Presidential middle finger to justice: Biden pardons his son Hunter


President Joe Biden decided to pardon his son Hunter, announcing it Sunday night, just days before Hunter Biden’s Dec. 12 sentencing. Hunter Biden was convicted on federal gun charges, possession of a firearm while being a convicted felon, and faces separate charges relating to tax evasion.

For years Biden has said he would not pardon his son, if he was convicted. But he has just a few weeks left in his term, and time is closing in on Hunter Biden. Joe Biden is the first president in history to pardon his own child. The pardon includes the entire period of the 2014 CIA-supported coup in Ukraine, a time when Hunter was appointed to the board of a Ukrainian gas company. The pardon means he will never be investigated for any criminal activity related to the Ukrainian corruption that was tied to Joe Biden himself, who has been accused of influence-peddling while vice president to Barack Obama.

President Biden’s statement about the blanket pardon was posted on the White House website under the vague heading “Statement from President Joe Biden:”

“Today, I signed a pardon for my son Hunter. From the day I took office, I said I would not interfere with the Justice Department’s decision-making, and I kept my word even as I have watched my son being selectively, and unfairly, prosecuted. Without aggravating factors like use in a crime, multiple purchases, or buying a weapon as a straw purchaser, people are almost never brought to trial on felony charges solely for how they filled out a gun form. Those who were late paying their taxes because of serious addictions, but paid them back subsequently with interest and penalties, are typically given non-criminal resolutions. It is clear that Hunter was treated differently. 
“The charges in his cases came about only after several of my political opponents in Congress instigated them to attack me and oppose my election. Then, a carefully negotiated plea deal, agreed to by the Department of Justice, unraveled in the court room – with a number of my political opponents in Congress taking credit for bringing political pressure on the process. Had the plea deal held, it would have been a fair, reasonable resolution of Hunter’s cases.   
“No reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunter’s cases can reach any other conclusion than Hunter was singled out only because he is my son – and that is wrong. There has been an effort to break Hunter – who has been five and a half years sober, even in the face of unrelenting attacks and selective prosecution. In trying to break Hunter, they’ve tried to break me – and there’s no reason to believe it will stop here. Enough is enough. 
“For my entire career I have followed a simple principle: just tell the American people the truth. They’ll be fair-minded. Here’s the truth: I believe in the justice system, but as I have wrestled with this, I also believe raw politics has infected this process and it led to a miscarriage of justice – and once I made this decision this weekend, there was no sense in delaying it further. I hope Americans will understand why a father and a President would come to this decision. “


    • Exactly. I expected nothing else from Joseph Robinette Biden. He and his family have been all about grift and privilege from the very beginning. It will continue until 11:30 am ET, January 20, 2025.

      • Besides Hunter, now pardoned, there was also Devon Archer on the Burisma Board, who should be investigated and charged with the corruption of the Biden crime family syndicate.

      • Hunter signed a form saying he wasn’t using drugs regarding purchasing a gun. Hunter frauded the government a little over a million dollars in tax owed and has paid it all back with interest. If his name wasn’t Biden, no one would care. No one else has been prosecuted for checking the “no drugs” box on a gun purchase application.
        The former president pardoned his family members for crimes much worse than Hunter Biden. Millions in fraud. Hiring a stripper to seduce your brother and send the tape to the wife to suppress testimony in a federal trial (this person is now recommended to be the ambassador to France…). Where was your nepotism outrage then?

        • I read your comment with great amusement, Kara

          It is very obvious that you are deliberately obtuse regarding of Joe Biden’s pledge for the past years to NOT pardon his son!

          You argue that violations stemming from the federal firearms background check/ transaction record are inconsequential. So why bother?

          People go to jail for tax evasion every year, approximately 63% of all convicted offenders do.

          So for giggles I looked up the pardons Donald Trump granted throughout his presidency.
          There is Scooter Libby, Dinesh D’Souza, Sheriff Arpaio, Susanne B. Anthony (illegal voting in 1873) along with Charles Kushner (Fraud and false statements (16 counts); retaliating against witness, victim; statements or entries generally) 2005 conviction, who is the ONLY family member I can find on that list.
          It is interesting to me that you think it perfectly acceptable that Joe Biden pardons his son for ANYTHING that came to pass in the last 10 years, but you hyperventilate about a pardon for a person’s one time offense.

