Seattle is now an ‘abortion sanctuary city’


Seattle has made itself the abortion magnet of the Northwest. The Seattle City Council voted Tuesday to make the city a sanctuary for the abortion industry. The action means abortion providers and patients cannot be arrested or investigated by police or prosecuted by a district attorney.

It is also an opportunity for the city to become an abortion tourism center in the Northwest.

The vote is largely symbolic, since abortion is legal across Washington state. But the bill prevents police from arresting those who have crossed state lines for an abortion in Seattle, from jurisdictions that consider abortion to be murder.

Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant, a member of the Socialist Alternative party, introduced the ordinance at a news conference on the day the U.S. Supreme Court announced its decision reversing Roe v. Wade, the The Seattle Times reported. All six city council members who were present at the meeting voted in favor of the legislation, with three members absent.

“Laws violating basic bodily autonomy and criminalizing reproductive health care are fundamentally unjust and we should not allow Seattle to be complicit,” Sawant said at her press conference. She said 5,500 people had signed a petition supporting the ordinance, which says that even unlicensed abortion providers will not be subject to legal action, so long as abortion is “within the scope of their practice.”

“Let anyone frightened by draconian anti-abortion laws come to Seattle without fear of prosecution,” Sawant said.

Fifty cities, many of them in Texas, have recently passed ordinances that outlaw abortions within their city limits, while others, like Seattle, are becoming abortion havens, since the repeal of Roe v. Wade on June 24.

The Alaska Constitution has been interpreted by the Alaska Supreme Court as protecting the right to an abortion all the way to the 40th week, or up until the moment of birth. The court considers it a matter of privacy for the pregnant mother, while ignoring the rights of the unborn.

Alaska Right to Life is circulating a petition to have the Kenai City Council declare Kenai a sanctuary city for the unborn with a “Personhood Resolution.” The petition is at this link.


  1. Yet another reason to not give Murderous Seattle any money.
    Don’t visit it, don’t use the hotels, only use the airport to go thru.
    This state has quickly turned into a nightmare. They loot, pillage and burn their own city and allow it, and now they offer themselves up as a sanctuary for pig women who use abortion as birth control. This tells you the quality of people living there.

  2. “Fetus=good snack” from photo above = demonic.
    You can’t share a country with these people.

    • From Wikipedia -“Black-eyed children or black-eyed kids are an American contemporary legend of paranormal creatures that resemble children between ages 6 and 16, with pale skin and black eyes, who are reportedly seen hitchhiking or begging, or are encountered on doorsteps of residential homes. Alleged sightings are taken seriously by ghost hunters, some of whom believe black eyed children to be extraterrestrials, vampires, or ghosts.”

      • The girl with the sign was actually in Phoenix, at the protest’s food court, catered by Planned Parenthood.

  3. Not a surprise. They have ALWAYS been pro-abortion, anti-family, anti-God, anti-country. I lived there for 10+ years 40+ years ago and it hasn’t changed its stance. It has just gotten more brave about voicing/pushing its agenda. Very sad for our country.

  4. Evidently, they want to ensure that the sanctuary illegal aliens, homeless, BLM and Antifa law breakers can get Taxpayer funded murders…..

  5. I remember when it was a treat to get out of Juneau and spend a long weekend in Seattle.

    That boat sailed years ago.

    My last visit to Seattle was an exercise in filth, aggressive panhandling, and wondering if the area around Pioneer Square would become another Antifa autonomous zone.

    That you, Seattle, for refocusing my attention on Vegas. Cheaper, cleaner, and better food.

    • I can condemn the noisiest hypocrites to hell just as quickly as a baptist minister can squeeze a penitent out of an old, crumpled dollar! I can condemn the noisiest hypocrites to hell just as quickly as a baptist minister can squeeze a penitent out of an old, crumpled dollar!

      Avenger, regarding Las Vegas, it’s each man to his own tastes, each man to his best judgement! Some for rock-n-roll, some for hymnals! Whatever gets you fired up is fine with me!

      I too have been to Las Vegas: I wouldn’t belittle the place. Commercially, though, Seattle is more important to me than Vegas!

      I don’t expect you to try bang me around with a bible; but for those who would try, let me say that I can condemn the noisiest hypocrites to hell just as quickly as a baptist minister can squeeze a penitent out of an old, crumpled dollar!

