According to several media outlets across Africa, Uganda has lost possession of the Ugandan Entebbe International Airport, along with other strategic assets, because the country has not been able to repay a loan to the Export-Import Bank of China.
The Sahara Reporters wrote that President Yoweri Museveni had sent a delegation to renegotiate with the Chinese government over “toxic clauses that exposed the East African country.” It was to no avail.
The Ugandan Entebbe International Airport is about 40 miles from Kampala, the capital, and is the country’s only international airport. It would be used by ConocoPhillips, Exxon, and Eni, all companies doing business in Alaska.
The Museveni-led Ugandan government had, on Nov. 17, 2015, signed an agreement with Exim Bank to borrow $207 million at two per cent upon disbursement, according to the Sahara Reporter. The loan was to mature in 20 years, and had a seven-year grace period. But as part of the deal, there were conditions requiring the Ugandan government to surrender the airport to the Chinese lenders, which are owned by the Communist Chinese government.
According to the Daily Monitor, the Ugandan government waived international immunity in the agreement it signed to secure the loans, exposing airport to take over without international protection.
The relinquishment of a major portion of the country’s infrastructure is reminiscent of the discomfort many Alaskans expressed after former Alaska Gov. Bill Walker signed an agreement with China to finance the design and construction of the now-mythical Alaska LNG project from the North Slope to Nikiski.
Walker and former Alaska Gasline Development Corporation President Keith Meyer signed a joint development agreement was signed with three major Chinese entities, all controlled by the communist government:
- Sinopec, one of the largest oil and gas companies in the world, generates $456 billion in annual revenue.
- Bank of China is one of the five largest banks, with clients in more than 50 countries and regions.
- With an estimated $813.5 billion, China Investment Corporation is the world’s third largest sovereign wealth fund.

“This is a big project with big players and big benefits,” Walker noted at the time. “There are more steps before a final investment decision is reached, but having the largest LNG buyer in the world participating in this project means the Alaska LNG project has favorable market engagement at the highest level. This project will finally allow Alaska to reach its full potential as a state. As we move from having one of the highest unemployment rates in the country to the lowest, we will build a stronger Alaska.”
That year, a cybersecurity firm said a Chinese university probed the computer networks of Alaska state departments, especially the Department of Natural Resources, and also private businesses during Walker’s trade mission “in an apparent attempt to ascertain vulnerabilities and gain illegitimate access.”
The firm, Recorded Future, published a report that said the attack originated from computer infrastructure at Tsinghua University.
The report said Alaska was not alone as the target of “cyberespionage” from Tsinghua infrastructure, called an elite Chinese university by Recorded Future, according to the publication Government Technology.
While Walker was courting China, this lending arrangement didn’t work out so well for the Ugandans, and by 2018, Walker was out of office and the new administration pulled the plug on the arrangement.
Several commentators at the time warned that Alaska should be careful about getting into bed with the People’s Republic of China, pointing to the many assets across the African continent that were already under the ownership of China.
Background: In February of 2015, South Korea, through the Korea International Cooperation Agency, gave the government of Uganda a grant of $27 billion Ugandan dollars towards modernization of the airport.
The Ugandan government began the three-phase upgrade and expansion in a project that was scheduled to stretch until 2035 and cost $586 million in U.S. dollars. With the South Korean grant and the China loan, not all of the costs were covered. Financing wasn’t secured to complete the project.
“In desperation, Uganda in March 2021 sent a delegation to Beijing hoping to renegotiate the toxic clauses of the deal but the officials came back empty-handed as China would not allow the terms of the original deal to be varied,” the Sahara Reporter wrote.
“Last week, Uganda’s Finance Minister, Matia Kasaija, apologised to parliament for the “mishandling of the $207 million loan” from the China Exim Bank to expand Entebbe International Airport,” the news agency said.
The airport, built in 1972 and used by the Uganda military, has over 1.9 million passengers per year, and the renovation is said to be 75.2 percent complete.
China controlling the airport will create a political challenge for Musenvi, “who came to power on the back of an armed uprising in 1986, and expose him to election defeat,” the news organization said.
Although Alaska escaped a fate like Uganda is suffering, in 2020, Gov. Walker and Keith Meyer put together a new corporation to try to take over the Alaska Gasline project from AGDC and move it forward, presumably with Chinese financing. By then, AGDC was under new leadership and was not interested.