          Do I believe the Mr. Kushner is the best choice for ambassador to France? No not really, but I do object to the blanket pardon for an entire decade Joe gave to his child, after declaring repeatedly he would not do so and that “no one is above the law”!

    • Never.
      I can look past the IRS and gun charges.
      What I can’t look past is him sleeping with his brothers wife while he was on crack binges, the minor girls in foreign countries he was corrupting, the Burisma Ukraine bribery deals, the crack and cocaine deals that are all on video.
      What a scumbag.
      Then you have Joe diddling his 12 year old daughter in the shower.
      Pure scum.

      • Yes, indeed, it’s a far cry from Trump sleeping with a porn star while his wife is home with their new baby. The comparison isn’t even close.

        • The comparison or the topic is immaterial.

          Here you bemoan grown adults having a relationship and while distasteful certainly not illegal. Yet you act as if anything like this has never before happened in all of mankind and the perpetrator has forfeit all.
          Remember Bill Clinton shaking his finger at the camera saying: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman!” which turned out to be a lie. Clinton was impeached for lying under oath not for the affair. Back then remember what the press said? That the president’s personal relationships are nobody’s business and private….

          However all of this is really an immaterial sideshow, what really matters are all the criminal issues Hunter and Joe are trying to avoid with this pardon. As an American you should be outraged at the shenanigans, instead of supporting this cover-up.

        • Hunter sleeping with minors on crack binges.
          Joe Biden sexually abusing his daughter.
          Trump sleeping with a porn star is worse?
          What’s wrong with you, seriously?
          Time for another Covid booster shot – think about the elderly and the children….

    • IMO DJT should let them all start crowing about their “exploits” and after that use the information to investigate anyway, then confiscate all illegally-gotten $$ and send it to the U.S. Treasury.

      • Or accepting money from foreign governments to assure a connection to the POTUS. Expected, but still shameful. joe, seriously, who left the cocaine in the White House? Yep joe, the prosecution was politically tainted – just like the lawfare conducted against DJT. Is brandon really that demented that he thinks this whole thing is a political witchhunt and hunter is innocent? Or is he just so stupid he thinks America will believe him?

        • Joe doesn’t love Hunter, he loved the other son Beau. Hunter was the bad egg that Joe scorned and just used as a front man for his illegal dealings. Drug abuse was Hunter’s escape mechanism for a miserable life as Joe’s 2nd son.

        • So says all the kids in foster care, CPS, Joe Biden s daughter who is also a drug addict and has been in multiple treatment programs – where she hour also about the sexual abuse she suffered from your idol – Joe Dementia Biden.

    • The country is in a heck of a mess, Forkner, that is well beyond the competence of the old party hacks to “fix.” With regard to Biden, rigor mortis is fast on the old fart’s heels, but as his pardon of Hunter has shown he still has a shart or two left in him for the good of his fellow Democrats.

      • Edit: “With regard to Biden, rigor mortis is fast on the old fart’s heels, but as his pardon of Hunter has shown, he still has a shart or two left in him for the good of his fellow Democrats.”

      • That’s debatable. You forget that Trump paid off a porn star and possibly a Hooker or 2, he seems to have some sort of an agenda with women. He can’t keep a wife for one, and enjoys Sniffing around in beauty pageant, back rooms and talking of grabbing them by the hooray.

        • You sure are jealous of DJT. It appears you are infatuated with how many women he has been with, as well as envious of him and his success in business as well as with the lady’s. When you have the success that he has had, the females are drawn to you. Now we have forker, the good old “shop teacher” who probably was a forever bachelor. Makes sense now why you continually bad mouth 45/47.

        • A hooker is supposed to be paid. Isn’t that part of her job as a hooker? If Trump didn’t pay off the hookers, you guys would be complaining about equal rights and equal pay, or some strawman like that. Make up your minds people! Either we pay the hookers for what they are worth or we don’t pay them for the job they do. Which one is it, Greg?

