Regional Hospital responds: Patients should seek the emergency care that they need


Breaking its silence, Alaska Regional Hospital issued a public statement, which was read into the record by Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson at the continuation of a public hearing on a proposed mask ordinance on Monday night.

In it, the hospital shared that it will evaluate and handle the most critical cases, and reschedule some operations that are not critical in nature, a different approach from what is being done at Providence Alaska Medical Center:

The Crisis Standards of Care (CSC) recently implemented across Alaska by the Department of Health and Social Services gives facilities additional flexibility in making decisions around how to care for patients and utilize hospital resources.

“While we have seen an increase in patients in recent weeks as a result of our region’s COVID-19 surge, we at Alaska Regional Hospital are committed to doing everything we can to continue delivering the best care possible to every patient. We will not be making immediate changes to our hospital operations as a result of this announcement.
“Although our hospital has been operating at near capacity, we still have the ability to provide care and we encourage residents to seek the emergency care they need.

“At Alaska Regional we are still doing surgeries, however we continue to review our surgery schedule daily to prioritize the most critical cases, and may postpone or reschedule some operations based on the urgency of the procedure and based on bed availability. Emergency surgery cases continue. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and we appreciate our colleagues’ unwavering commitment to patients.
“As we carefully evaluate the options we have in responding to the evolving needs of our community, our focus continues to be on the health and safety of our patients, colleagues and all Alaskans.”

Regional, unlike Providence Alaska Medical Center, said it is not making changes to its operations and moving into crisis of care standards, where patients may be triaged and may die because of lack of care.

Also unlike Providence, Alaska Regional did not wade into the political arena of the proposed ordinance from Anchorage Assemblywoman Meg Zaletel, which would require all in Anchorage to wear masks, with limited exceptions for some disabled, and those under the age of 2. Providence has taken a leadership role in pushing the mask mandate, which would be in effect at least through the end of the year.

Read: Some doctors dispute Providence story in New York Times


  1. And Regional does not suffer staff shortages by firing those refusing the jab. At least one organization cares enough about Alaskans to put healthcare ahead of woke politics.

  2. To see our health care system politicized is disgusting.
    Does the medical profession understand the level of distrust they have sown?
    A profession that was once revered and trusted is not look at as a bunch of hacks doung the bidding of BigPharma, Biden, and Bill Gates.
    Very sad…

  3. Clear choice when it comes to care. Someone who cares for you, or wants to wants to make political points.

    You choose Anchorage.

    • Ahaha, see what Regional can do for you when you have a stroke with Providence being THE stroke center in the state. Or when you need cardiac stents with Providence having the only interventional cath lab in the state. Good luck! I hope they have a bed for you and you don’t end up languishing in the ER with all the COVID patients hacking at you

  4. Providence having waded into the “Muzzle Debate” has staked out it’s territory, (an unsupported by science claim at that!), their showing up in White Lab Coats, (a credentialed debate fallacy) just screamed, shut the hell up, we are the Doctors here… The trouble with this action and thinking taken by Providence is that the medical consumer has other options. As a consumer I always look at the product before I buy. I read reports and follow ratings given by other consumers. After reading news stories about recent management actions taken by Providence Leaders it seems clear that they have disdain for their longstanding employees personal health decisions. I can only assume that this same disdain for their employees health decisions will be passed on to the care provided to their consumers. Sorry Providence, I do not want my Health Care to be directed by a political belief system. I’ll look for other care options in the future. BTW, I came into this world at your Old Hospital in Downtown Anchorage. Given the management decisions listed above I will not be seeking a bed in your new Hospital when I check out of this world.

  5. I’m confused. So if I need emergency care, do I go to Regional since Providence is rationing care?

    Do I need the jab for Providence, but not Regional?

    This is the bull— the Assembly is perpetrating! Sinister!

  6. “Although our hospital has been operating at near capacity,…”
    Exactly like they should be whether there is a panicdemic or not. Ask the hospital administrator how many beds they need to have filled in order to pay operating expenses. Ask them how often the ORs must be in use to generate enough revenue to keep the lights on.
    Whether they are for profit or not, they still have crushing operating expenses. Leaving a hospital bed empty for the night is a revenue opportunity lost. A good hospital admin will keep the beds full, and the ORs humming, with minimal spare capacity. Doing anything less is an express elevator to debt.

  7. “Ask the hospital administrator how many beds they need to have filled in order to pay operating expenses. Ask them how often the ORs must be in use to generate enough revenue to keep the lights on.”
    ..and ask: Is your “XX% capacity” meaning beds filled or “beds that are supported at the current staffing levels filled?” Is the critical path running through # of actual, physical beds or is it running through staffing levels that are being impacted by vaccine mandates, spacing requirements, floor shutdowns and the like? Are your hospital operations being driven by the provisions of your CoN or have other conditions been imposed or accepted from non-Alaska entities?

    When Providence weighs in on social mandates, it leads to inevitable questioning regarding agendas and motivation.

  8. Also, unlike Providence, Regional does not offer some life saving surgeries. How about you solicit that your little helpers at Reg copy their surgery schedule for you and post it here so that everyone could see how many cardiac procedures and coronary bypasses they do these days? I doubt you will see any, because they can’t any more. So what’s left in town for those with heart attacks? Oh yeah, that bad, bad Providence Hospital with three floors full of COVID patients

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