Now Walker is running for governor again.
It is a fact that Bill Walker was ENTIRELY to eager to sign on the dotted line with Chairman Xi and the CCP. Whether he has figured it out yet or not, he was entirely outclassed by those sociopaths, and it can be counted amongst our blessings that his efforts failed.
Mr Walker, don’t go away mad, just go away.
Bill Walker is a TOTAL fraud. And every Alaskan knows it.
First of many.
China, a semi communist country, is using the bad judgment of corrupt capitalists to do via economics what they can’t do militarily.
They’re gonna own the Panama Canal this way.
They want the whole world, but they’ll settle for the entire U.S., including Alaska. Walker would sell us out as debt slaves while he and his buddies walk away wealthy.
Giving away Alaska to the Communist Chinese.
A concept cooked-up by none other than the corrupt, disgraced, former governor Bill Walker. Exhibit A as to why you should not vote for Walker on his attempt to rehabilitate himself.
Exhibit B:
his extremely clouded judgment in selecting a pedophile to be his running mate as Lt. Governor.
Those arguments could easily be supported by Exhibits A,B, … none other than his first chief of staff who ran out on him. The goods have been exposed.
Starting to wonder if Bill Walker has some form of mental illness.
Answer to your question:
It may be Alzheimer’s Disease. But Walker is also a very angry individual. Severe anger issues do not mix well for someone who is running for office. He should take his losses and retire. He would be a much happier man.
Good assessment and advice for Donald Trump too.
LOL. Doubt the Doc was talking about Trump. Alaska’s deceased pedophile Lt. Governor sure knew how to turn up the heat on old Bill Walker. And it looks like it’s going to get even better…..
Hauntings from the past.
Biden on China: “They’re good folks, folks.” I really think that is the limit of his understanding of them.
China doesn’t follow through on their end of the Paris Climate Accord, or any other international agreements, China has bought and paid for the World Health Organization (therefore the CDC), China did not hold up their end of pre-Trump trade agreements, they regularly “disappear” anyone citizens that openly dissent the government narrative, they harvest the organs of live prisoners (then they die without their organs), China has been stealing technology for decades, China either intentionally or unintentionally releases a gain-of-function virus on the world killing millions of humans with funding from the NIH and Dr. Fauci, and now China steals a national infrastructure airport from Uganda, and Bill Walker wants to get Alaska in bed with China. NEVER BILL WALKER FOR ANY POSITION. Leave Alaska, Bill.
My simple answer…..for the world covid costs…. send China the bill..
Hold assets as collateral…
Whether it’s an airport or Panama Canal..
It happened in Wuhan China!!
What consequences for a world pandemic that hasen’t even run its course????
They might own the WHO, but we paid (and pay) for it. And they did not give a billion to the Paris Climate Accord like Obama did. I imagine Biden is forking over the cash now.
Oh, yes, for decades China drowned the innocent newborn girls of Chinese families because they wanted more boys. Now that they have too many men, they have created a major problem for themselves. Oh, and they shut down churches and are a Godless country of tyrants. I say drop crate loads of guns and ammo into China so the people there can fight back.
Where is the plan to make Alaska the top Natural Resource producer in the nation if not the world? Alaska is a winner! Alaskans have failed to find the leaders to do this and with the vision to distribute the $80 plus billion dollars currently in Permanent Fund to each Alaskan in the amount of $114,000 shortly after this next election.
Alaskans are going to win big in 2022! If Alaskans can get the new legislators 2/3 majority and a Governor to fix the broken Natural Resource Management and allow oil and gas prosperity once again! Get the right people to run, Alaska needs leaders that can help cause the Permanent Fund to replenish and grow and make regular $114,000 payments to every Alaska over and over again every decade or so with a pro-development government that gives the money back to the people instead of the deal-killing bureaucrats’, greedy Lobbyist and anti-oil and gas special interest groups that are killing the state economy! It is time to get your check for $114,000 with your name on it, all you have to do is just find the right leaders to run in 2022! It is a tough job but Alaskans are winners and it’s time to win big and take the state management back and manage to get your check for $114,000 and set up a better management system to develop baby develop the state’s Natural Resources that are wasting this opportunity to make Alaska Great Again! It is time to win big and put the money in your bank and not theirs!
I pray more people will run for office to stop the anti-development fanatics and greedy relationship between big money and bad government leaders that sell the people out.
