Assemblywoman Jamie Allard and a group of Alaskans are organizing a truck Freedom Convoy for noon on Sunday, Feb. 6. It will line up on C Street near Cabela’s and in the Cabela’s parking lot in Anchorage, and end at the Eagle River Lion’s Club.
The convoy starts at 3 pm, but participants are advised to arrive at least an hour early, to dress warmly, and to check Allard’s Facebook page during the week for updates. Allard said more details will be released this week, and she is looking for a few committed volunteers to handle logistics at both the front and end of the convoy. She can be reached at [email protected].
The Feb. 6 convoy is a combination of two separate convoy efforts that were under way at the same time, one started Shaun Roberts, a military veteran in Anchorage, the other by Allard, also a veteran and sitting Anchorage assemblywoman representing Chugiak-Eagle River.
Allard said that it’s apparent the Canadian truckers spent a lot of their own money to get to Ottawa, some of them traveling thousands of miles, and that the cost of fuel is high. The event she and others are planning includes a fund-raising component to help truckers in Canada with their expenses, but is also a way for Alaskans to show their support for working men and women who have been laboring throughout the Covid pandemic, and who are now being forced to take vaccines as a condition of employment.
“Alaska depends on free trade, this is effecting our supply chain. The truckers need to be able to access our state. They’re just trying to do their jobs,” Allard said. “They just want to be able to provide for their families and their countrymen.”
Both the Trudeau government and the Biden Administration have enacted strict border controls, prohibiting foreign drivers from crossing the borders without proof of a current Covid vaccine.

Juneau truckers and freedom supporters staged a convoy on Saturday, stretching over 2.5 miles as it crisscrossed the capital city.
Some liberals in Juneau were annoyed and shared their displeasure with the Freedom Rally on Twitter:
Leave it to the intolerant and arrogant leftist (but I repeat myself) Scott Kawasaki to denigrate and misrepresent those rallying for freedom, and against medical-industrial fascism and Covidian Cultist insanity. What a truly reprehensible liar he is.
Yeah, but the little squirt sure knows how to send out birthday cards to the seniors. Too bad he’s going to get dusted by Matherly this fall. His bedroom awaits him at his mother’s house.?
Jefferson, I noticed the same thing. Here is a representative of the people, who took an oath to defend and protect the rights of the citizens and all he does is whine that he can’t go to lunch. Ironically it is those very same truckers that get his lunch items from the barge to the restaurants and grocery stores be it in Juneau or Fairbanks…..
The convoy started at 12:30 and headed to town, moving steadily and not blocking other traffic. Lunch was definitely not affected, not was access to any businesses.
Will anyone in Government at least notice these peaceful efforts and maybe listen to the message being sent??
Yeah, CBJ employees, from their posh porch in the Flats, noticed enough to claim they’re “investigating for violations.” No permit is needed to drive down the street with traffic but they love their selective overreach and abuse of power. Almost the entirety of the route was State highway, not City streets. But go ahead and waste our tax dollars (more) to try to intimidate citizens for peacefully. assembling and protesting.
We are coming down from Fairbanks in the big rigs. Every trucker who drives to Prudhoe Bay and Fairbanks will get the word about this convoy…..the largest ever in Alaska state history.
We all need to think about this as our very lives depend on it. What if (or when) there is an event in Seattle, either natural or manmade, that shuts down the port and our barges? Perhaps our goods won’t even make it to the barge. What then? We would need goods trucked in from Canada. A logistical mess but the only thing we could do. What do you want, vaccinated truckers or food?
I’ll be there!
Go truckers!!!
This is unusual, to have this much positive interaction with our fellow North Americans against a tyrannical government. Let us all rally to this excellent cause!!
The events unfolding in Canada are truly historical and have to be causing much angst among the professional political class. The official Covid narrative is melting away before their very eyes. Didn’t our Governor run as “Standing Tall for Alaska”? Well, here’s your chance! Get on the right side of history and fire your Chief Medical Officer and stop waffling – no masks, no mandates and no more shilling for Big Pharma!
Go freedom train! Just take your trucks and create a ring around Trudeau’s house and tell him once he frees Canada of his draconian rules, you will free him of the wall of trucks.
The nerve of Juneau truckers blocking the little sushi stand near Lemon Creek with their ridiculous convoy. Sen. Kawasaki had to order take-out from the Capitol and it arrived cold. Shame.
How do you know this? Or are you just trying to draw the connection between Senator being Japanese and Sushi? Sushi is served cold FYI.
I thought scotty preferred the place down at the bottom of Seward street….you know, the one with the owner who supports de-fund the police?
Marc actually (and gleefully) supported Beau’s “Blueberry Lives Murder” ice cream. Marc has also called for boycotts of fellow business owners who supported the rally. Disgusting. Not to mention highly hypocritical considering Marc’s own actual racist and discriminatory behaviors.
I think Maki is cooked, Sushi is served raw and cold.
If Scott Kawasaki’s worried about missing his lunchtime tipple, maybe just leave a Tinnie in the old Prius cup-holder and join the convoy fun? #justtryingtobehelpful
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