Urban forest fires: Homeless camp fire extinguished off of Dimond Blvd


On Tuesday night, another small forest fire occurred in urban Anchorage, and it was only by luck that it was contained quickly. This one was in a homeless encampment behind the Monster Wash and Walgreens Drug Store on West Dimond Blvd. The Campbell Creek trail and greenbelt is on the other side of where the fire occurred.

An off-duty member of the mayor’s staff spotted the smoke, then saw flames, and called 911. Crews arrived within minutes and contained the blaze, preventing it form spreading to homes and businesses in the area.

“I cannot express my gratitude enough to the men and women at our fire department who are doing double times these days with the hot & dry weather. Folks, if you see smoke around town call 911 and alert authorities. If you see illegal camps, report those ASAP, so we can abate them and prevent further fires from starting,” the mayor said.

Anchorage is experiencing hot, dry weather that is expected to continue for several days. In the past week, there have been at least 40 fires reported in Anchorage. They have not all been in homeless camps, but the mayor’s office said several of them have been in illegal encampments.

To report an illegal camp go here.


    • Are there any claims to remove the other vagrants back to their nationalities?

      IMO it’s just as bad saying send all African Americans back to Africa.

    • Constant has a very nice vacant property owned by AKRR in front of his house. We could relocate a few there.

  1. Since the Sullivan is being shut at the end of the month, and there are about 300 people still sheltering there, isn’t this more likely to occur?

  2. Another to stop enabling vagrantcy, loitering, and trespassing.
    When you allow behavior to occur – it will.
    Even our mayor has given up and has adopted the failed progressive policies to deal with homelessness.

  3. Add a little wind and the whole city will go up in smoke, as dry as everything is. Maybe the assembly knows a solution to their problem.

  4. So, did anyone get that misdemeanor charge and $10K fine that the MOA promised?
    I’ll set the odds that no one gets fined at 42:1.

    • Those are only for taxpayers and productive citizens of the municipality. Coddling and enabling by the assembly and the homeless industrial complex will continue. Remember last summer when the huge homeless camp between Tudor and Dowling behind Tozier Track burned. Although the fire was quickly extinguished, the ADN, Channel 2 and Channel 13 tripped over each other to avoid saying that the area was a homeless camp. When the early reports by first responders said so, those observations were quickly silenced. Remember this Hillsiders: wildfires run uphill. If this area burns again and becomes uncontrollable, you have no one to blame but the assembly and the local media. Oh, and if you voted for one of the liberal members of the assembly, you have no one to blame but yourself.

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