White House declares Easter Sunday is now Transgender Day of Visibility


President Joe Biden has declared Easter Sunday to be Transgender Day of Visibility. It is the most holy day of the Christian religious calendar, the day Jesus Christ came back from death.

The White House posted the proclamation Friday, which is Good Friday on the Christian calendar, a solemn day marking the death of Jesus on the cross.

“I am proud that my Administration has stood for justice from the start, working to ensure that the LGBTQI+ community can live openly, in safety, with dignity and respect.  I am proud to have appointed transgender leaders to my Administration and to have ended the ban on transgender Americans serving openly in our military.  I am proud to have signed historic Executive Orders that strengthen civil rights protections in housing, employment, health care, education, the justice system, and more.  I am proud to have signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law, ensuring that every American can marry the person they love,” the proclamation reads, in part.

He called on calling on “all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity.”

Biden will celebrate Easter Sunday with the White House Easter Egg Roll. As part of the White House Easter celebration, an Easter bunny appears in the official White House logo, as seen in the screenshot from the White House home page.

President Joe Biden at his desk. The White House is celebrating Easter by putting an Easter bunny in the official White House logo.

Transgender Day of Visibility, began in 2009 in Michigan with the Transgender Michigan program. It has spread and is also known as Transgender Day of Vengeance. It falls on March 31, and this year that is Easter Sunday.

Biden has made transgenderism a hallmark of his administration and is spending billions of taxpayer dollars to export transgender ideology to other countries. In his statement on Friday, he boasted about the many transgenders he has hired in his administration.

The Assistant Secretary of Health, Rachel Levine, is one of them. Levine spends most of his efforts pushing transgenderism throughout the entire federal bureaucracy.

Biden is also forcing taxpayers to pay for transgender surgeries for people in prison, according to a 2023 Federal Bureau of Prisons memo obtained by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project.

In a memo discovered through a Freedom of Information Act request last fall, details were discovered of the “immediate implementation” for inmates to undergo invasive surgery to transition to mutilate their God-given genitals. “Healthcare providers should utilize a gender-affirming approach, including using the individual’s preferred name and pronouns during each clinical encounter,” the federal memo reads. “This also includes using non-gender specific terminology (ex. genital instead of penis/vagina or chest instead of breast) for anatomical body parts or asking if the patient has a preferred term to be used.”

Biden’s 2024 budget proposal requested billions of dollars to advance the transexual agenda around the world, allocating far more taxpayer dollars to that issue than dozens of other spending priorities, such as stopping fentanyl from being smuggled across the southern border.

Biden’s budget request for this transgender agenda has more than doubled in the last two years.


  1. Biden may have declared it, but I, for one will celebrate the victory of my Savior Lord Jesus Christ, over death through his resurrection. Praise to my Father in heaven for His gift to all the human race.

  2. Easter is NOT about Transgenders! Jesus Christ is who this is about. No one else!
    If you don’t see that this current POTUS is in bed with Satan, and the crazy things going on are about a fight between God and the Evil one.
    Fight it at every turn, keep your Armor of God on and do not allow any of this to sway you. To publicly BLASPHEMIZE our Savior by declaring it a day for those that don’t understand what gender they are! Honestly we need to stop promoting it by talking about it in the news. That is what the defects want. Attention. When they aren’t the spotlight there is nothing for them to do. Disgusting to say the least!

    • In Christ’s kingdom, the last are first. You love your enemies. You pray for those who persecute you. His teachings consistently contradict our will to power. They frustrate our very human desire for vengeance. They channel religious devotion into compassion, not ferocity, and compassion should define our lives. One does not hate one’s way into the kingdom of God. For example, Mary Peltola probably could be described as the enemy by this sites writers and followers. Now if you look over those articles and responses do you see any compassion or just the usual vitriol. Go ahead, look into that mirror and reflect back to the words in the bible. The words in the bible that was probably given to you, not the $60 grift. Happy Easter!

      • Oh child,,,

        One does not judge the actions of others, unless they are without sin.

        You clearly do not qualify. But you, if you want to dance that dance, classify as classic Pharisee.

        Go color eggs child. You’re dangerously out of your depth.

  3. I think this is totally appropriate for this administration. It perfectly fits their agenda. Now they just need to designate a Sodom and Gomorrah day. Suggestions?

  4. The best thing people can do is to just ignore this and not get angry. The purpose of this little stunt is to create anger and division. Happy Easter everyone.