It is time to take control and have new leaders give the people the prosperity that comes from a NEW government that provides an improved reformed system that enables the people to develop it’s massive Natural Resources and transfers the Permanent fund to each Alaskan in the amount of $114,000.
Alaska has massive amounts of oil and gas locked in the ground and good companies like Hilcorp have shown what the majors left, it is time to get control and make all Alaskans richer by allowing more development and more high-paying jobs.
Business opportunity in this! Alaska is going to need several schools teaching Chinese languages and customs if Walker ever gets anywhere near the state capitol! The Great Alaskan PipeDream Pipeline IS NOT dead….it only ksleeps.
And there are people claiming to be conservatives who would vote for Walker. Some on these pages are more than happy to support a guy who would rather partner with the CCP than work with Americans. It’s easy to see who the communists lapdogs are, they tell you.
Re Uganda, if their was ever a time to ‘ nationalize’ a national asset this would be it. Allowing a foreign power to control a nations airport that is critical to its commerce and national defense is absurd, debt or no debt!! Uganda needs to tell China we are sorry for our financial insecurity but we will not give up our rights and protection as a nation because of a loan gone bad. Please remove all Chinese nationals at this time and all Chinese business assets or they also risk being nationalized. We will pay you what we can ,when we can. What can China do about it?
Well I appreciate your optimism. Ain’t gonna happen. I have some interesting factual stories from bot the 2020 primary and later November election.
We had fraud; period. Some months ago, before our local elections, I have more interesting factual stories of those calls, and the later lame email which I lightly perused from some muckity muck in Elections. It was super full of beaurocatic typical bs lingo.
These people are screwing us and votes are bs and if we don’t get rowdy and SUPER involved,, they’re going to get what they want – just like jungle primaries and rank-choice, (intentional).
I spoke with last year’s Republican candidates at a shindig for our neighborhood – including people I really respect, vote for if I can, and mostly agree with – about this. I’m not an R, but I def go there mostly these years,, or a good 3rd party or write in if I don’t like any – usually school board, but we’ve had actually good candidates these ladst 2 years.
These candidates, including THE most well-known in + Sm savvy in Fairbanks, and told my last year factual story to, were utterly uninterested. And I’ve got Election email, crap as it is, my and others’ experience, to prove it.
But Fairbainks Republicans are too cowardly to discuss it. I 7sef to be VERY respected and politically active.
The current Rs, except a few down in the Valley across the mountain range, are pretty useless. Even Mike Prax, a man I’ve known and respected, (and supported and sometimes worked with), for decades, flew with his dad and a few others, told me to call f’n Click Bishop and talk! As if I haven’t tried!
I haven’t had a senator since Ralph Seekins. The R’s don’t eve RUN anybody against Click, the people even in his former 302 union boss job don’t have a lotta good to say. At least those who’ve contacted me through the years.
I agree now with cashing out the PFD. Wish most of my kids were still here-not.
Jim Holmes in the 90s. I was pissed at his bill because he cutting the state an extra 25% I wanted the correct amount: the statutory split. Back in the mid-99s, iirc, it was around 50G’s.
The state has been fools and corrupt for…well since the pipeline at least.
Idk where the $114,000 comes from. But “our” congressional delegation has been selling us out for decades – like the Compact, 50-50, staye selection…the list is SOOO long. And now they’ve all voted for the Interior Secretary (the bureaucrats that rule us among Samantha unaccountables), Honcho excusing that by saying they talked and thought she might give a sh!!t.
My God. Alaska is about forever had.
And it’s primarily the Republicans fault; recent legislatures being enough evidence, but it goes back a long time.
Pete Kelly? InJustice system reform and favoritism anyone?
Don’t even go there. I have a decades long laundry list.
Slush funds everywhere for gov, not formally part of the cooked books…
Unless we get f’ng real and use “their” Alinski (sp?), type tactics, ate these fool R’s in Fairbainks accept and take the action the theys have…
Alaska is utterly lost.
Get some bal… backbones people. I mean the rest of us. Voting doesn’t work and we have fraud.
Face the real s-show happening.
And no, Ted Steven’s was a pretty nice guy, but just another fed money where.
Despicable. Alaska, with MASSIVE political…awareness and change BY US, could be great ad in the past, when we were truly young.
Buncha legislative cokeheads and now, idk, late keepers or whatever tf stints they pull and get, at best, an article and life is good.