    • Oh, there it is. They typical liberal answer for Joey’s actions involving hunter. You bash trump to death, yet if joey pardons his demon seed son, there is greg with a tear in his eye. It’s a father’s love of his son. ?

    • A “father” wouldn’t have allowed their child to engage in illegal activities, profited from them, or tell that child that there are no consequences for poor decisions made. A Father raises his child to distinguish right from wrong and good from evil.

  1. Hookers, crackpipes and blow… But not for all the Biden cash flow from Ukraine and China… Bring on the ” New” FBI.

  2. What an insult to law abiding citizens of this great Nation. What a weak justification statement by the so called, “Leader of the Free World”. This decision, not unexpected but thought to be, is an awaking
    for any sane voter to never, never ever vote for an “Independent” or “Democrat” for any cause.

    Tragic that a man who wonders why he is in a room, even if a bathroom, peeing on his shoes, has any understanding of this action as it reflects on future issues of Presidential pardons.

    Total abuse of a privilege on a case that should be considered in a court of law in the name of judicial balance.

  3. one of the folks I know we can just call him “greg”
    said he was framed, never committed any crimes, never lied, never cheated, loves his brother’s wife & just can’t understand why everybody is so angry?
    heck msnbc said he was a good boy & was just misunderstood & “greg” is happy now!

  4. Biden sure made a long statement to justify what he did. Could have just summed it up by saying: “Had to pardon Hunter so he wouldn’t turn state’s evidence on me.”

    • None of them are criminals. The only criminals are the federal prosecutors and FBI heads who are working directly for Joe Biden; and the state DAs in New York and Georgia who filed false charges against Trump hoping to move up the ladder. Oh, and of course, the NY judge who doesn’t know the law and has a daughter who worked on Biden’s reelection campaign. THOSE are the criminals.

    • Not outraged at all.
      This just opens up the door for pardons across the board. Any time President Trump thinks someone is being prosecuted selectively and for political reasons, a pardon for all crimes they are accused of, and any unknown crimes over the past decade is now the norm.
      Remember when Harry Reid pulled the nuclear option? Same thing here. Open the door, but do not get upset when someone you do not like walks through it.

      • “Opens up the door for pardons across the board.”



  5. You want to see an injustice? Look no further than Trump’s successful escape from prosecution for the classified documents and Jan 6 cases. And soon he will pardon many who attacked the Capitol on 6 Jan – acts resulting in the desecration of national monuments, assault upon police officers, and the death of individuals. Real live criminals will soon be freed.

    Happily, Biden will soon pardon all those who were involved in Trump’s criminal prosecutions (even though they acted fully within the law), putting them all outside the reach of Trump’s retribution. Checkmate.

    • I see you believe the lies the fake media tell you to believe about President Trump and jan 6.

      1. As a PRESIDENT, he had every right to those documents, reference bill clinton who kept secret dicuments in his sock drawer. The National archives could have asked for them at any time, instead, chose to call the cops to raid our presidents (fully armed and prepared to shoot to kill btw) home and rifle through his wifes panty drawer. The DoJ is in the wrong here.
      2. J6 was completely orchestrated by Nancy Pelosi, who FINALLY admitted it was her fault for her failure to say YES to president Trump offerring 10,000 national guard troops to be on hand at the capital. She and the local mayor both refused ANY assistance, and nancy even delayed the troops being able to deploy by simply not answering her phone.
      3. Destruction of so many more of our national monuments that occurred by the BLM rioters was NEVER prosecuted around our country. What happened at the capital j6 was less violent than the summer of BLM riots or even the current antisemitic pro palestinian rioting going on at our college campuses and the desecration of those campuses.
      4. The only death on j6 was a bad cop killing an unarmed ashli babbitt.
      5. To pardon hose that have committed treason against our former president with their illegal lawfare is a the true heinous act of a deranged president biden. Crimes against us all.
      6. Learn the truth and set the recod straight, you are a lawn of the dumbocrats believing their lies and spewing lies back.

    • Trump was railroaded from Liberal Attorney Generals. Hunter was convicted by the man appointed by Biden in Attorney General’s office, a democrat. Not even close.

