Sen. Lora Reinbold, banned from Alaska Airlines last week because of her lack of adherence to face-mask policies, drove for the Canadian border on Saturday afternoon, and shot on through to Haines, Alaska in time to catch the 4 pm ferry to Juneau on Sunday. She is expected to show up for work at the Capitol on Monday.
After she and her husband boarded the LeConte, Reinbold posted a notice on Facebook, saying she would go to any length to fight the Executive Branch and try to stop House Bill 76, the disaster declaration bill expected on the Senate floor on Monday morning.
Reinbold had left Juneau on Thursday in a dramatic exit that had several employees of the Juneau International Airport and Alaska Airlines involved in trying to get her to wear her face mask properly.
After she arrived in Anchorage, the airlines sent her a letter telling her she could not fly on their jets. Employees that are customer-facing for Alaska Airlines received notices that Reinbold is on the no-fly list for Alaska Airlines.
Airlines employees have had other run-ins with Reinbold in the past, but this time her fight with the federal mask policy left her with three choices — stay home in Eagle River, charter a private jet to Juneau, or hit the road for the 14-hour drive to Haines in time for the Sunday ferry.
Read: Confirmed: Lora Reinbold banned from Alaska Airlines
In November, Reinbold issued an apology for venting her frustration with airline employees, and she baked a cake with an “I’m sorry” message frosted onto it.
Reinbold apologizes for venting about masks
Such nonsense.
Move the Capital to Anchorage, right?
Move the Capitol to Venezuela!
When I worked with the traveling public I didn’t think of interactions with them as run-ins. I thought of them as sales and customers. The drunk guy with his hands down his pants, the guy from the philippines who hadn’t slept in days were all sales. Among the travelling public Senator Reinbold is a breeze.
Any publicity is good publicity right Senator? Now that you are getting your fifteen minutes of national attention will you please bend your efforts to the job we elected you to do? Signed: Your Humble Constituent.
Glad she was able to get to JNU but how did she get thru Canada customs? I was told I can’t drive thru Canada to catch the Haines ferry or to visit Haines.
You go girl
You have my full Support
Fight this Stupid masks stuff on airplanes and in public places. Enough is Enough
New name Alaska airlines=Sheep airlines
Honestly, her stand is important. She’s taking it on the chin like so many of us would, if only we were brave enough.
MIT just published a literature review of 65 studies on mask-wearing and they determined that there is substantial evidence that mask wearing is harmful. (Read it yourself: “Is a Mask That Covers the Mouth and Nose Free from Undesirable Side Effects in Everyday Use and Free of Potential Hazards?” Kisielinsky, et. al. 20 April, 2021.)
Does the State Legislature take legal responsibility for harms that may occur as a result of wearing masks for long periods of time? Does your employer? Does Costco? Who do you sue when the mandate causes known damage, such as the harms identified in this literature review?
We all make medical decisions, which are usually (I would hope) based on a careful consideration of the benefits and risks of available treatments or prophylactic options. Downsides of getting COVID vs. getting vaccine? Relative benefit of those options? Risks of mask wearing vs. no mask wearing? Relative benefits of those options? See, I thought I was culpable for my medical decisions. I thought I was in charge. Not any more. Now your employer or government body or service provider (airline, taxi, store) gets to dictate right and wrong, coerce you into compliance, and bully you openly as a nut case, all while IGNORING the facts.
I support Reinbold. BOYCOTTS ARE NEEDED NOW!
Keep up the fight
Let me know how to help
What the Bolsheviks and Technocrats fear most in this world, is that red, white and blue flag, the liberties for which it stands, and the patriots who are willing to fight for it! Thank God we have someone in Juneau wiling to Stand Up and Fight for Our Constitutional Liberties! God Speed and Smooth Sailing to you Senator Lora Reinbold! In the words of Winston Churchill: “Never, never, never surrender”!
The ferry way is the best way to travel among Alaska’s coastal communities. Alaskans could even make the choice travelling as far north of the Interior to a cook inlet ferry. I thought witnessing Alaskans preferential transporation change over from Ferry, car, to Air one of the saddest changes I will ever had witnessed living in this world.
You know! People grew more pompous, impatient, and materialistic and Air travel quickly satisfied peoples needs.
If people didn’t allow themselves get caught up maintaining social media and depending on air service that only frustrated most passengers being Squished, people will have a little more social skills to talk with one another. Perhaps Governments wouldnt had taken so much ground that last two decades.
@Daniel Donkel, no need to move the Capital itself. Just the legislative session. The two aren’t necessarily locked to each other. Get the legislature out of Juneau!!
Alaska air….nice nazi maneuver. This actually brings up a new reason to move the capital.
During the session in Wasilla a few years back, I suggested to a legislator to hold the session at respective LIOs around the state in a rotating fashion. One year in Juneau, then next in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Dillingham, Valdez etc. This would allow different parts of the state to reap the benefits of commerce from hosting the session, force lobbyists to travel and allow constituents to be able to observe in person. The added benefit would be the sessions most likely would only last 90 days. I will never forget the horrified look on the legislator’s face.