  5. What, no Minor-Attracted Satanic Day of Visibility, too?
    That’s RAY-SIST!!! And Beelzebubphobic!!

    I will say that the purely evil nature of the globalist and sociopathic cabal currently in power in Washington DC behind the figurehead meat puppet cadaver is, once again, proudly on display.

  6. Visibility? Hell, they push mental illness in our faces daily. And yes, we know you are a man, but you wear womanface as if that isn’t the height of insulting behavior. So yes, we already see you. And unless you get help, I suspect Satan sees you, too.

  7. Joe swears up and down in the beginning it was Adam and Steve. (He was there)
    He is about as catholic as his administration is a democracy.
    Remember the priest annointing him “Moses Biden”at the mass he attended on inauguration day?
    We are needing that 40 days and nights of rain to flush the filth out of the Whitehouse.

    • Put 99 women and one man on an island and what do you have in 100 years? Put 99 trannies and one man on an island and what do you have in 100 years? Biology is so bigoted!

  8. At least the administration finally admits that they only cater to one subgroup (plus all those non-American fence jumpers and climate yuppies of course) and no longer to all Americans at large. They seem to go out of their way to be disrespectful and petty towards believers.

    I can not believe that the number of transgender voters is larger than the number of Christians. It is after all an election year and they seem to deliberately focused on poking average folks in the eye. Good way in my opinion to drive higher voter turn-out for the other side.

    • I would suggest demon possession is what is wrong with this blasphemer – there is no other explanation, no other possible rational reason, no other explanation for the rage this idiot engenders in Christians. biden’s legacy is the destruction of this once-great nation and the promotion of every evil imaginable.

  9. I’m curious about something. Considering how much this mentally ill movement is in the public face, just how invisible have they been recently?

  10. Another thing I’m curious about: since Grandpa Bloodstains has banned overtly religious images on the Easter Egg hunt,

    Why not just put images of all the people who were on RuPauls drag race and call it a drag egg hunt?

  11. It truly is the third Obama term just with the Biden hand puppet as the public facing aspect. Brilliant to prop up a pedophile to push Big Mike’s transgender agenda. Gay Barack felt that by emphasizing transgenderism, the next step in the destruction of any moral or ethical foundation of American society, he was fulfilling his promise to the people who put him in place and helping homosexuality seem less objectionable in comparison. Biden is old and sickly so he probably won’t see his brand of deviancy, pedophilia, move toward mainstream acceptance but in his increasingly rare moments of lucidity he obviously feels proud of his efforts. If history is any guide, though, the masses will eventually tire of this constant attack on normality and the pendulum will swing back the other way and the backlash could be epic. When that occurs the transgenders and other assorted deviants won’t be celebrating their Day of Visibility as they fight to regain the anonymity and relative safety of the closet. When our national economy collapses under the weight of debt the overwhelming number of sexually normal citizens are going to be looking for someone to blame for their plight and it’s always the fringe elements who get targeted first and no matter how hard media, entertainment and people like Biden try to convince us that sexual deviancy is the new normal it isn’t. Look at any society that has self destructed to see the truth…when the smoke clears and sanity returns the people left to rebuild aren’t the fringe elements, they’re all gone. Just how it works.

  12. Biden, by his words or deeds, has no claim on being Catholic.

    This proclamation is another manifestation of evil that permeates our culture. It was timed as an attempt to diminish Christianity’s most holy day. As Alexander Solzhenitsyn said in his 1978 Commencement speech at Harvard: “We have forgotten God”. He was referring to the crisis of faith within western civilization that was becoming prevalent even in those days.

    We must put on the Armor of God: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

    This proclamation is among the things we must struggle against with all our might.

    • We have forgotten God, you are spot on. Look at the Republican candidate for president. He uses the Ten Commandments as a checklist of things to do. Yet there are no shortage of allegedly devout Christians that will explain away anything Trump says or does to prove that he’s a holy man, some say sent by God. You may not agree with much of Biden’s policies/politics (I certainly do not), but he is humble before God, makes mistakes, sins, and fails but asks for forgiveness. Trump does not. So Trump’s either a perfect person, or he spits in the face of God by refusing to ask for forgiveness.

  13. In the same vein, I propose that we officially declare the existing Martin Luther King Jr. Day to be “National White Supremacy Visibility Day”.

  14. Whether you commenters like it or not, March 31st has been declared Trans Day of Visibility since 2010.

    And wait for it…. it is internationally recognized.

    You don’t have to celebrate or recognize it, just like many people don’t celebrate or recognize Easter. I’ll be celebrating Easter, not Trans Visibility Day. And I don’t care what anyone else does this Sunday

    Easter falls on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the spring/vernal equinox. That is why it is a different day each year.

