Report: Over 134,000 cancer cases went undiagnosed during Covid pandemic’s peak


A new medical journal report says that over 134,000 U.S. cancer cases went undiagnosed during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic. Further, the authors warn that there may be a lot more cancers diagnosed in coming years that will be at an advanced stage, due to missed screenings.

In Alaska, there were 414 lung cancer cases diagnosed in 2019, dropping to 372 cases diagnosed in 2020, the year that Covid shutdowns started.

For all types of cancers diagnosed in Alaska, the total was 3,131 cases in 2018, 3,379 cases in 2019, dropping to 3,110 in 2020, according to this Department of Health chart.

In the journal JAMA Oncology, the authors say cancers of the prostate led the pack among the missed diagnoses at 17%, followed by female breast cancer at 13%, and lung at 12%.

“Overall, screenable cancers saw a total rate reduction of nearly 14% during the time span between March and December 2020, compared to expected diagnosis rates,” the article states.

“The U.S. experienced significant differences between observed and expected cancer incidence rates during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, with an associated and substantial deficit in diagnosed cases,” said Todd Burus, of the Markey Cancer Center in Kentucky. “The extent of differences varied based on cancer site, stage at diagnosis, and patient age and sex. These findings offer crucial information for current cancer prevention and control initiatives.”

University of Kentucky researchers said they believe there may be more advanced cancers that radiology diagnosticians will encounter in coming years, as one of the unintended consequences of fewer screenings during the Covid shutdowns.

For the study, the researchers analyzed CDC cancer incidence data from 2018 to 2020. They used information from the time leading up to March 2020, when the pandemic first was declared in the U.S., to forecast how many cases could reasonably been expected the rest of the year.

The study included nearly 1.3 million cancer cases reported in the U.S. between March and December 2020.

“Observed rates of all-site cancer incidence were about 29% lower than expected during the height of the COVID-19 response,” the authors of the study note. This included a roughly 6% shortfall between June and December or 13% lower during the first 10 months of the pandemic. 

“These percentages produced an overall estimate of 134,395 potentially undiagnosed occurrences of the disease. This included 22,950 instances of prostate cancer, 16,870 breast diagnoses, and 16,333 relating to the lung. Breast cancer diagnoses showed evidence of returning to pre-COVID levels after the first three months of the pandemic. But colorectal, cervical and lung cancers still lagged historic levels,” the report says.

“Evidence of rate recovery for female breast cancer after the most restrictive pandemic response period suggests a resilience in mammography screening habits, likely borne from years of investment in public health messaging,” the authors noted. They urged the medical community to reengage with patients to get them back in the clinics to do screenings and follow-ups.

Read more of this report in JAMA Oncology at this link.


  1. Of course they did. The alleged healthcare providers made going to the doctor too difficult to bother with.

    Nobody got more exposed than the healthcare industrial complex.

    But what can one expect from a profession that mutilates children for profit?

  2. Let’s add to that number the cases of cancer caused by and exacerbated by that hideos “vaccine.” The hospital killed my father with that, and when his dormant cancer came back in a rush, they stated he was too old to treat.

    Murderers, all of them.

  3. Seems like a reason to explain the new cancer pandemic that has yet to be publicized , caused by compromised immune systems. Everyone seems to coming down with it, even those who didn’t get the jab but experienced COVID in some form. Cancer “treatment “ clinics are popping up everywhere like 7-11s of the 70s, or haven’t you noticed. The best they offer is to slow down the disease, it can’t be “cured”.

  4. Wait until the numbers of preventable diseases start exploding due to people not getting vaccinated with vaccines that have decade upon decade of proven results all because one side on the covid debate was so hard headed and so was the other. Fortunately the majority of people understand the basic science behind vaccination.

  5. I believe that they were not allowed to assign diagnoses such as cancer during the peak of the plandemic because it would have gone against the narrative that everyone was getting sick and/or dying from “covid.” Sad that the doctors went along with the deceit. They have blood on their hands.

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