To Michael / April 26, 2021, we respectfully disagree.
Would be like moving termites but not their nest;
… or separating the 60 elected members of Alaska’s lobbyist-legislator team from their lobbyist team mates repping the 204 special-interest groups in Alaska’s “Lobbyist Directory”.
Can’t see a scenario in which either ends well.
Don’t come to this gulag.
Traveling by Ferry in this state is a blast. It was even more fun when they had the bars open. It’s not cost effective though. When you can’t make a bar..on a Alaska, make money? Then you know the model is not cost effective..
Is Canada now open for Alaskans to drive south?
AMHS Travel Protocols – All AMHS Travel Protocols are defined as follows:
All in-state passengers must complete the Passenger Screening Form before boarding and must be able to respond “no” to all questions.
All passengers (over 24 months of age) and crew are required to wear face coverings while boarding or onboard vessels, except when in a stateroom, in a designated smoking area, while eating, or in a vehicle while loading/unloading *(except when showing ID and boarding passes to the Purser or other designee), or while underway in a vehicle on the car deck aboard Lituya. To the extent possible, AMHS will make reasonable accommodation for a passenger who is unable to wear a face covering due to a disability.
As of February 1, 2021 The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued an order under Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act requiring persons to wear proper face coverings when using public transportation systems to help reduce the introduction, transmission and spread of COVID-19. AMHS currently requires passengers and employees to wear masks, but the CDC order makes refusal to wear a face covering a violation of federal law.
Crew on operational ferries are now allowed to leave the vessel and take approved breaks on the terminal property in both Ketchikan and Juneau. Passengers will be allowed to walk their pets on the terminal property in both Ketchikan and Juneau. Both crew and passengers will continue to wear face coverings while ashore.
All passengers and crew will practice social distancing.
As a traveler from the lower 48 I would also like to know how she drove across the Canadian border to Haines.
The protocol is not syncronized with the US Constitution. The right to travel applies to sick and infirm and in robust health.
What is AMHS exactly;HMSPinafore? CDC is not one of our pillars of government. It actually is a private corporation regisyered in the Vith of London. This corporation named itself Center For Disease Control. They could have chosen any name. They have a disguise as an agency. An agency is not a free man. All rights in the US Constitution were given by God to freemen not an agent. Not a theory.
CDC writings do not rise to federal law. They do not rise to even popular tradition of man. YOU just believe the writing of the Brits are now US federal law and US Constitution sledge hammers. Perhaps you should go back to logging. It is your forte.
Can I get a snicker from the displaced londoners?
Move the Capitol to Bethel.
Nonconformist goofball. Stop attracting attention to yourself for all the wrong reasons and do what you were elected to accomplish… by many that had faith in you before being exposed to your nutty side. You and Sancho can tilt at windmills on your own time.
Good for Senator Reinbold. I just returned from a vacation in Hawaii and I will not fly on an airline again if I have to wear a mask. I am done with that BS. No one can make me believe it is any safer wearing a diaper over my face than if I was not. Social distance…..yea right. There is not a bit of social distancing in the airport terminals, getting on the airplanes, sitting in the airplanes or getting off. It is all the biggest crock of hogwash, poppycock and BS that I have ever had to experience in my life besides being extremely uncomfortable. I will not do it again. I am glad that Senator Reinbold is standing up to the mask Gestapo.
Like this group would ever vote to move the capital. Why, when you can get away from your spouse and beer pong party on weekends and collect +300 per diem each day. They love it down there….free money and lots of free time, since they rarely work 4 hrs a day, or consecutive days in a row.
I will wear a mask for years because I don’t want to overdose myself in a herd of people recently vaccinated with material not condusive to health.
My concern beyond that is nobody knows the US Constitution. They don’t get it how the “agencies” reached out for powers that are not theirs. People who took oaths to defend the US Constitution are mighty cavalier about it. I get it it was a long time since their civics lessons but the Constitution should be defended from enemies foreign and domestic. You may not infringe and dilute with impunity. The Constitution is easy to understand. Read it. Organize study groups.
First question – How did Sen. Reinbold get access to the Canadian border? I thought it was closed.
Second question – When is she going to cease her vendetta on the Governor? He was only protecting his people from her sniping interviews. Her continuing actions mean she is not a team player and is out for herself. This does not help Alaska. She needs to get back to seeking in formation in an unbiased and respectful manner. Then maybe Alaska can benefit more from her service.
Canada does what it “can” to be a good neighbor. They feel under siege and they are. Guessing they wanted to be helpful. We should all want to be helpful. I don’t think Senator Reinbold has a vendetta. She cares intensely that you don’t lose one scintilla of your US Constitutional rights in Alaska. Others took the same oath to defend but they were all just joking. Your rights are a laughing matter to them. They pretend to give a darn around the purple hearts but they don’t actually care at all. Or, they are ignorant and complacent and jaded.
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