We’ve got to stop being peons, use their tactics, and
Make Alaska Great Again
This was to Daniel K Donkel; I replied to him and it came out here.
Hope he sees it.
I know brevity saying, and the art of being consise. I have a book I could write – minus the auto stupid corrects even though I caught a lot and clearly missed some that do it after it looks proper.
I’m a word person, and I keep autocorrect and spell and grammar off because I’m better than that laziness which is frequently improper, soidont use it, but the phone doesn’t care Apparently.
China/Wuhan…I’m not wasting my time.
The US is primarily responsible, the docs in all forms all over are evident, and, while China isn’t all suger…we’re the real bad guys…for decades, in writing, in finance, in patents…and SO much more.
I could write a book at this point – been advised to forever, but it got persistent since ’83.
Live this site, do t like petty dumb fighti g comments, but most, not all here, are just so hsrd-core R’s and right can do no wrong g…I finally had to say something.
Most Alaska Republicans at all levels have been screwing us for a very, very longtime.
Hell!!! They let D’s control despite their large minority status! But it goes back further.
Get active people. And acknowledge and the election fraud in Alaska.
And find
real people to run, and hit the streets farther. Rally. Make noise.
As the oppos game – they’re winning.
This is going on all over the world. They have a lot of South and Central America, just for a more local thang. The Belts and Roads initiative, or I can’t recall atm, plus another one. These countries, very many, are taking the Money eye, and Uganda isn’t isolated.
Then, the Pfizer, and probs more but I don’t have copies of them, are also requiring major infrastructure from many countries for their poison.
Not all are buying g into like Belt/Roads stuff.
But people on here need to get outta their bubble.
Lottsa sh!t going on, all over the world, things are put in effect after long – and frankly – open knowledge – this is only “conspiracy” because people have been too damn lazy to read THEIR OWN DOCUMENTS, Recordings of all these freaking globalist sociopaths…it’s ALL been out there, and not difficult, for me at least, to find. Spells this out, has conferences, science, medical, pharma bragging papers, CDC, NIH, all of ’em.
It ain’t asecret folks.
It’s all planned.
I have 2 notebooks filled with notes and the reL scientists, researchers, doctors in every are, independent biolab guys…it’s everywhere.
Don’t be lazy and willfully ignorant, which leads to danger and stupidity and infri ges on MY liberty and rights because SO damn many choose willful, nasty, ignorance and stupidity.
If “they” come for me, some’ll get ashury as I can.
Alaska has done nothing about burglaries, ~ 500,000 worth, with ID theft, and so much
Alaska cops suck, are liars and thieves.
All I got left is my squirrel gun. Thieves, including but not only, cops/troopers. Liers regularly.
They do nothing. If one doesn’t have enough $$$ or status.
Make. Alaska. Great. Again.
This is really scary, judging from Uganda’s experience. And if Walker is resurrecting the project without the needed funds, who will supply the money? The Chinese? He can’t count of Biden if the republicans take back control of the senate or the house in 2022. Whatever money was expended would be cancelled. So it has to be his Chinese friends. So Alaska is to have a governor with his hands in the pot and a probable takeover by the Chinese in any default by Alaska? This guy is playing with dynamite! And yet, we also see the hand of labor also involved. Oh God, I hope this man really gets defeated big-time. If not, the CCP could end up owning Alaska. Then let’s see if they preserve the environment and beauty of the state.
Masked Avenger, China has owned the Panama Canal for nearly 25 years when Panama defaulted on what they owed China. As a matter of fact, China was a third world country till Bill Clinton gave away technological secrets and nuclear technology to bring them to the level they are now. But it isn’t just the Democrats who are advancing China. Almost all politicians are in bed with China. The freedoms of America are a road block to the totalitarian state they want the world to exist in.
They own other key port such a Kenya’s Mombasa port. The Chinese “own” most of Africa. Why is WHO so pro-CCP? For one.. they control Ethiopia…. Everyone talked about the “Ugly American” but lovingly look the other way for Xi and Co.
Anyone who’d vote for Walker, agian, including Gara, is more likely a corrupt conservative and corrupt Republicans disliking Dunleavy so much because of his attempts to be a Constitionalist and a straight shooter among Alaska’s very own ‘Corrupt Bastards Club’ where the club don’t care about political affiliations just as long as you are a bastard.