    • Dog, desecration of national monuments, assaults upon police offices and deaths of individuals? Thanks for the refresher on the BLM RIOTS. Now go away!

      • Indeed. And many of the people responsible for perpetrating those acts were charged, prosecuted, convicted by juries, and punished. You can’t say that about Trump, who will get off scot-free, as will many of the J6 perps whom he will pardon. Thankfully, at least some of them will have served time before they’re released – a small, yet marginally satisfying slice of Justice.

    • The only people who died on J6 were Ashly Babbitt and Roselind Boyle. The J6 committee is in trouble for destroying evidence.

      • So I guess the death of two people is inconsequential? If Trump hadn’t set the rabbits running, they would still be alive.

        • You need to go watch his x video of that day which mainstream has cut to what you believe. He called for peaceful action and at one point asked them to go home.

          Why did Nancy and Bowzer decline troops, national guard, active duty? All were offered.

          No wonder they fear Kash, he already knows and is ready to inform the public about the government assets that were in the crowd

    • Oh yeah. Desecration of monuments and assaults on police.. Tell me something thatYOUR SIDEdidn’t do even more of during the “summer of Floyd” get real, you disgusting hypocrite!!

  6. Brandon took an oath to not interfere with HIS DOJ. OK. But there’s a new DOJ coming under Trump. And the rats are already running scared. This was the only smart move Brandon ever made as president. The Biden Crime Family in full defensive posture.

  7. Dear Joe – the proud father of a grifter, liar, and ex-addict:

    Throughout your entire political life you have always substituted a lie for the truth whenever a lie suited your malign purposes. For example, you lied to all of America in a 2020 televised presidential debate with Donald Trump when you averred that the porn and the crimes that were found in Hunter’s abandoned Mac laptop (as then reported only by the NY Post) was merely a case of Russian election interference. And of course you lied throughout this entire year by repeatedly promising NOT to pardon your twice-convicted son and family bagman.

    Begone, and disappear, Joe Biden. You have infested the nation and the White House with your countless lies and your personal grossness, and now the nation’s Capital stinks of you. The District of Columbia needs a complete fumigation of you and your ilk.

    January 20, 2025 seems so far away.

      • No. Not really.
        COVID gave us Joe. A hostile media gave us Joe. The globalists you seem to adore gave us Joe.
        And, Trump most certainly was a contributing factor as well. But, he did not give us Joe.
        Finally, in the long run, it is a good thing Joe happened. Now, the entire nation knows how far off the beam the leftists have become. If Trump had won in 2020, it would not be so obvious to anyone with half a brain how far gone the democrats are. Even the folks who voted Harris in 2024 are upset with the way the nation went under Joe.
        Additionally, without the last four years, Trump might not have discovered how badly the deep state abhors him. And, how much they stymied him from 2017-2021. Now he knows, and the country will benefit.

      • No Greg, Covid, the main stream media along with Zuckerberg and what’s-his-name, who owned Twitter before Elon, as well as unverifiable mail-in-voting gave us Biden.

  8. Just like he gave the middle finger to the country over the course of his political career…good riddance to the Biden clan. Hopefully Joe and Jill stay away from Trumps inauguration.

  9. Wow another lying politician.
    Looks like we all get a get out of jail card for tax evasion illegal gun and drug possession.
    If not it’s discrimination just because daddy has the right job.
    He admitted he is guilty.

  10. You pro Biden just remember if it’s your family or friends they are going to pay.
    How can anybody vote for a two tiered justice system?

  11. It’s quite the pardon. Every single thing for a decade. Plus future acts he might yet commit. In theory Hunter could assassinate Trump and walk clean if he did it while Bloodstains is still in office.

    Tell me again how the Democrats respect rule of law.

  12. So the cocaine found at the White House last year doesn’t count as a strike against Hunter that claims to have been sober for 5.5 years? Why didn’t Biden say drug free and sober?

  13. Joe Biden said, “….I have watched my son being selectively, and unfairly, prosecuted….. I have followed a simple principle: just tell the American people the truth…. as I have wrestled with this, I also believe raw politics has infected this process and it led to a miscarriage of justice.”

