Breaking: Troopers arrest man wanted for shooting trooper


Alaska State Troopers arrested 60-year-old Anchor Point resident Bret Herrick in Anchor Point at a residence at about 8:40 am Tuesday. Herrick was wanted in connection with the shooting of a trooper on Monday in Anchor Point, which is a community on the Kenai Peninsula.

The shelter-in-place has been lifted for Anchor Point and surrounding neighborhoods. Herrick was on the lam for about 24 hours.

“The Alaska State Troopers would like to thank the Anchor Point community for the valuable information that was provided that resulted in Herrick’s arrest. There will be an increased law enforcement presence in Anchor Point today as Troopers continue their investigation in the incident that occurred yesterday,” the Troopers reported.

Herrick has a long list of prior contact with law enforcement and the court system for offenses such as kidnapping, robbery, and domestic violence.

Read earlier story here: Suspect on the lam, wanted for shooting trooper.


  1. If this unsuccessful murderer had merely shot you or me, and not a state trooper, then the crime would be plea-bargained to 2nd degree assault – provided that he would be released from prison in three-four years. Get used to it, because our state’s legislators seem to be satisfied with Alaska’s criminal justice system.

  2. If this unsuccessful murderer had merely shot you or me, and not a state trooper, then the crime would be plea-bargained to 2nd degree assault – provided that he would be released from prison in three-four years. Get used to it, because our state’s legislators seem to be satisfied with Alaska’s criminal justice system. Because our society’s criminal justice system is practically worthless, I vowed over thirty years ago to never permit anyone to rob, assault, or kill me and my loved ones. I then secured the means and the training to carry out the vow. God requires that we act on our own behalf.

    • I taught my kids the same, and armed them when they left home.
      “A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. As long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever-renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human beings must be willing, when need is, to do battle for the one against the other.” John Stuart Mill
      And my girls too.

  3. Three hots and a cot for life. Free healthcare, clothes and a warm place at night for a parasite to further suck the resources from society. That is, if we are lucky and another slimy judge doesn’t let him walk until he kills your or my child.

  4. A multiple offender with a long list of prior contacts with law enforcement. I’m perplexed. I somehow don’t believe that I would be able to get away with committing multiple crimes, many felonies, and just walk repeatedly. How does this happen? Anyone taking any bets whether this d-bag walks again?

    Out on parole in 3, 2, 1 years?

  5. Shame, really. Now the State will begin bleeding resources and cash for someone that doesn’t deserve it. I think we should outsource our justice system to China. Sadly, this guy wouldn’t even make a good organ donor.

  6. If anybody else was in that residence with him, they should be arrested as well for harboring a fugitive. AST got the word out as completely as possible. If his supporters can get away with sheltering him, it should only be after they’re dragged over hot coals.

  7. I never have understood how a state that loves hunting so much, doesn’t have a death penalty for these type of vermin!

    • Alaska hasn’t had the death penalty since the 1940s, and I’m not sure it was imposed under Territorial law or general federal law. A friend of mine’s grandfather was the federal Marshal who supervised the hanging. The gallows was near where the Juneau State Office Building is today.

      As much as I sincerely believe that some people are simply a waste of oxygen and need killing, I spent my career taking people’s jobs using the same tools and rules that a prosecutor uses to take life and liberty, and I practiced before skilled administrative law judges and labor arbitrators, not before 12 morons with driver’s licenses. I won way too many cases I should have lost and lost too many I should have won to ever give the adversarial advocacy system and the government to do anything that can’t be reversed of fixed with money.

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