Alaska Democrats stand by their man, bail on presidential preference poll, go with voice vote conducted mostly by Zoom


On Saturday, the Alaska Democratic Party held a voice vote, abandoning their party’s experiment with a paper-ballot “presidential preference poll” style caucus.

There was only one person on the ballot for president — Joe Biden, and a lackluster turnout would have been embarrassing and, regardless of turnout, a presidential preference poll is expensive to manage in a sparsely populated state the size of Alaska.

A voice vote makes it impossible for non-party officials to know how many actually participated. Biden won the party’s majority voice vote, but the vote was not announced by 7 p.m. Alaska time on Saturday. Two Democrats from Fairbanks — Sen. Scott Kawasaki and Rep. Maxine Dibert — were on a plane to Seattle early Saturday morning and it was unclear if they intended to participate in the party vote.

Alaska delegates to the Democratic National Convention will be picked at the Democrat Party’s state convention in Juneau on May 18. All Alaska Democrat delegates will be awarded to Biden.

Meanwhile, in Wyoming, Biden also won the Democrat caucus. Those results, unlike Alaska’s, were announced publicly on Saturday. Biden won 380 votes for 95.7%. Uncommitted were 13 votes. Marianne Williamson received two votes. David Olscamp also received two votes.

In 2020, the Republican Party of Alaska also did not hold a caucus-by-ballot because it only had Trump on the ballot, and officers decided it was a waste of time and money.

However, at the 2024 Alaska Republican Presidential Preference Poll, held by ballots cast in person, over 10,000 Alaskans participated: Donald Trump received 9,243 Alaska votes, Nikki Haley received 1,266 votes and Vivek Ramaswamy received 45. Since then, Ramaswamy has dropped out and endorsed Trump; Haley, also no longer a candidate, has refused to endorse the presumed nominee, going back on the promise she had made to the Republican National Committee that she would support the nominee.

Fully one in seven Alaska Republicans took part in the March 5 Presidential Preference poll, which is a party function, rather than a state-run primary.


  1. One name on the ballot. Hmm, who does that remind you of? Kim Jong Un? Stalin? Any of a number of other tyrants throughout history? They don’t even hide their disdain for American people any more. Only their power counts no matter the means to get there.

      • Yes, the anointed one. And they do every lawfare move to keep any others off the ballot. Do you understand how tyranny works? I used to be a Kennedy democrat.

        • As if Trump isn’t the Republican party’s Anointed One? Biden is the incumbent, just like Trump in 2020, there’s rarely any real in-party opposition to the incumbent.

          Did it similarly bother you when Trump wanted the Republican Party to just cancel the rest of the primaries and nominate him since he was the clear front runner?

  2. Well are we really surprised. The democrats party ceased to exist some time ago when they allowed the left to take it over.

  3. Everybody knows that Alaska’s 3 electoral votes will not change the outcome of the presidential election for either candidate.
    Disappointed that MRA would, with a picture, exploit a president that has fallen down even as unpopular as he is.

  4. So what were the democrats numbers?

    Looks like Anchorage based on the city elections. Just look at San Francisco to see our direction.

    A female chief of police? Lol we are in trouble if we lose our 2nd amendment.

  5. Rumor has it that this is the globalist plan – let no one else be on the ballot to ensure no competition and that Michelle Obama or whoever has no problem replacing him. Maybe this is why Nikki Haley has not dropped out? IMHO, maybe it is HER that the globalists plan on putting in and not Michael Obama. Lol What a clown world.

  6. Alaska Democrats for Biden and Alaska Republicans for Trump–wow, that’s news! Alaskans have made brown-nosing on the frontier into a fine art long ago. In touting Trump and Biden as saviors of American exceptionalism, you know that there is no limit as to how low Alaskans wouldn’t go to demean themselves for political patronage jobs.

  7. The story line doesn’t match the photo of a man who’s tripped over a sandbag after handing out the last diploma to a military school graduate. Perhaps the security detail will be warned ahead of other sandbags, but the what the photo says about the fitness of our President is this, he is a fit person with a remarkable sense of balance and good strong bones. That he didn’t break anything, that he was able to rise without a ‘crane’, and that he say’s he’s fine afterwards gives strong testament to his bounce-back effect. Whereas the story, not too sure of how it fits with either the title or the photo or what the gist of it is. Does it mean to say that despite other Democratic party members running for the seat were automatically eliminated without even a vote? If so, I’d like to know who they were and whether they were just ‘going through motions’ or fully intended to run as write-in candidates.

    Contrasting the actions of the Democrats with what the Republicans did really seems farcical and somewhat irrelevant, considering that the only candidate will probably be serving Federal prison charges by the time the voters have the opportunity to cast their ballots. All the way around, it’s not like this is ‘business as usual’ in the national elections, for sure.

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