    Y’all are really making a mountain out of a mole hill.

    • I was waiting for someone to go here. Curious who had the stones to do so.

      It is true trans confusion day in recognized by many nations in the western world. It’s also true it falls on the same day every year.

      Internationally recognized is a bit of a stretch. Not in the Muslim world, most Asian countries, and not in the majority of Africa. So it’s really a “first world” problem.

      Aside, what you miss is HOW the White House chose to respond to it. In many cases, the White House puts out a statement/proclamation is issued and life goes on. Maybe a photo op if time permits.

      Grandpa Bloodstains is choosing to attempt to conflate the two very different, very opposite events. In a very real sense, it’s like observing 9-11 and having ISIS appreciation day at the same time/place.

      It’s a cynical political ploy. Nothing else. Grandpa Bloodstains is making a point of showing the left where his priorities are, and at the same time making sure those of us who believe understand how much he despises us.

      It is far, far more than a “molehill”.

      • How are they opposing? Many trans people are Christian and celebrate Easter as a religious holiday. Being trans is only considered ‘sinful’ by some very vocal fringe denominations.

      • By definition it is internationally recognized. Just because not every country accepts it does not change the fact that multiple nations across the globe recognize it. By that same definition, you could say Easter is not internationally recognized because North Korea has banned Easter.

        The White House has made this same recognition of the day since Biden took office in 2021. They put out the same statement each year and coincidently, it fell on Easter Sunday for 2024.

        Your comparison of Trans Visibility day and Easter to 9/11 and ISIS appreciation day is extremely disingenuous. If you cant see that, I cant help you.

        By recognizing Trans Visibility Day, President Biden is showing those who would hate others because of who they are that he and his administration, and by extension, the USA accept all, regardless of their religious views or gender or race or nationality.

        Nothing about Trans Visibility Day stops religious people from celebrating Easter. Definitely making a mountain out of a molehill.

  15. I like Clint Eastwoods version of trans gender, a good swift kick in the groin will determine if your transgender or not. Taxpayers should not have to pay a nickle for any surgeries. Why can’t we just leave these people alone, not ridicule them, don’t promote, encourage or propagandisize this stuff.

    • You sound so reasonable… but their psychopathology demands in-your-face celebration, not merely tolerance. Violence is not the answer – not even Clint’s version 🙂 – but any course correction that might restore our nation to sanity will likely result in French-Revolution-style violence. God help us.

  16. After the “Agent says FBI interrogates Americans about social media posts ‘every day, all day long” story made the rounds
    … one wonders whether government-sanctioned desecration of Easter was intentional.
    Could it be the desecration was meant to provoke outrage among Christian voters
    … so they could reveal themselves as candidates for FBI interrogation?
    The very idea of being on FBI’s shi… bad-person list… might be all it takes to intimidate, silence outraged Christians or to suppress their votes in sufficient numbers to produce the correct result.

  17. More in-your-face insults from Brandon & crew. We’re supposed to carry these crosses to our crucifixions, but these outrageous monsters make it pretty difficult. I’ve grown really tired of their bullspit.

    • There are times I genuinely wonder if his handlers are trying to see what the breaking point for civil war is.

  18. I did a bit more reading and learned that Downing’s headline is true but misleading. The day of visibility began in 2009 and was always recognized as occurring on march 31. So actually, the variable date Easter falls on march 31 this year, the sorta traditional day for the transgender visibility day, not the implication that Biden imposed the visibility day on Easter. It’s a coincidence.

    Nonetheless, this is a dumbass “oversight” on his part. He should have proclaimed the visibility day for sometime in the future.

    I’m an atheist, and think religion is silly and dangerous, but, jeez, EASTER, isn’t that the most important Christian day of recognition?

  19. The Satanist call it a Humiliation Ritual!
    Biden’s nationwide satanic ritual by shoving Transgender Day in our faces!
    A satanic holiday! ?

  20. The line in the sand has been reached. In mocking God, Biden is drawing the wrath upon us all, unless we throw this bum out in the next election and return this country to normalcy. Billions to promote this transgenderism throughout the world? Where is the tax protest? Where is the outrage?

    • Trump wasn’t and won’t be a part of normalcy. He is grossly unfit to be president.

  21. Big mistake by Biden. He not only offended the right but many on the left as well. A couple close friends who had been touting Biden and his accomplishments told me that this was over the top and they would either not be voting or would vote for Trump even though they thought poorly of him. Two others who before this declaration were not sure who they would support said they would do the same thing.
    If Joe was trying to sway the swing voters he may have made a fatal mistake.

