Service High School principal resigns


Robert Service High School Principal Allen Wardlaw has resigned from his position, the Anchorage School District reported on Friday.

Wardlaw had been placed on administrative leave last month after a series of salacious text messages allegedly to and from him began circulating among students and staff across the district.

As the drama unfolded, the school district sent a team to meet with faculty and staff at the high school about the sexually crude messages that called into question the principal’s character. Wardlaw was sent home and did not return.

The text messages indicated that a love relationship went south on Wardlaw, and that one or more women were going to exact revenge on him.

Assistant Principal Imtiaz Azzam was named acting principal through the end of the school year.

The school district has only described the incidence as a “community concern,” and is handling it as a personnel matter with the requisite privacy for Wardlaw being observed.

“As a result of Mr. Wardlaw’s resignation, ASD will move forward with hiring a new principal for the 2023-24 school year and would like to invite you to be a part of this process,” Kersten Johnson-Struempler, the district’s senior director of secondary education, wrote in an email to families.

Stories in Must Read Alaska about the incident fill in some of the unsavory details:


  1. What’s next:

    Real World, ASD?
    The Bachelor?
    A guest spot Playboy Channel’s Swing?

    It’s not like they were educating children.

  2. None of this ever would have happened if only we had Juneteenth as a State holiday. Just sayin’.

  3. ASD covers up controversy. Remember the Dimond High football team sexual assault? ASD never told the tax paying public what actually happened. Same here. They are paid by the public but keep the public in the dark. That’s wrong.

  4. If the school district makes a real effort, they’ll be able to fill the position with another person with morals several notches below Wardlaw’s. Who knows, if they work at it they might be able to find a talented administrator who moonlights as a drag queen.

    • They hang out with your kids all day. ‘… bottom center of the poster. Art teacher at Clark Middle School.

  5. Maybe this is a case for Restorative Justice that board president Margo Bellamy is pushing! Question: Is Mr. Wardlaw eligible for retirement and health insurance? This is not a personnel matter. It needs to be handed over to the Anchorage Police Department for further investigation. Were any students involved? We need to know. He is on our payroll and is our employee, not the districts. Just another cover-up in spite of the district’s value of “Transparency”.

    • His health insurance eligility expires 30 days after his last day in pay status. His retirement contributions are his. If he’s vested, the SDs contributions are also his. Don’t know what Tier he is, but whatever benefit he was entitled to at time of hire he remains entitled to even if dismissed.

  6. There needs to be another municipality work session and inquiry shouldn’t there be in keeping with recent assembly/HR traditions and curiosities to satisfy?

  7. Are there any text messages on his cellphone from underaged girls? Instagram? Snapchat?
    Check them all.

  8. And, I would bet none of those named were born here. Meaning, keep hiring from the Outside and you get the Outside think.

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