Super big results roll in for Super Tuesday: Live blogging, with Trump in nearly clean sweep


9:20 p.m. update: Alaska results are coming in.

In Alaska the total is Trump with 89% at 9,243, Haley 1,226, Ramaswamy 45

Ketchikan District 1: Trump 308, Haley 33, Ramaswamy 2

Sitka District 2: Trump 2

Juneau District 3: Trump 176, Haley 33

Juneau District 4: Trump 133, Haley 24

Juneau votes from out of district: Trump 32, Haley 18

Kodiak District 5: Trump 2

Homer District 6: Trump 229, Haley 12, Ramaswamy 1

Kasilof District 6: Trump 222, Haley 12

Kenai District 7: Trump 188, Haley 17, Ramaswamy 1

Soldotna District 7: Trump 428, Haley 32, Ramaswamy 1

Note: Soldotna’s 427 actually included 162 D8 voters

Sterling District 8: Trump 402, Haley 24, Ramaswamy 1

Nikiski District 8: Trump 685, Haley 44

Anchorage District 9: Trump 408, Haley 112, Ramaswamy 6

Anchorage District 10: Trump 192, Haley 48, Ramaswamy 1

Anchorage District 11: Trump 349, Haley 78, Ramaswamy 4

Anchorage District 12: Trump 193, Haley 31, Ramaswamy 3

Anchorage District 13: Trump 149, Haley 23

Anchorage District 14: Trump 101, Haley 23

Anchorage District 15: Trump 274, Haley 58, Ramaswamy 1

Anchorage District 16: Trump 230, Haley 62, Ramaswamy 1

Anchorage District 17: Trump 77, Haley 25, Ramaswamy 3

Anchorage District 18: Trump 33, Haley 25, Ramaswamy 3

Anchorage District 19: Trump 9, Haley 1

Anchorage District 20: Trump 166, Haley 17

Anchorage District 21: Trump 275, Haley 58

Anchorage District 22: Trump 127, Haley 19

Eagle River District 23: Trump 432, Haley 89, Ramaswamy 4

Eagle River District 24: Trump 434, Haley 69, Ramaswamy 2

Palmer District 25: Trump 539, Haley 42, Ramaswamy 3

Wasilla District 26: Trump 390, Haley 12, Ramaswamy 2

Wasilla District 27: Trump 389, Haley 18, Ramaswamy 2

Palmer/Wasilla District 28: Trump 382, Haley 14

Valdez/Wasilla District 29: Trump 344, Haley 31, Ramaswamy 1

Wasilla District 30: Trump 201, Haley 5

Out of Fairbanks, these unofficial results:

District 31: Trump 216, Haley 58, Ramaswamy 1

District 32: Trump 164, Haley 18

Fairbanks District 33: Trump 331, Haley 29

District 34: Trump 313, Haley 48, Ramaswamy 1

District 35: Trump 252, Haley 48, Ramaswamy 1

District 36: Trump 257, Haley 30, Ramaswamy 1

It’s the biggest Election Day for 2024 — until the August primary and November general election. 854 Republican delegates are being decided today.

The Presidential Preference Poll for Alaska Republicans have opened and people are lining up to choose their preferred candidates.

We will be updating this story throughout the night, with results from Alaska expected after 8 pm, when the Presidential Preference Poll ends and results are announced by the Alaska Republican Party. National results are being updated continuously below.

Former Sen. Jerry Ward participated in the Presidential Preference Poll in Fairbanks.

4:50 pm Fairbanks update: Spotted at the Presidential Preference Poll was former Sen. Jerry Ward, who had just finished burying his 92-year-old aunt in Nenana, and was on his way to a memorial moose stew potlatch in her honor. He had to vote out of district due to circumstances.

Check back to get updates as we post them below, as they come in from Alaska and around the country.

At Grace Christian Presidential Preference Poll at 4 pm on Super Tuesday in Anchorage, Carmela Warfield helps out a participant.

4 p.m. Grace Christian update: 20 minute line of cars to get into the parking lot. High turnout. Takes 10 minutes to go through the process. Spotted At Grace Christian, three candidates for Alaska Republican Party chair — Mike Robbins, Carmela Warfield, Nikki Rose.Also spotted: Retiring Party Chair Ann Brown, Power The Future Alaska Director Rick Whitbeck, activists Portia Noble, Jamie Donley.

Soldotna Republicans take part in the Presidential Preference Poll on Super Tuesday.

5 p.m. Wasilla update: The line stretches 40 people deep just to get in the door at the Wasilla Senior Center at 1301 South Century Circle. The wind is whipping but enthusiasm is high.