  22. Ezekiel 33:3:
    1Once again a message came to me from the LORD: 2“Son of man, give your people this message: ‘When I bring an army against a country, the people of that land choose one of their own to be a watchman. 3When the watchman sees the enemy coming, he sounds the alarm to warn the people. 4Then if those who hear the alarm refuse to take action, it is their own fault if they die. 5They heard the alarm but ignored it, so the responsibility is theirs. If they had listened to the warning, they could have saved their lives. 6But if the watchman sees the enemy coming and doesn’t sound the alarm to warn the people, he is responsible for their captivity. They will die in their sins, but I will hold the watchman responsible for their deaths.’

    7“Now, son of man, I am making you a watchman for the people of Israel. Therefore, listen to what I say and warn them for me. 8If I announce that some wicked people are sure to die and you fail to tell them to change their ways, then they will die in their sins, and I will hold you responsible for their deaths. 9But if you warn them to repent and they don’t repent, they will die in their sins, but you will have saved yourself.

  23. First of all, trans people do not need visibility.
    Not kidding about that. If you are a man who wants to live your life as a woman, go ahead and do so. Without the nudity in the woman’s locker rooms, the pride parades, the drag queen story hours, etc… Just be a woman. All that other stuff is creating visibility that, frankly, no one needs.
    Let’s be blunt here. If you want to be accepted as a normal part of society, stop demanding to be seen. Just be.
    The opposite of discrimination is not pride months, and days of recognition. It is apathy.

    • I have never heard of transgender day Frank. I despise everything this demented old psychopath does. There is a special place in hell for him and his entire outfit.

    • Rachel Crandall-Crocker, radical trans activist invented the “Trans Day of Visibility” in 2009 and says, according to NPR, that he chose the day as March 31 to get distance between Transgender Day of Remembrance (Nov 20th) and Pride Month in June.

      But also, he had to thread the needle for the other narcissistic days:

      Feb 19-25 – A-romantic Spectrum Awareness week
      March 21-25 – LGBTQlA+ Health Awareness week
      April 6 – International Asexuality Day
      April 13 — International Day of Pink (Day Opposing Homophobia)
      April 14 — Day of Silence
      April 26 — Lesbian Visibility Day
      May 17th — International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia
      May 19th – Agender Pride Day
      May 22 – Harvey Milk Day
      May 25 – Pansexual 8. Panromantic Awareness Day
      June 23 – Stonewall Riot Day
      June 28 — International LGBTQ+ Day
      July 14 — International Non—binary People Day
      July 16 – International Drag Day
      Sept. 16-23 Bisexual Awareness Week
      Sept. 23 – Celebrate Bisexuality Day
      October 8 – International Lesbian Day
      October 11 – National Coming Out Day
      October 17-24 Genderfluid Visibility Week
      October 19 – International Pronoun Day
      October 19 – Spirit Day (Support for LGBTQ+ Youth)
      October 23-29 Asexual Awareness Week
      October 26 – lntersex Awareness Day
      ENTIRE MONTH OF NOVEMBER — Trans Awareness Month
      November 5 – Trans Parent Day
      November 8 — lntersex Day of Remembrance
      November 13-19 — Transgender Awareness Week
      November 20 – Transgender Day of Remembrance

      It’s just a bunch of made-up hooey for people who just can’t get over themselves.

      Happy Kwanzaa, Frank.

  24. Wow, the outrage is…outrageous.

    Y’all do know this day just happens to fall on Easter this year because Easter happens to fall on March 31. But “Transgender Day of Visibility” actually has been around since 2009. Yes, it is now more formalized by Biden’s proclamation, but it isn’t some sinister attack on Christianity. Next year Easter will fall on April 20, and “Transgender Day of Visibility” will still be March 31. I’m not defending, advocating for, or promoting any transgender ideology, just pointing out that y’all are getting worked up about a giant nothing burger.

    Put down the pitchforks people.

    • The MAGA method is clear. First, it whips up its people into a religious frenzy. It lies to convince them that the Democrats are an existential threat to the country and the church. It tells worried Christians that the fate of the nation is at stake. Then, just as it builds up the danger from the Democrats, it constructs an idol of Trump, declaring his divine purpose and spreading the prophecies of his coming return. He is to be the instrument of divine vengeance against his foes, and his frenzied foot soldiers are eager to carry out his will. They march eagerly to culture war, flying the flag of the House of Trump.

