Public Safety commissioner pans Giessel, Kopp, and gives personal endorsements to Roger Holland, Tom McKay


Alaska’s Public Safety Commissioner, in her personal capacity, has chosen to not endorse one of her predecessors.

She made campaign endorsements while taking personal leave today.

In the House Republican Primary, Amanda Price has denied Chuck Kopp an endorsement and given her nod to Tom McKay for District 24.

Kopp was briefly the commissioner of Public Safety in 2008, but was terminated after 14 days on the job due to events that he had been involved with in Kenai, where he was a police chief for seven years. The incident had to do with a sexual harassment complaint in 2005.

Commissioner Price said she has no animosity toward Kopp, but supports McKay because she respects his support for law enforcement, and in these times, that is more important than ever.

Rep. Kopp was a strong defender of SB 91, known as the catch-and-release crime legislation that unleashed criminals all over Alaska until it was repealed. He fought the repeal, but lost.

Price also threw her endorsement to Roger Holland, running in the Republican primary against Sen. Cathy Giessel for the south Anchorage Seat N.

Giessel voted against Price’s confirmation as commissioner, but that wasn’t the problem for Price. She said she could “never forget how Senator Giessel treated Representative Laddie Shaw. She made an unsubstantiated … vacant reference to his character,” Price wrote.

Rep. Shaw is a decorated retired U.S. Navy SEAL and law enforcement professional.

[Read: Laddie Shaw gets hero’s welcome in Fairbanks]

“That behavior spoke volumes about her character, not his. And it was not the first time she exhibited such behavior,” Price wrote.

Price also said she could not support Rep. Jennifer Johnston for District 28 because she had not held true to the values that voters put her in office to stand for. Johnston is running for reelection and is challenged by conservative James Kauffman.


  1. Price is Right! I voted the same way on all of the candidates mentioned on my absentee ballot, long before I read this.

  2. Laddie Shaw not only was a Navy Seal but was very well respected by cops all over the State in his role as the Executive Director for the Alaska Police Standards Council. Giessel is a despicable person based on her treatment of Representative Shaw and her comments about our troops.

  3. What an alarming thing to witness. An appointed government official, serving to lead state law officers, decides to place herself in the middle of some political dog fights. This is not what voters like me want. Ms. Price should devote herself to the job the citizens of Alaska are paying her to perform, not be a political activist. The Governor should summon her to his office and make her grovel until she screams for mercy. Then Governor Dunleavy should bring in each state trooper individually so she can polish their badges. Finally, he should direct her to endorse Berkowitz. Before I forget, remind me again why The Ohio State Buckeye fans from both parties are totally pissed off at Trump from ruining their football season. All the games just disappeared. Like a miracle. Sad.

    • Cry me a river, she didn’t endorse them while she was on duty, she was on leave and it’s perfectly within her right to endorse whomever she pleases. You’re just pissed because your chosen candidates are going to be run out on a rail come November.

    • Jesus. Wow. You went from concerned citizen, to what sounds like a sexual fetish of yours, to changing topics completely. Time for your meds.

    • But Democrats never do this, correct Eric? COS Scott Kendall while Walker was in office. How about Eric Holder while Obama was in office. Grow up, dude, and quit being a b–.

  4. Eric S, I’m looking at my calendar and have noticed April 1st has long since passed. Trump has been a staunch supporter of keeping the economy, which he worked so hard to make prosper, open so we don’t fall into an abyss. You need to talk to the Democrats and their cronies in the CDC and their panels of “experts” who created all this mess.

  5. Wrong. I definitely want to hear who the public safety commissioner thinks will support public safety and be tough on crime. Her comments are 100% accurate Good for her. Thank you Ms Price. Kopp supported the most disastrous policy for Alaskans’ public safety in recent memory. Worse he doubled down on it and fought to keep it. He’s a fool and should have resigned long ago and too ashamed to even run.
    Cathy is a disgusting career politician, hates men, hates veterans, hates the active duty military, and demands 100% loyalty or she will excommunicate you from her palace and strip you of your staff . She has no shame. I hope the voters help her retire.

  6. My mom is so envious of Commissioner Price. That’s how mom operates. With her, it’s always personal.

    • David, she should be. Commissioner Price is a perfect 9.5. Your mom, ……well she needs some augmentation when she leaves the legislature. Maybe Al Gross is available, that is, when he isn’t doing hand-to-hand combat with some grizzly bear.

  7. Jim C: During the past three years your next door neighbor, Dan, got a fancy new red truck with a cool gun rack. Then he got a real sweet 42 foot boat that comfortably sleeps eight. Then a big RV. He got the wife new furniture for the house, including a big piano for the kids. If Dan didn’t get a pay raise or win the lottery, how could he afford it? He did it the same way America did it: he borrowed the money. His children and grandchildren will inherit the debts, of course. Sad. And that is why we were doing fine until Trump took a knee on the virus. And now more trillions more have been borrowed with the hope it will help the USA avoid a depression. Jim, I suspect you fell into the financial abyss long ago after your Richie Rich comic book collection was seized by the IRS.

  8. Rid Alaska of Giessel and her attack on our state’s constitution. Kopp being a Cop … this does not getting any more despicable than to side with the runaway crime law called SB 91… bizarro world ….

  9. Kopp did not support SB91 and is not soft on crime. This is fake news. This is where a lie gets repeated so many times people become parrots… some know its false and repeat it anyway. Hope your interested in facts and the details necessary to support them.

  10. Both Sen. Giessel and Rep. Kopp have become the politicians that they campaigned against when first elected many years ago. They aren’t holding (or at least not acting on) the views and positions they took when elected.

    Unfortunately, they’ve gone too far toward the other side. Time for replacements that will legislate consistently with their campaign promises.

  11. Unfortunately, Rep. Kopp and Sen. Giessel have become the politicians they campaigned against years ago. Time for a change to legislators that represent their constituents and who legislate like they campaign.

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