Line stretches out the door in Fairbanks for the Presidential Preference Poll on Super Tuesday.

5:20 pm Fairbanks update: By 3:15 p.m. there was a line from the Carlson Center door all the way outside to the curb. Once inside, one participant reported “many familiar faces and conversations, it was a wonderful crowd, dozens of volunteers. IMO the crowd was energized and enthusiastic. Delighted to have the chance to be participating.”

Volunteers Liz Vazquez and Randy Ruedrich Jr. at the Jewel Lake Church of the Nazarene voting location for the Presidential Preference Poll in Anchorage.

The winning candidate needs 1,215 delegates of a possible 2,429 to become the Republican nominee. Donald Trump goes into Super Tuesday with 273, while Haley has accumulated 43.

Republicans line up at Church of the Nazarene to take part in the Presidential Preference Poll on Super Tuesday.
Kelly Tshibaka, state director for the Trump campaign, casts her ballot at the Presidential Preference Poll at Grace Christian in Anchorage on Super Tuesday.

Alabama, Trump 88, Haley 9, 50 delegates at stake

Alaska, 29 delegates at stake

Arkansas, Trump 76, Haley 19, 40 delegates at stake

California, Trump 75, Haley 21, 169 delegates at stake

California also has a jungle primary to determine who will take the place of the late Dianne Feinstein; the top two vote getters will advance regardless of party. They’ll certainly be Democrats Rep. Adam Schiff and Republican Steve Garvey, and probably not Democratic Rep. Katie Porter.

Colorado, Trump 63, Haley, 33, 37 delegates at stake

Maine, Trump 72, Haley 26, 20 delegates at stake

On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Maine did not have the authority to keep Trump off of the Republican primary ballot, as its Secretary of State, a Democrat, was attempting to do.

Massachusetts, Trump 61, Haley 36, 40 delegates at stake

Minnesota, Trump 69, Haley 29, 39 delegates at stake

North Carolina, Trump 74, Haley 23, 74 delegates at stake

Republican Mark Robinson won the North Carolina gubernatorial primary.

Oklahoma, Trump 82, Haley 16, 43 delegates at stake

Tennessee, Trump 77, Haley 20, 58 delegates at stake

Texas, Trump 78, Haley 17, 150 delegates at stake

Brandon Hill, a Republican, won the 26th congressional district seat in Texas.

Utah, Trump 58, Haley 41, 40 delegates at stake

Vermont, Haley 50, Trump 46, 17 delegates at stake

Virginia, Trump 63, Haley 35, 48 delegates at stake

Enthusiasm high in Wasilla at the Republican Presidential Preference Poll at 5 pm on Super Tuesday.
Kenai Peninsula Republicans wait in line to cast their vote in the Republican Presidential Preference Poll in Sterling on Super Tuesday.
Juneau Republicans use a vacant spot at Nugget Mall to conduct the Presidential Preference Poll on Super Tuesday.

Democrat primaries

Breaking: Biden is losing the Democratic caucus in American Samoa to a little-known candidate, Democrat Jason Palmer. Decision Desk HQ made the call after confirming the results with the Democratic Party of American Samoa.

Iowa: President Biden has won the Iowa Democratic presidential caucus. It was a mail-in-only caucus method.

Virginia: Biden has won.

North Carolina: Biden has won.

Vermont: Biden has won.

Oklahoma: Biden has won.

Texas: Biden has won.


  1. As the sun sets on Nikki’s political career. And not a moment too soon.

    Next stop: MSNBC?

  2. This should have been organized much better – who was in charge of this? Wouldn’t be surprised if quite a few people give up waiting and walk away. That’s really shameful!
    Pintail Rd voter

    • Yes. Not enough locations.
      Not enough volunteers? … nonsense.
      They didn’t ask me & I have worked polls for many years.
      We all should have gotten a flyer w/ our district # on it & a place to go.
      And more poles!

      • It looks like there were enough volunteers for Palmer and Wasilla, just not everywhere else! Should have asked volunteers – people that volunteered – if they would be willing to run the polling in a different area.

    • Not that it really matters if they voted or not, this is just who Alaska will get behind.

      We all know President Trump will get the nomination here.

  3. I understand this poll is being done by volunteers, but the short hours(3-8) with which to vote are not conducive to allowing all who want to do so actually be able to. I showed up at Wasilla Senior Center at 4. It was packed. A long line out the door. Parking was ridiculous. I left and am not returning as with chronic illness I just don’t have the stamina. Also, anyone who works a shift which occurs at this time(like my daughter) is unable to get there at a time away from her job. That’s two votes not gotten today.

