Durham School Services and Teamsters Local 959 have a tentative agreement that is expected to be ratified by members of the Teamsters this weekend. Bus drivers walked out on Jan. 31, after they dropped students off at school. They were dissatisfied with working conditions.
If ratified, students and parents could see bus service return on Monday, March 6, and the superintendent will be sending notices to parents on Sunday, March 5, as to how many drivers may return to work on Monday and which routes will be functioning.
“We want to thank everyone for their patience during this process. We know this interruption in service was difficult and we appreciate all the efforts to get your students to and from school,” said Superintendent Randy Traini.
Neither Durham nor the Teamsters are commenting on the terms of the agreement until it’s ratified, but the Teamsters put out a statement:

Hope everything goes nicely.
Alaska will continue to slide into leftist hell until unions are brought to heel.
There is such a thing as out-of-control unreasonable unions… who too frequently are communistic. But if by the “working conditions” they were taking action against means lack of vehicle maintenance, lack of protection from out-of-control passengers, or bus stops on unplowed roads – the Teamsters have some legitimate complaints. M.A. – do you want to sign up to be a school bus driver? When was the last time you got hit by a spitball from a kid with covid or worse?
I once had an HIV positive friend puke on me. That make you happy?
I’ve no doubt it disappoints you it was years ago and Ive repeated tested negative to the point tests were no longer required.
BTW: while not hit with a spitball Ive been exposed to it frequently. Also tested negative 5 times. So that died on the vine for you, too.
I’m not scared of Covid, AIDS, West Nike, pick your poison.
I wouldn’t take that job for the simple reason they don’t pay enough.
I had anHIV positive patient spew blood on me. He bit his lip when he fell.I was was helping him up when he coughed. Cost me a tailored shirt, the hospital took for “cleaning” never to be seen again!
If we were actually a red state we would have banned unions years ago!
Even the leftist God Roosevelt objected to public sector unions.
Yet if you had half a brain you would realize this isn’t a public sector union. Man you can’t fix Faux Conservative stupid.
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