Recess: EPA tours Alaska and talks to tribes, while partying Peltola punts


Environmental Protection Agency Regional Administrator for Region 10 Casey Sixkiller is in state this week, along with EPA’s #2 Deputy Administrator Janet McCabe and Jane Nashida, assistant administrator for tribal affairs.

The group is keenly interested and focused on tribal sovereignty, while reducing the State of Alaska departments to observer status during the meetings this week. Alaska’s Native Rep. Mary Peltola will miss these meetings, as she has been partying out of state.

On Monday, the EPA met with leaders in Alaska’s oil industry, including ConocoPhillips, Hilcorp, Santos, and Alyeska Pipeline Co. The group is heading to the North Slope to talk with tribes and review federally contaminated lands, and then to Southeast Alaska to focus on transboundary mining issues with Canada. Although Alaska has a transboundary working group, it appears to be cut out of the talks. The EPA has also been hearing about air quality in Fairbanks.

Steve Cohn, state director of Bureau of Land Management, has been part of the entourage.

Sixkiller was appointed Regional Administrator, Region 10, of the EPA by President Joe Biden in May 2022. In his role, Sixkiller oversees the EPA’s work across the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska, and 271 tribal nations, most of them in Alaska. He is an enrolled citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

Along with the EPA, Alaska is getting another big Biden Administration visitor this week, Secretary of transportation Pete Buttigieg. Alaska’s senators will be accompanying him in Kotzebue, Anchorage, and Southeast Alaska, but Peltola will not attend.

In addition to not showing up to help members of the Biden cabinet understand Alaska’s economy, Pelota was missing from meetings of her own House Infrastructure and Transportation Committee last week. Instead, Peltola has been attending parties out of state.


  1. Of course she is partying! She thinks she has the election in the bag! Will Alaskans prove her wrong? Remains to be seen.

  2. First agency we eliminate: the EPA. Scary thinking they’re coming here to delude our Native friends and neighbors.

  3. And our two useless Senators? Does anyone in DC actually care about what goes on here?

    Sorry, that was a rhetorical question. Of course they don’t.

  4. The EPA can go pound sand, they are advocating the state and burough’s to regulate personal property to a higher standard than industry. they are way outside of their lane when they start trying to get into personal property.

  5. We don’t need the feds telling us how it’s going to be. Watch the EPA not do anything about the bush generators and the millions of gallons of fuel that get used to create theses villages. The EPA is just another fed tool to control our lives. It’s all about power and money.

  6. Of course MIA MARY isnt here. She has bigger fish to fry elsewhere. She certainly wont get enough support from Alaskans for reselection so she must be out on the campaign trail garnering support from the big money environmental groups that are going to help shut Alaska’s resource exploration down and subsidize the native uprising. The native votes have more value than the rest of the scabs squatting on their land.

    It is sad the oil industry has to “pay” for the devastation of the tundra when the army corp of engineers ravaged the north slope with its roughshod methods of oil exploration during the cold war.
    The amount of fuel spilled around the tank farm at the Naval Arctic Research Lab and the DEW line sites continually for 30 plus years was criminal negligence on behalf of the Navy and the Air Force combined.
    And now EPA is using a looking glass into the past to regulate the future of development.

    Their lack of concern for the Natives and the land was clearly evident by the way they were treated.
    The experimental Iodine injections on Natives for such a small pittance was similar to the gain of function research at the lab in Wuhan Fauci and Obama were pushing instead they were using Natives to study the effects of iodine on the body as future useful tools.
    So now we must PAY dearly for the Feds behavior of the past with the roughshod behavior of the present.

  7. I don’t see anything good coming out of these “meetings” as greed and corruption is so rampant within or government. There is another agency touring soon, the IRS. Wonder what they’re up to. I’m just pumped about Pothole Pete coming to Juneau, they’ll show him the washed out homes and he can cry “Climate Change.”

  8. Seems reasonable to expect the “talks to tribes” part is about working out how much of EPA’s new $27B(illion) Green Bank grant pie is dished out to Alaska’s Native Corporations before anyone else gets a bite.
    Of course Peltola’s not part of the process. These are heavy hitters moving, some might say laundering, serious money. Peltola on a good day could never be mistaken for a heavy hitter, much less anyone consequential.
    On July 14, EPA launched America’s very first “Green Bank”. It’s made of three funds:
    (a) the $7B Solar for All initiative, to finance community solar projects nationwide. (Such projects allow people who cannot install solar panels on their roofs, such as renters, to receive credits from nearby panels that lower their monthly utility bills.)
    Yes, you read that right.
    (b) the $14B National Clean Investment Fund will provide grants to two or three “national clean financing institutions,” which will partner with the private sector to finance tens of thousands of clean-energy projects.
    (c) the $6B Clean Communities Investment Accelerator will provide grants to two to seven “hub nonprofit organizations” that will provide funding and technical assistance to community lenders.
    No accountability, no oversight, -nothing- protects taxpayers from more epic Covid-like scams.
    But… good news is this $27B won’t be wasted on Ukraine. It’ll be wasted right here at home.

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