      • Every time I think you can’t get dumber, you prove me wrong.

        Feel free to enjoy the moment. It’s the only one you get.

        • Just when I think you can’t get more pompous, you prove me wrong.

          No, he nailed it. This is a big nothing burger and y’all are playing right into the right wing media rage machine. Good job thinking for yourselves…

      • Leftists employ the very same tactics.
        Oh… and so do marketing companies, advertising, sports teams, entertainers, businessmen, etc… etc… etc…
        Not sure why you think it is only bad when conservatives do it.

        • Because I am a conservative, a Republican, and I want our party to do better, to be better. I don’t care if the liberals do the same thing and are blinded by it – I do care if conservatives ignore critical thinking and are sucked into these spirals of hate at anger. We need to be smarter, calmer, and more clear of mind. But we choose, by our own hand, to respond to the rage bait in the very way it is intended. The Chinese and Russians (and likely others) know how to exploit this, and they do.

          We should never fall for a headline as misleading as this “article” has. Biden didn’t declare “Transgender Visibility Day” on Easter Sunday, he declared it on March 31. If he’d declared that it is always on Easter Sunday (April 20 next year), then yeah, I’d have a real problem with that. But y’all are getting whipped up in to a frenzy for no good reason.

          Stop, take a deep breath, and think!

    • No, Bill, you are wrong.

      The meat puppet usurping cadaver who currently occupies the White House went OUT OF HIS/ITS WAY to make this a public pronouncement, directly and viciously insulting and attacking all Christians in the process. Your feeble rationalizations for his purposefully divisive and insulting proclamation are weak and pathetic.

      • I couldn’t bring myself to bother responding to him.

        The idiots are out in force. I’m wondering where the dog is.

      • You claim righteous indignation over this, yet you let Trump absolutely trash Christianity without comment. You really ought to go re-read the Good Book and compare the actions of Biden and Trump. One of these men is Godly, the other is emphatically not. I’ll give you a hit as to the one who is not Godly – the one who paid hush money to a porn star.

      • I’m not addressing the merits (or lack there of) of the day. I’m simply pointing out that it is NOT an attack on Christianity, and people need to be a bit more critical in their thinking.

    • As mentioned to Frank,
      Rachel Crandall-Crocker, radical trans activist invented the “Trans Day of Visibility” in 2009 and says, according to NPR, that he chose the day as March 31 to get distance between Transgender Day of Remembrance (Nov 20th) and Pride Month in June.

      But also, he had to thread the needle for the other narcissistic days:

      Feb 19-25 – A-romantic Spectrum Awareness week
      March 21-25 – LGBTQlA+ Health Awareness week
      April 6 – International Asexuality Day
      April 13 — International Day of Pink (Day Opposing Homophobia)
      April 14 — Day of Silence
      April 26 — Lesbian Visibility Day
      May 17th — International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia
      May 19th – Agender Pride Day
      May 22 – Harvey Milk Day
      May 25 – Pansexual 8. Panromantic Awareness Day
      June 23 – Stonewall Riot Day
      June 28 — International LGBTQ+ Day
      July 14 — International Non—binary People Day
      July 16 – International Drag Day
      Sept. 16-23 Bisexual Awareness Week
      Sept. 23 – Celebrate Bisexuality Day
      October 8 – International Lesbian Day
      October 11 – National Coming Out Day
      October 17-24 Genderfluid Visibility Week
      October 19 – International Pronoun Day
      October 19 – Spirit Day (Support for LGBTQ+ Youth)
      October 23-29 Asexual Awareness Week
      October 26 – lntersex Awareness Day
      ENTIRE MONTH OF NOVEMBER — Trans Awareness Month
      November 5 – Trans Parent Day
      November 8 — lntersex Day of Remembrance
      November 13-19 — Transgender Awareness Week
      November 20 – Transgender Day of Remembrance

  25. Trans don’t need to be any more visible. Except as exhibitionism!! Which, they assure us is JUST fine, not perverse any more visible, they’d have to be a road cone

  26. Where was the outcry a few years ago when Easter(Zombie Jesus Day to some)fell on April Fools Day? C’mon, man!!

  27. Grandpa Bloodstains must really gotten heat to have mobilized the the troll patrol this vigorously.

  28. I hope am reading the Babylon Bee here, but there is a good changce I am not and we are under siege.

  29. This article is a complete misrepresentation of the facts. TDV has been on March 31st for 15 years, drama queens.

  30. When is Chemical Castration Day and Menstruation Day and Menopause Day? c’mon now… celebrate!

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