      On your next trip to “sin city,” may you have the best of luck at whatever games of chance you play!

      • Maybe he’s going there for the roller coasters or the shows. Kind of presumptuous aren’t we? Some people go there who don’t gamble. Maybe he’s an area 51 buff. Las Vegas has a lot to offer, less nowadays since the lake dried up.

        • Good point, Greg! Las Vegas is a nice place to start a trip to the Grand Canyon, too. I know folks who have gone just for concerts. And, yes, I’ve hit the crap tables myself! I was being “rhetorically presumptuous.” I apologize for violating your sense “propriety!” Remember, here among the godly (note the lower case “g”) thick skin and a callus soul will help you make through any sermon! Do I hear an amen from you, Brother Forkner?

          • Edit: “I apologize for violating your sense of “propriety!” Remember, here among the godly (Note the lower case “g.”) thick skin and a callus soul will help you make it through any sermon! Do I hear an amen from you, Brother Forkner?

      • I can condemn the noisiest hypocrites to hell just as quickly as a baptist minister can squeeze a penitent out of an old, crumpled dollar! I can condemn the noisiest hypocrites to hell just as quickly as a baptist minister can squeeze a penitent out of an old, crumpled dollar!

        Edit: “I too have been to Las Vegas; I won’t belittle the place. Commercially, though, Seattle is more important to me than Vegas!”

  6. “…reproductive health care’…”
    Can someone please explain to me how a healthy woman aborting a healthy child is health care? A woman carrying a baby to term is a demonstration of good health. Choosing to abort that child cannot be health care.
    Anyone? Please help me out here.

    • Yeah I remember how they said a pregnant woman just glows with health? The picture of that Texas girl that raised $700,000 didn’t show her glowing anywhere. But wait she was knocked up proof. I forgot that part.

  7. yet another fork in the road for Seattle for them to choose the right or wrong path and by any measure they again chose the wrong path…again!!

  8. Anyone can be aborted in Seattle. Just take a walk around the courthouse or by the stadiums, a good chance you’ll get aborted by some crazed street thug. Don’t even need to worry about someone calling 911, it’s usually busy and there’s no police anyway.

  9. You want to kill a baby do us a favor take your own life. It saves us from feeding you for the rest of your life.

  10. So some of the “soft” Republicans–the flaccid non-RINOs–are entertaining going “hard core red” and impose travel restrictions on women to prevent them from getting abortions in more liberal states. The “flaccid Reds” in Alaska would make any of their “hard commie” relations blush bright crimson just thinking of such travel restrictions. Come on, let’s hear the drumbeats of the real red Reds. The Flaccid Alaskan Reds–the FARs–can outdo either the Red Chinese or the Red Russians in stupidity! So much for conservative ideas: The FARs don’t know the first three letters of the ABCs let alone knowing “rationality!”

  11. This all makes me sick to my stomach.
    As a younger man, I was pro-choice.
    After the babies came, everything changed.
    I love them, and they are my greatest… everything.
    I can no longer even entertain abortion.
    It is in my mind, murder.
    I love babies, every color, every creed, every one of them.
    My, how I have evolved.

  12. “GREAT IDEA” from the Big Idea Guy:
    How about we abort our Incessant Homeless to Seattle …. One Way Ticket!

  13. I know, a lot of cynical people will say it’s just about the money, that you can make a lot of money harvesting baby parts, etc.

    While true, that’s not the driving force behind the lefts obsession; it’s not about the money.

    They just really, REALLY love, ending the life of the unborn.

  14. They’re betting that there is no Creator who cares about such matters. They’re betting that the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) “megathrust” fault isn’t going to happen in their lifetime. It’s overdue……..

    • Joseph–now isn’t that a nice name–I have several friends who are devout Christians who have lived in the Seattle, WA-Vancouver, BC area since the early 70s. Should we “stew” them in a vat of hydrochloric acid just for living in that area of God’s green earth? I’m with you, Brother Joseph: we’ve got to make somebody’s pay!

      • Edit: “I’m with you, Brother Joseph: we’ve got to make somebody pay!”

  15. There won’t be that many abortions in Seattle. 75% of Seattle residents are either homosexual men or lesbians.

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