Jen: you always have interesting things to say, but the typos and grammar gets in the way a little bit. I like your thought that to be in the CBC, the first criterion is being a bastard.
Bill Walker, Joe Biden; two dangerous and dishonest fools thrust upon the world by the woke crowd. Every day each is a tragedy waiting to happen.
Remember, Walker bowed for the Chinese leaders on Alaskan land.
It looks like China just got themselves a strategically located airbase through a loan default by a country dumb enough the let them in.. China has been stealthily colonizing various African nations for years to the point now where they hold significant economic interests in those countries. Interests that range from agriculture to strategic mineral and resource extraction. Once economic beachheads have been secured, military expansion isn’t far behind.
Did Alaskans dodge a huge bullet? Are these pieces of an epic Chinese debt-trap puzzle no productive Alaskan can be allowed to see?
Leveraging state-sponsored loans through financial, trade, and construction contracts with developing countries, of which Alaska may be considered one, all to advance China’s aggressive trade and geopolitical interests. That’s a debt trap.
From “The Hill”: “Every (Chinese) contract since 2014 has incorporated a sweeping confidentiality clause requiring the borrowing country to keep confidential its terms or even the loan’s existence. Such China-enforced secrecy… breaches the principle that public debt should be public and not hidden from taxpayers so that governments can be held accountable.
Forcing the other side to keep contractual provisions secret is necessary; China’s loan agreements give it broad latitude to cancel loans or foreclose if it disagrees with a borrower’s policies, domestic or foreign”. (
If Communist China, Alaska’s largest trading partner, loans Alaska money to build the Walker-Communist China pipeline, does it mean Alaska’s state and local governments have to do what Chinese lenders tell them to do or else China calls in the loan, repossesses whatever the secret loan agreement specifies or… takes the Permanent Fund which was the loan collateral?
Does Alaska’s government go broke if it can’t tax everyone enough to make loan payments while feeding its lobbyists and public-sector unions? Again from “The Hill”: “The contracts… obligate the borrower to exclude the Chinese debt from any multilateral restructuring process, such as the Paris Club of official bilateral creditors (yes, there is such a thing), and from any “comparable debt treatment.” This is aimed at ensuring that the borrowing country remains dependent on Beijing.
In other words, if Governor Walker couldn’t make the payments, he can’t go down the street for a payday loan or debt restructuring help… he has to beg Chinese lenders to restructure his debt and kindly not repossess Alaska while he’s Governor.
Did the Chinese in just a few years buy control over Alaska’s state and local governments, control that Alaskans should have had since 1959?
Could the Permanent Fund have been at risk of turning into Alaska’s very own Entebbe because all or most of it was hocked to the Chinese to seal the gasline deal?
Remember our lobbyist-legislator team’s endless, righteous wrath over paying out full, statutory PFD’s, or their seeming inability to generate a coherent budget
…then how quiet they got about the very real possibility that the Communist Chinese, knowing Southeast Asian LNG will always be cheaper for them, might decide partway through gasline construction to exercise their secret contractual right to pull out, forcing their Alaska “partners” to go broke and forfeit their Permanent fund collateral to China?
How much of Alaska’s $81,062,900,000 Permanent Fund could be mortgaged as collateral to make the Walker-Communist China pipeline deal once again attractive to China?
Bottom line: When Candidate Walker becomes Governor Walker, is it gasline redux, this time to the bitter end?
There’s more.
Let’s say your job in the Middle Kingdom is to make sure Communist China dominates the world’s rare-earth mining industry, thereby holding America’s entire rare-earth-hungry defense industry hostage, would you not already know this before the October 12, 2020, “Cordova Times” report:
“A new technical report released by backers of the Pebble mine project includes a revised mineral resource estimate that… the deposit has the world’s single most significant source of rhenium, one of the rarest elements in Earth’s crust.
Rhenium… has good wear resistance and can withstand corrosion. About 80 percent of the world’s rhenium is used in the production of aviation engines and for high-temperature coating on rockets and missiles. It is also used for spacecraft instruments and high-temperature components such as thermal shielding, arc discharge and electrical contactors.”
Would you not consider offering the idea to Party bosses that reviving the secret Walker-Communist China pipeline deal should include killing Pebble Mine, forcing Canadian investors out, and “permitting” the Communist Chinese to buy the project through shell entities at bargain-basement cost?
