the left (I’ll bet that you know a drag queen or two) and fanatics to the right (Look at all the vacant-minded Trumpites!).

          Pray for your kids and grandkids, because things are only going to get worse! (Think about getting yours before the other guy gets there first!)

      • Thanks for chiming in on the subject of the city council voting for the resignation of an employee that has already resigned.

  2. Judy did her JOB, unlike the idiots on the assembly that vilify anything conservative and refuse to do their job in favor of bilking Anchorage tax payers out of millions.

    • The 9 members hate us, truly, there can be no other explanation.
      They waste their time (OUR MONEY), time we are paying them for, to produce this petty ordinance and many others like it. Instead of conducting actual city business.
      Petty people doing vindictive work.

  3. Aside from Sulte and Cross, the Assembly members cannot get enough of hearing themselves speak. It’s incredible -and sickening- to watch.

  4. Virtue signaling?. I believe there is an ethics problem with homosexuals voting library materials which influence choldren. I believe the gays have a vested interest in Anchorage young people switching gears so as to increase that voting base. Ethically they ought to have recused themselves.

    • I think there is an ethics problem with religious folks voting library materials and influencing children-which is really happening. I believe the religious have a vested interest in Anchorage young people switching gears as to increasr THAT voting base. Ethically they should have recused themselves.

      I see what you’re doing.

  5. The filthy books the Deputy Librarian objected to intrude uninvitedly into innocence of children to cause the young to begin to engage in sexual perversions in contraversion of marital activities leading to continuance of earth’s humans. Everyone should be able to present himself in health to his personal permanent mate providing for stability in the familial economic unit. Books purchased by the city of Anchorage foreclose this opportunity for integrity allowing integration of private personal values against this misuse occluding maximum health. The filthy book proponents are way outside their lane and aggressively so. This type of trespass must be remedied by return to recognition of family rights and removal of extremist books initiating children. These books are inappropriate and inflammatory and don’t belong inciting children to inflame them toward perversions.

  6. Idiots.

    But you keep voting them in, Anchorage. This is on you as much as the morons you elected.

    • Unfortunately, union members have a disproportionate financial incentive for voting. The non-union citizens don’t support this radical agenda, but since their paycheck is not dependent on their votes, they are not voting.

      Also, union advertising dominates elections. Conservatives can’t compete against all that money.

  7. Apparently, the Leftists on the Assembly just plain hate strong women. Why is that? I have known Judy Eledge for years and she does what is right for all Alaskans. Per Dr. Dan above, the Left uses race, ethnicity, and hate to divide us–using race just like Marx said about using class to get people to hate one another and destroy government. But the truth will finally win out, hopefully, and the majority of people will wake up before it’s too late. Thanks Judy Eledge for working hard to protect our children. God bless.

  8. Nothing was taken out of context, Judy has made inappropriate comments on a number of occasions. There is no room for bigots like her in the Republican Party or civil society.

    • If you truly believe this, lead the charge in getting Chris Constant out of office on these same grounds.

      The things he regularly, on the record, says about women are vulgar and should be unacceptable to anyone with a pulse.

    • Are you saying that there is room for bigots in the democrat party? Considering what whoppers our current assembly chair has stated in public in the past you certainly have a point there.

    • Even if she is a bigot, “franki”, it is not illegal nor unethical to be a bigot. Tell me what laws she broke in her illegally-recorded private comments. And then tell me what her PRIVATELY expressed comments have to do with the performance of her official duties.

      The true bigots are the radical leftists like YOU, “frank”, who cannot abide opinions that stray from your own rigidly held and enforced dogmas and ‘woke’ orthodoxy. There SHOULD be no room for intolerant, arrogant, hypocritical and posturing moralizers like you in a polite society, yet here you are.

      The virulent mind virus of radical leftist authoritarianism is the real enemy of everything good nowadays.

  9. The comments of Felix Rivera and these leftists are enough to gag a maggot.
    Are there not enough conservatives in this city to vote these marxists out? Now that they are all back , in comes Mark Begich to renovate the downtown area to make him richer. I can see it now– beautiful downtown Anchorage filled with the homeless in doorways.(Reason: Instead of solving the problem Rivera and Constant put them up in Begich’s rentals instead of treatment centers first.)
    The Assembly’s decisions are quickly making us Los Anchorage. Not only are these people mean, they are pure evil. Most of them couldn’t hold a candle to Judy.

  10. The 9 commie leftist oath breaking city killing dumbocrat ASSembly “members” are derelict in their duties and responsibilities. They CHOOSE NOT TO DO THEIR JOB, instead they piddle on conservatives. Felix didnt like judy’s VIEWPOINT.
    First amendment, free speech is dead in the muni. This was the final nail in that coffin.
    Muni workers, wtf?
    Where are the whistleblowers that will snitch on thes3 commies?
    Tape them and their evil comments and lets see if they can stand up to some scrutiny.

    • They are doing exactly what the people who bothered to vote want: increasing the fascism of the Anchorage ruling elite.

      People get the government they deserve.

  11. Those were the only people who showed up to support Judy? Normally tides of people come out for issues when the Assembly discusses them. But this was all that came out for Judy? Not even her Anchorage Republican Women’s Club people came out? I expected more people considering her relationships and the sheer number of people and causes she collects cash for. Wow

    • I wonder since Judy resigned earlier in the day, it was assumed that the assembly would drop the matter. Any decent person would have quietly moved on.
      Nobody counted on the true hate these people have for this woman. Their intent was to excise their pound of flesh and then some. How small and petty. I further believe it was meant to send a message to all that “we who are woke” have to be obeyed at all times.

    • Sweetie, wonder as you will about the “faint support” for Eledge from the Republican women. A lot of these women may be pretty, but they ain’t dumb, and they know money ain’t like manna!

      • Can you comment on anything without condescension and insults? Nobody here is your “sweetie”, or “Danny boy”. Your disrespectful posts diminish any actual contribution you potentially could have made towards the topic.

        • You’ve gotten carried away with your critique, Taxpayer: The good Lord knows that I’ve made great strides in becoming a better person. And I’m proud as hell of my progress!

          Taxpayer, eh? As Christ said, “Pay to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.” As you evidently know, in this country you can strut around claiming to be a big taxpayer and complain about the government at same time. But I can just imagine you at church “discretely” saying aloud that you’re a big tither too!

          You certainly don’t get much for your taxes, but be grateful that you aren’t getting all the “government” you’re paying for–God forbid! But regarding your tithes, you might be able to muscle your way to the front of the line when your time comes to see St. Peter–all them nickels and dimes earning you a fine reception!

          • Thank you for making my point.
            You make a considerable number of assumptions not in evidence, but as you said you are a work in progress.

  12. Maybe an official survey on how many residents actually use the library for its intended purpose. It has become an unnecessary tax burden.

  13. So the librarians took a page out of the Project Veritas playbook. But instead of ferrying out fraud, abuse and malfeasance, they used it for their own petty personal vendetta. It came down to them simply not liking the new boss or the mayor, who put her there. Small-minded people.
    Judy is entitled to her opinion and has the facts on her side. Making the library safer and addressing the security issue the homeless pose is part of her job. If the policy had singled out only certain homeless individuals and not others, they may have had a case. But it applied to all individuals with luggage across the board, homeless, residents and visitors alike.
    So Judy resigned and instead of being decent human beings and graciously taking the resolution off the agenda before the meeting, the assembly make a big deal and crowed about it. They have exposed themselves as inhuman trolls, lacking the basic modicum of compassion and kindness.

  14. The beatings will continue until moral improves. Or the dumba—- on the conservative side stop whining and start fighting. I don’t see that happening though.

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