    Okay Joe, what about your and Obama’s political persecution of Dinesh DSouza? He was sent to prison on offenses far milder than your son’s. No one had ever been imprisoned for the same fact pattern before. Where was your virtue then? Liar.

    • Selective and unfair prosecution is only bad when it is done to a leftists. Never when they do it to others.

  14. Maybe now he can pardon Saddam, Putin and every other criminal a despot.
    We’ll see if he watched the wizard of Oz, maybe he could give Murkowski a brain (doubtful)

  15. Hahahaaha of course he did. What did you all expect?
    How many pardons will Trump issue during his reign? Can we start the pool now? Closest number wins. How many “presidential middle fingers” will the next POTUS give? Biden and Trump are riding in the same boat named Hypocrisy.

  16. The worst president in America’s history and that’s saying something. Hunter needs to pack his bags he isn’t worthy of America. Sleazy scumbag. Ukraine could probably use him. For a sandbag. Maybe old wimpy joe could deliver him over there in Airforce 1. Pardoned his own son. Little conflict of interest here.?? Naaa

  17. What other criminals is Biden going to pardon terrorists, could molesters, illegals that killed Americans? Know this dirt bag he will open the gates of all prisons.

  18. All the ugly comments in this thread aside, and I am no fan of Joe Biden, the pardon was what any of us would have done for a child of ours under the circumstances. Now let’s have the same magnanimity with pardons for Trump and January 6th participants.

    • Let me unpack it for you Skippy. The so-called Jan-6 Insurrection was nothing of the sort. That is the label our leftists government put on it for the sole purpose of persecuting Trump. It was a peaceful demonstration. The Capitol Police opened the doors and invited the demonstrators into the building and actually escorted them around. Elsewhere, the police exerted violence with tear gas and rubber bullets into the peaceful crowd…. instigating a reaction in order to justify further use of force. Eventually, a zealous cop murdered a demonstrator, Ashlee Babbitt. The conduct of our leftist government faction was reprehensible. Those jailed were imprisoned for optics only… for the purpose of supporting the phony insurrection agenda which, in turn, is solely to justify the persecution of Trump. The reason: the leftists don’t want to lose control of our government. Bottom line: those imprisoned should be pardoned post haste.

    • Let me unpack it for you Skippy. The so-called Jan-6 Insurrection was nothing of the sort. That is the label our leftists government put on it for the sole purpose of persecuting Trump. It was a peaceful demonstration. The Capitol Police opened the doors and invited the demonstrators into the building and actually escorted them around. Elsewhere, the police exerted violence with tear gas and rubber bullets into the peaceful crowd…. instigating a reaction in order to justify further use of force. Eventually, a zealous cop murdered a demonstrator, Ashlee Babbitt. The conduct of our leftist government faction was reprehensible. Those jailed were imprisoned for optics only… for the purpose of supporting the phony insurrection agenda which, in turn, is solely to justify the persecution of Trump. The reason: the leftists don’t want to lose control of our government. Bottom line: those imprisoned should be pardoned post haste. It does not compare to the Hunter Biden travesty of justice abuse of Joe Biden.

  19. No one believed Biden would not pardon his son. Well, except KJP. The sad part is, that this kind of behavior is exactly why Hunter is a broken man. And why his dad believes that the son is 5-1/2 years sober despite being seen on a balcony, and despite published photos, in California with his lawyer taking hits on a crack pipe. Hunter is doomed. And a lot of it is on his father’s shoulders.

  20. Not surprised. It’s laughable to think that Biden would do anything else. And of course, he blamed “politics.” All he did is to confirm that its not what you know but who you know. Corruption is alive and stinking up DC. And for anyone thinking the rest of the Biden family will pay for anything, don’t hold your breath. But they forgot about Judgement Day. No free pass there.

  21. Typical the rules do not apply to me Democrats. The ONLY surprise for me is it happened some many weeks before this sh*tbag leaves office. I still assume there is a ton of 11th hour DEM friendly pardons coming in Jan.

