‘We’re back,’ says Tucker Carlson, as he announces relaunch on Twitter


Tucker Carlson walked away from $25 million left on his contract with Fox News, which was tied to a noncompete clause that would have kept him out of the news and analysis business until January 2024. Instead, the former host of Tucker Carlson Tonight at Fox News will broadcast directly from Twitter, with the blessing of Twitter majority owner Elon Musk and with some of his former staffers, who are coming with him.

Carlson made the announcement today on Twitter in a video announcement that was viewed over 5 million times in its first four hours.

Fox fired Carlson two weeks ago, and on Tuesday, Carlson sent a letter to Fox saying the company had breached his contract.

Axios has reported that Carlson and Musk are also in talks about creating a new media platform. He has turned several offers worth millions of dollars over the past week, instead opting for the free speech platform at Twitter.

Twitter has 450 million active users, and Carlson has 7 million followers. Carlson, who lives in Maine and had been hosting his nightly brand of conservative analysis from his home, is said to be worth $30 million.

The New York Times speculated that the video posted by Carlson could be a violation of his contract with Fox.

“Mr. Carlson’s remarks on Tuesday, posted on Twitter — a platform run by Elon Musk, a provocateur in a similar mold as the combative, contrarian host — consisted of a three-minute monologue delivered directly to the camera. The video could violate the terms of his contract with Fox, which prevent Mr. Carlson from hosting a show on an alternate network,” the newspaper speculated.


  1. Could Twitter save Tucker and Tucker save Twitter?

    We’ll see.

    Either way, I’m not getting on Twitter. That place is where decency went to die.

  2. I check in there now. I Never did before. I’m glad he’s still at it. Liberty and political speech is a thing In America that monarchs and their sycophants don’t like.

  3. This is enough to get me to explore Twitter, but I’m waiting for Musk See TV!

  4. How typical of the NYT, voice of the Davos Economic Forum. It was when Tucker started to criticize Davos goals like making us all eat bugs (wonder how many it takes to make enough calories to sustain us for one meal), that he was fired. He was also pointing out the constitutional violations of the Biden Administration and its “Justice” Department. I am looking forward to seeing him rip into more of the problems in this country. In the meantime, I suggest everyone take a look at what the Davos Economic Forum would like to see happen to us next year. These monied predators want another medieval world and are working hard to get it. Who else would recommend not growing rice, which is the staple food of half of the world, because it is bad for the environment?

  5. Wow, good news. Twitter is fun now, you don’t get blocked or edited for free speech. Liberals go nuts when presented with truth and facts. I’ve got several of the self righteous ones given up and blocked me. Give it a chance.

  6. Focus on his words. These are important words. The deep state, admin state, globalist oligarchy will not stop. I truly fear for his life.

    They are gargantuan-huge, massively wealthy–and they will not stop…

    • They may not stop, but neither will we. And if I am placing bets we have more will, more heart, and we are not aligned against the truth. We want individuals to reach the peak of who their best selves can be. They want to control frightened serfs.

      The path forward >

      “The parallel society began in spontaneous acts of mutual self-defense in different parts of society. Those who take part are active people who can no longer stand to look passively at the general decay… rigidity, bureaucracy, and suffocation of every living idea or sign of movement in the official sphere. And because these people sooner or later recognized that efforts to bring about the slightest improvements in the official sphere were exercises in futility, it was only a matter of time before they said: Why not invest our talents, abilities, goodwill, and enthusiasm into something that no one will be able to corrupt, that we will be able to decide about ourselves in the end.”

      ~Ivan Jirous, Parallel Polis: An Inquiry

    • Paul, I’m sure Tucker Carlson will be the Tucker he is and will continue to slop the hogs. He knows there’s money to be made on bacon, pork loins, and chitlins. Why not encourage him to run for president; he can even offer to take Trump as his running mate!

  7. I never really used Twitter in the past even though I have an account, but that will definitely change. Tucker Carlson is willing to go to the mat to expose the corruption in the Deep State & I want to hear all about! FOX ratings are imploding & I predict Twitter’s will explode.

  8. I never really used Twitter in the past even though I have an account, but that will definitely change. Tucker Carlson is willing to go to the mat to expose the corruption in the Deep State & I want to hear all about it! FOX ratings are imploding & I predict Twitter’s will explode.

  9. It’s good to see this honest, hardworking, thoughtful journalist working again. Not to mention a dedicated Trump supporter!

    • ” Tucker Carlson walked away from $25 million left on his contract with Fox News, which was tied to a noncompete clause that would have kept him out of the news and analysis business until January 2024. Instead, the former host of Tucker Carlson Tonight at Fox News will broadcast directly from Twitter.”

      SD didn’t write that he walked away from Fox; but that he “walked away” from, or conceded the $25 M noncompete-until-2024-clause of his contract.

  10. I stopped watching Tucker and any other entertainment based news personality sometime ago. Once I realized it was all about the ratings, I kind of lost interest. I knew that fox was swinging both ways, being a liberal owned news media but kowtowing to conservative listeners. I guess the beginning of the end came when Bill Riley was fired.

  11. I have been a fan of Tucker Carlson for years but I have to laugh at all the comments about money or his contract. I don’t think money has been an issue for him ever. Check out his history–he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. I’m just impressed that he is a “conservative” under those circumstances.

  12. The books I checked out of the Lousac Library and read by Zbigniew Brzezinski tell it like is. The same things the monarchs of Europe wanted from America in the Revolution they still want. They never quit and they still want us indentured and enslaved and without our US Constitution and republic. All the things that give precious little liberty anymore thanks to the authoritarian redcoat kiss up democrats. President Trump wants you to have your power back. The emporer wannabese think you are an ignorant joke and give you implausiible rhetoric and holy days off while they try to install themselves as your God. As if their ego-centric God denying gets rid of Him and His God-given natural unalienable rights to you can be “taken” by the likes of them. Satan is a loser regardless.

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