Trump endorses Young



President Donald Trump jumped on Twitter this afternoon to pen a glowing endorsement of Rep. Don Young as the Congressman seeks re-election this November to the U.S. House.

In his tweet today, the President touted Rep. Young an “incredible Congressman who loves his State and works tirelessly for it. Strong on Public Lands, Energy, and our Second Amendment.” 

In May, Donald Trump Jr., the President’s eldest son, endorsed Rep. Young, calling him a “protector of the Second Amendment and a strong supporter of our President.” 

As the longest-serving member in both the House and Senate, Congressman Young has been a stabilizing fixture for Alaska. Today’s endorsement from the president comes at a crucial time as the Congressman seeks a 25th term.

His opponent, Alyse Galvin, is endorsed by Planned Parenthood, BOLD Democrats, Democratic Congressional Committee, Progressive Turnout Project, and the George Soros-funded J Street Political Action Committee. 


  1. “His opponent, Alyse Galvin, is endorsed by Planned Parenthood, BOLD Democrats, Democratic Congressional Committee, Progressive Turnout Project, and the George Soros-funded J Street Political Action Committee. ”

    And she’s running as an Independent………..a vote for Alyse Galvin is a vote for another liberal Democrat. Vote for Don Young if you love Alaska!

    • There’s more than 2 choices. You’d think that Republicans could do better but looking at State politics it’s pretty disgusting.

  2. “I took it at Walter Reed Medical Center in front of doctors. And they were very surprised. They said, that’s an unbelievable thing. Rarely does anybody do what you just did.”

  3. I want a congressman who isn’t afraid to tell it like it is: Beervirus. Witty. 160,000 dead. What a laugh line. But what more could we want or hope for beyond the ringing endorsement of President Trump. When you favorite football team is taking a big, fat knee because all their games were cancelled, please send Trump a Thank You card. And never ask Rep.Young, that true conservative, these three questions: How much money have you received from the government in the past 45 years? What was the federal debt when you were elected and what is it now? What was the federal budget in 1974 and what is it now? If anyone one answers these correctly they will know that has gotten rich as a government official and he is a big spender and a bigger borrower. But the Second Amendment is more important than all that because you need arms to resist the government. Wait, Don Young is the government.

    • I love Don Young. Liberals and Democrats have been ragging on the man for 45 years. And he’s not lost an election………..ever. And he never will.

  4. Why are Alyse Gavin & Al Gross so ashamed of the Democratic Party that they feel their only chance at winning an election is to run as an Independent? Very telling.

    • Look, Al Gross fights grizzly bears with his fists. Galvin wants to mount Don Young’s head on her wall. Now you tell me…….is there even a scintilla of sanity left in these Democrat’s feeble, demented minds? No. Insanity, one detected and conferred, is irreversable.

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