Could the Killing Pebble phase be happening now?
Remember “Must Read Alaska”, June 30, 2018: “No sooner had the… deadline passed to help determine the range of an environmental impact statement, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was asked by Alaska’s governor (Walker) to stop the Pebble Mine Project environmental review in its tracks.”
Remember the interminable Pro-Pebble Lectures guest-authored in “Must Read Alaska”, in which Communist Chinese meddling in U.S. mining wasn’t mentioned much, if at all… could they have been designed as incitements to environmental activism by useful idiots, until they’re not useful anymore?
Was not the guest author a top University of Alaska official who allowed the Communist Chinese financed and staffed Confucius Institute to be installed at UAA to influence Alaskan government policy?
On September 16, 2020, “The Michigan Star” reports: “One of America’s foremost energy experts is raising alarms over China’s latest meddling in U.S. mineral production. Dan Kish, a distinguished Senior Fellow at the Institute for Energy Research, says the attempt by a dubious Chinese investment firm to undermine Alaska’s Pebble Mine is one of many “war tactics” China is using against the United States.
Kish.. says China’s long game is to control the world’s energy and mineral resources and make America dependent on them for elements critical to our national defense. Pebble Mine has a large deposit of rhenium used in military aircraft and is a key component in aircraft engines.”
Bottom line: Could killing Pebble Mine and resurrecting it for Communist Chinese ownership have been China’s underlying reason for signing the Walker-Communist China pipeline deal in the first place?
Can’t happen here?
What prevents it from happening here?… a Justice Department seemingly more concerned with prosecuting parental dissent as domestic terrorism… a Defense Department seemingly incapable of carrying out a tactically sound Afghanistan withdrawal… a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff warning China of U.S. battle plans… an Administration promoting an open-borders policy… a state legislature which can’t seem to get out of its own way?
Imagine what fun it would be to acquire and publish the full, unredacted Walker-Communist China gasline deal, find out what’s being given away, what’s coming for Alaskans who may need to be re-educated on the benefits of life under Communist Chinese ownership.
This is the main reason I wouldn’t touch Bill Walker with a 10-foot pole! Walker was making deals with the devil, China! This tells me one of two things. Either Bill is a very ignorant person that doesn’t know the plans of the CCP to dominate the world through their pre-conceived One Belt-One Road initiatives to buy out governments with promises of money for developing their transportation and energy sectors or Bill Walker is personally benefiting from dealing with the CCP like many other corrupt politicians in our government. He seems to forget that the COVID virus came from their Wuhan Lab and was released as a Bio-weapon against us to destroy our economy and remove Trump from office. They cyber attacked our elections through the Dominion Voting Systems in 2020, literally flipping votes through the internet connected machines. Yet somehow, Bill seems to think he can trust them with Alaska’s future. Bill, just pullout of the election now!
This is going on all over the world. They have a lot of South and Central America, just for a more local thang. The Belts and Roads initiative, or I can’t recall atm, plus another one. These countries, very many, are taking the Money eye, and Uganda isn’t isolated.
Then, the Pfizer, and probs more but I don’t have copies of them, are also requiring major infrastructure from many countries for their poison.
Not all are buying g into like Belt/Roads stuff.
But people on here need to get outta their bubble.
Lottsa sh!t going on, all over the world, things are put in effect after long – and frankly – open knowledge – this is only “conspiracy” because people have been too damn lazy to read THEIR OWN DOCUMENTS, Recordings of all these freaking globalist sociopaths…it’s ALL been out there, and not difficult, for me at least, to find. Spells this out, has conferences, science, medical, pharma bragging papers, CDC, NIH, all of ’em.
It ain’t asecret folks.
It’s all planned.
I have 2 notebooks filled with notes and the reL scientists, researchers, doctors in every are, independent biolab guys…it’s everywhere.
Don’t be lazy and willfully ignorant, which leads to danger and stupidity and infri ges on MY liberty and rights because SO damn many choose willful, nasty, ignorance and stupidity.
If “they” come for me, some’ll get ashury as I can.
Alaska has done nothing about burglaries, ~ 500,000 worth, with ID theft, and so much
Alaska cops suck, are liars and thieves.
All I got left is my squirrel gun. Thieves, including but not only, cops/troopers. Liers regularly.
They do nothing. If one doesn’t have enough $$$ or status.
Make. Alaska. Great. Again.
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