  4. Why didn’t any info get out about a change of venue for Palmer??? I know they have to plan locations in advance, but the Palmer Library is currently under construction due to a roof collapse last winter. The fb outage didn’t help any…but info about moving the location could have been circulating on social media many days if not weeks in advance and NADA! I called the Div of Elections only to be told I had to call Repub HQ. I called…no answer. Waited a bit and called again only to get a message that the mailbox was full. Goodbye. Click. So I guess I’m not voting. Wonder how many others in Palmer not voting?????? Very poorly managed in my view.

    • I Kathy I actually used my gps to locate the place in Palmer a town I grew up in and it took me 3 times to AARLF office ? to the north of the Palmer library which is 1/2 caved in. I finally called ron Johnson to learn it was at the depot. Good grief. Anyway go trump.

  5. Whoever the Einstein is who decided the voting places should only be open from 3 tp 8, should be fired.
    What a fiasco.
    I tried to vote in Wasilla at the Wasilla Senior Center.
    Three of is rode there together at 11:00a.m. only to discover that we weren’t allowed to vote until 3:00 p.m.
    So after 3:00 I drove there again for the second time, all the way from Big Lake, only to discover that this time I could not even get off of KGB road, because the lines of cars stretched all the way from the Senior Center the full length of Century Circle, all the way from there down Riley Ave into the intersection of Riley and KBB Rd.
    I could not even get off of Riley and begin waiting in the line of cars wending their way to the voting place.
    I gave up there, and waited two traffic light cycles simply to fight my way through the intersection and back to home.
    There is no excuse for such poor planning. It was a fiasco, and one can only wonder how many other were not able to vote…..

  6. Herding cattle! In and out! Regardless! Cattle gate started at 3:00 pm! lol no can’t be normal 7 am through day! I know who I want! Happy voting! Go President Trump:)

  7. We stood in line for an Hour in the wind in Wasilla,Not A very well organized plan to have that many people at the Senior Center! Should of had it at the Menard Center where there is a bigger parking area and more room to get people inside out of the weather

  8. Alaska Public Media reported yesterday that the results would be share on social sites on the 5th and final results would come in on March 11th. Here we go again…probably the only state that will report its final results a year later – OK, that was an exaggeration. But, really? A week later we’ll know the results? Anyone want to start betting now on who wins since there is time to pad the results?

  9. Honestly, I believe that this was all poorly organized for one reason – because there is sabotage within the republican party and certain individuals want Nikki Haley to win. Take for instance, Glenda Ledford, City of Wasilla Mayor. She was selected as part of Nikki Haley’s campaign team ( earlier article on this website). Guess who was working at the Wasilla location? Mayor Leford! I feel like this is a conflict of interest and she should not have been allowed to be working at the polling place since she is working on Nikki Haley’s campaign team. Additionally, the ballots were printed on copier paper – how hard would it have been between January and today to remake the ballots with the correct candidates on them? Why do Alaskans put up with inferior work ethics and quality from our republican party?
    Why does the left and the liberals feel that they can just keep steam rolling over us? I am glad that there were a few honest people working in the Wasilla location who will say something if they see things happening that are not right.

  10. Hopefully Nikki Haley disappears into obscurity for eternity. What a scum she turned out to be. It proves they are all for sale. What do you suppose larry fink paid her to try to throw this election off track. Go trump. Keep you body guards close and stay on point. America needs you

  11. Was happy to see the turn-out, and yet, AP is reporting it as less than 10,000.

    It was a pleasure to see young people voting, too. People of all ages need to be involved.

  12. March 5th at 23:09 Ramaswamy has a running balance of 45 votes total in Alaska according to the Alaskan Republican live polling results. Haha My timing for looking at this is perfect! Go Trump!

  13. RCP is reporting Alaska is 96% tallied, with Trump ahead of Haley, 87.6% to 12%. I suppose some votes went to Vivek. Anyway, 9243 to 1266.

  14. Turnout this time around was about half what it was in 2016. Looks like ARP Chair Ann Brown intentionally suppressed Republican turnout in an attempt to suppress Trump support in the party probably to assist Lisa in not looking like a fool. She cannot be gone soon enough. Cheers –

    • Really? Stupid unsupported statement – you’re better than that friend.
      I have NEVER, in my 50 years of voting, seen such enthusiasm or such turn out in any election. I am greatly encouraged.

      • Rich, you have NEVER seen such enthusiasm? You must have missed the 2016 Presidential election! I think that the sky spraying got heavier after the 2016 elections to make people apathetic. 2020 was not as big of a turn out. Anchorage must be getting hit by heavier fluoridation in their drinking water, in addition to the heavier sky spraying because their participation has been really apathetic.

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