    My only negative from DJT first term is that he never fulfilled his first term campaign promises of jailing Killery and Bill.

    Elon, where is the pedo island list. We need Bill and Bill exposed as hypocrites and lairs.

    DJ Trump, Day One I hope to see hundreds of pardons sir…Make it happen.

    • Maybe we can give him to Putin as part. Of a DEAl on the Ukraine conflict! its a sacrifice’d be more than happy to make

  22. I won’t be surprised when we see in the news that justice was served in a Delaware liquor store parking lot some day. And it won’t be over fear of exposing his father. It will be over gambling debts

  23. The righteous indignation on here is pure comedy.

    The mental gymnastics MAGAs go through to justify their outrage when a democrat does something unethical or dishonest yet still defend MAGAsphere dishonesty is absolutely astounding. TDS much?

  24. Can you imagine what he would get away with if he was not kicked off the Democratic ticket. And the democrats would let him get away with it including our Mary. This should make it a shoe in for the J6 people that have been in isolation in prison with less rights that illegals.

  25. The good news on this is that Hunter can no longer take the 5th when called on to testify against the rest of the Biden Crime Family. The truth will eventually come out. Cheers –

  26. A fitting end to the most corrupt administration in recent history. Thanks to the two determined IRS investigators we know about the $20M laundered through fake corporations to member of the Biden family. And Hunter pled guilty, he was not wrongly accused. History will show Biden as a one-term failure.

  27. MONTHS AFTER Joe said he would not pardon Hunter, Trump won the election & appointed a man as FBI Director who has spent the last 4 years on every right-wing podcast ranting that he was going to go after Hunter. Obsessed with him. Were you aware of that, critics? Not relevant?

  28. PS. Where are the MAGA Republican officials who called for Biden to pardon Trump when they thought Harris was going to win?

  29. Funny. Aside from the criminality issue here; Biden actually inadvertently made a great point.
    The accidental observation that there are so many laws that are not actively enforced but are kept on the books in order to be used when needed should scare everyone. Charge stacking is real and is used to ensure easy and cost effective plea bargains without the State/Fed needing to prove the merits of a case in Grand Jury or actual criminal court. We are a nation of way too many laws. We are all susceptible to falling through the cracks.

  30. The REAL reason for Biden’s pardon:
    Joe doesn’t want Hunter bragging in prison that “the Big Guy” was taking his share of extortion money and influence money from overseas foreign agents while Joe was VP. That’s the reason.
    Now Hunter doesn’t have to rat-out his own dad for cigarettes in prison. This isn’t about parental love, you dummies. It’s about shutting up the stupid kid’s mouth.

  31. Must Read Greg Forkner! Again!
    I thought non stop trolling wasn’t allowed? Only if it’s MRAK’s official Pet Troll.

      • You heard the lady, I’m troll #1. I strive to bring a little light-hearted reaction to some of the posts on here. In today’s political climate, I think we all need that. Having lived in the Bush of Alaska for going on 2 decades, i can tell you that even though I am no longer physically there. A part of alaska will always remain embedded in my soul. I learned to love the different cultures and people out in the Bush. I never once thought that I was one of them, I wasn’t deserving. Having a little bit of native blood myself let’s me trick myself into believing i’m one of the club. Some of my posts, and you’ll know which ones they are when you read them, are less meant for enlightenment, but more for a serious viewpoint. It might be hard to differentiate between the two versions because of my sometimes dry and warped sense of humor. I do enjoy immensely coming on this forum and chewing the fat with most of you. It’s been an honor and pleasure of mine to have you across the table. Now back to the mudslinging……

        • “A narcissist is someone who has a personality style that is characterized by an excessive focus on themselves and their own needs, often at the expense of others. They may have an exaggerated sense of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a diminished ability to empathize with other people’s feelings”. You truly are an expert on yourself. And dawg is an expert on bedbugs.

      • Dumpster diving at the Whitehouse for marching powder? Rumor has it that Trump’s transition team will be wearing hazmat suits.

  32. No ‘Pardon’ or amnesty for Peltola and Murkowski as they should be tried for malfeasance against the citizens of Alaska.
    Omit the drama, let’s be productive.

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