Ronna McDaniel wins fourth term as GOP chair


Ronna McDaniel has been reelected the chair of the Republican National Committee. At the winter meeting of the party leadership in Dana Point, California, an election was held to determine whether she would continue as chair, which she has been since 2017.

McDaniel is a political strategist who was chair of the Michigan Republican Party from 2015 to 2017 before being elected chair of the Republican National Committee.

Of the 167 votes cast, McDaniel received 111 votes, Harmeet Dhillon received 51, Mike Lindell got 4, and Lee Zeldin received one vote.

After the vote was final, McDaniel told reporters that this would be her last term.

Jaime Harrison, Chair of the Democratic National Committee, issued his congratulatory sideswipe on Twitter, saying, “Congratulations to @GOPChairwoman and Democratic Party campaigns/candidates across the country!!! #Chair4Life #GOPClownShowContinues “

It was one of the party’s more watched races for chair in many years, with some grassroots members of the party calling for new leadership after the party could not win the Senate away from Democrats in 2022 and after barely having a Republican majority in the House of Representatives, in spite of controversies that surround many Democrat candidates.

McDaniel was last elected in 2021. McDaniel visited Alaska in 2022 to speak at the Republican Party’s meeting in Fairbanks. She joined the Must Read Alaska Show during her visit.


  1. “RNC voters are a bunch of donor-dependent insiders who measure success in money for their pals, not winning power or advancing principle.”

    -Robert Barnes

  2. Once again the GOP shows it’s not serious about competing nationally.

    I guess it’s like playing slots. Sooner or later she might actually do something.

  3. Since this RINO and establishment minion was the worst possible choice, naturally she was overwhelmingly chosen by her fellow RINO establishment shills and minions.
    God, do I hate what this country has become.

  4. It’s unbelievable that the party leadership re-elected this woman to another term after such a poor performance in 2022.

    Does the Republican Leadership like losing?

    • Yes, they do. Bought and paid for, they are! Winning requires effort. And you might have to sweat and get all icky!!. Way easier to just lose and have fun parties at the WalcdorfAstoria in fancy beach towns like Dana Point, while charging it to the suckerswho contribute

    • That’s why myself and friends are now independent and give nothing to a lost cause. Never will support them.

  5. The problem is less Ronna than the GOP, as usual, had no better alternative.

    Bad as she is, Ronna has better fundraising connections than the other two combined.

    The real issue is the GOP looked at her and said “fine”. They should have looked at her and said we must do better.

    The GOP as an entity is content to be a subservient party to the left instead of lead.

    They refuse to learn the lessons of Trump. The rank/file are sick of what the GOP is not doing.

    • Exactly. Who were ‘our’ three delegates? Who did each vote for and why? Doesn’t seem to much to ask for from party ‘leaders’ that claim to have our interests at heart.

  6. Ya, it’s clear the Republican party has been infiltrated by a bunch of trench coats! I personally suspected it was happening way back during the obama / Romney election, it’s clear as day now the republicans need to get control of their party both locally and Nationally, we have People posing as republicans all over the Country who are clearly on the other side! Harmeet Dhillon should have won easily , these people who voted for for McDaniel are either fools or they
    Are other side!

  7. Now the rest of the story. Even though Harmeet Dhillon agreed to work with the Democrat collaborating Ronna, she told her supporters afterward the RNC delegates and operatives used party resources to undercut her nomination. Also, one of the Gateway Pundit reporters was asking some of the delegates that voted for Ronna, why they did so against the wishes of the grassroot Republicans. Their answer was basically giving the middle finger to Trump supporters in the MAGA movement. This tells you all you need to know about the internal corruption inside the RNC. A new party is sounding better and better, the RNC will suffocate without the grassroots. The snot nosed delegates can go to hell along with Ronna! I will not give one penny to you pathetic cockroaches. I will only give money directly to MAGA candidates that will fix our countries problems and adhere to the Constitution.


  8. Never ever donate to WINRED.
    Donate to specific candidate.
    I have dumped republican party and gone Independent. Republican party leadership is just as corrupt as the democraps, only sneakier about it. Just look at what is going on in our legislature with a republican majority,

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