Perseverance brings more trans shows to stage this fall


Perseverance Theatre, after producing a version of “Little Women” last season in which the lead character was transgender, has a new gender-bender for audience in Juneau and Anchorage this fall.

“Hedwig and the Angry Inch” is about a transgender punk rocker from Germany touring the United States with his rock band.

Amazon describes it as “A high-powered rock musical that tells the hilarious but emotional tale of an East Berlin transgendered diva on a journey to find stardom in her new home.”

“Winner of 4 Tony Awards, including Best Revival of a Musical in 2014, this cult-classic takes audiences on an exhilarating journey of radical, queer self-discovery, self-love, and self-acceptance,” the theatre description says.

The show opens the 45th season for Perseverance Theatre. The musical runs in Juneau from Sept. 15 through Oct. 1, and then the production comes to Anchorage for Oct. 13-22.

Perseverance Theatre, which in 2001 signed an agreement with the University of Alaska Southeast to provide all theater education activities at the campus, which awards theater minor degrees, is supported by numerous business, foundation, and taxpayer-funded entities, including:

Government and government-funded donors

Alaska State Council on the Arts

Central Council of Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska

City & Borough of Juneau (Major Grant through the Juneau Arts & Humanities Council)

City & Borough of Juneau Youth Activities Board

Municipality of Anchorage Arts Advisory Commission

National Endowment for the Arts

Northwest Arctic Borough

US Small Business Administration

Business Donors

Alaska Airlines, Alaska Auto Repair, Alaska Waters, Inc., Alaska Railroad Corporation, Alaska Technical Solution, Alaska’s Capital Inn Bed & Breakfast, Alaskan Brewing Company, Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center, Art Sutch Photography & Digital Imaging, Baranof Hotel/Four Point by Sheraton, Bauer/Clifton Interiors, Broken Tooth Brewing Company, The Canvas Community Art Studio, Coastal Helicopters, Coeur Alaska – Kensington Mine, Coppa, Cycle Alaska, Douglas Café, Driftwood Hotel, El Sombrero, Fred Meyer (Kroger Co.), Goldbelt Tramway, Gross Alaska Cinemas, Hecla Greens Creek Mine, Heritage Coffee Roasting Company, Historic Skagway Inn, IBEW – Local 1547, In Boca Al Lupo, Island Pub Juneau Arts & Humanities Council, Juneau Dance Theatre, Juneau Self Storage Management, Juneau Symphony Orchestra, Kindred Post, Lemon Tree Café, Louie’s Douglas Inn, Merrill Lynch, Northern Alaska Tour Company, NorthStar Trekking, Nugget Alaskan Outfitter, Oscar Gill House, Pel’meni, Rainforest Yoga, Robe Lake Lodge, Salt, Sandpiper Café, Seong’s Sushi Bar, Silverbow Inn, Specialty Imports, Stan Stephens, Glacier & Wildlife Cruises, Taku Smokeries, Triangle Club, V’s Cellar Door, Valley Medical Center, Valley Paint Center, Westmark Fairbanks, White Pass &Yukon Route Railway, Yak & Yeti Café


Alaska Community Foundation

Atwood Foundation

Benito and Frances C. Gaguine Foundation

Richard L. and Diane M. Block Foundation

Carr Foundation

Charlotte Martin Foundation

Douglas-Dornan Fund of the Juneau Community Foundation

Fiordellisi Williams Family Foundation

Houston In Action

Juneau Community Foundation

National New Play Network

Pride Foundation

Rasmuson Foundation

Sealaska Heritage Institute

Shari and Les Biller Family Foundation

Shubert Foundation

University of Alaska Foundation

Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF)


  1. Well, I think it is appropriate to contact some of the sponsors and ask if this is what they think community grants should be spent on!

  2. This is what the “right people” in Juneau consider art.

    Actually, I’ve talked to enough of them one on one to know many have doubts, but conform to the wishes of the power people above them.

    And God forbid the object. They’re terrified of being called an istaphobe.

    I also know enough of the local native communities they aren’t kern on this either, but see it as “stupid white people” stuff. They learned long ago to be quiet when white people do stupid things.

    • I made a comment the other day about “white people stuff” when it comes to all this trans activity in our schools and public stages. I’m white but any commonalities with these people ends with skin pigmentation. Call them what they are…Trans activists, LGTPQA++ activists, organizers, whatever the latest label is. Thank you.

  3. As long as it is not marketed to children, what is the big deal?
    Keep the kids out and I am good with it. Could not really care.

    • Some of the high school kids take classes out there, and when these weirdos come to town, they always do community events, so who knows at what daycare center they’ll pop up. Probably Head Start. 😛

      • The question is not “should kids see drag queens?” The real question is: “Why do drag queens want to perform for children?”
        And, my statement still stands. As long as no one is forcing this on children, as long as it remains an adult level of entertainment, who cares if there is a transgender leading the cast? It is a play. If you want to see it, go. If not, do not buy a ticket.

  4. Not that there’s been much of a reason to go to Perseverance for years now. Why even go to a performance of any known play, when you already know it will be genderbent or otherwise used as modern propaganda?

  5. From Ramswamy:
    1. God is real.
    2. There are two genders.
    3. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.
    4. Reverse racism is racism.
    5. An open border is no border.
    6. Parents determine the education of their children.
    7. The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.
    8. Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.
    9. There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.
    10. The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.

      • Juneau and this article are related to the Ramswamy post directly via statement #2 and indirectly with all the other statements in that Juneau is the largest promoter of transgenderism (an empirical impossibility BTW) in Southeast Alaska.

    • Cort, it is clearly written in our constitution that we have five branches of government. Read it carefully.

  6. Not only are there corporate sponsors, but individuals too. Some host the actors during Anchorage tours. I wonder if there will be a drop in that support. The actors and and the troupe do a great job. It’s too bad the current director is bent on harming a great little theater group.

  7. Notice what company was top of the list?? Alaska Airlines…. We need to officially demand to be separated from Seattle!
    This transgender nonsense needs to be throttled out…
    Along with the freaks that promote it!

  8. I say boycot each and every business that has supported this nonsense.
    Let’s see the strength (or lack of strength! ?) of the far right!

  9. What was formerly unspeakable is now being continually shoved at us by the elites, and I honestly don’t know exactly why. Questions of morality aside, where are these people wanting to take our society and our species? We know what the National German Socialist Workers Party did with this sort of people (along with many perfectly normal people). Many invertebrates, as well as some reptiles and some amphibians may sometimes have roughly similar sexuality but anything like this is between rare and nonexistent in other mammals. Are Christian churches so timid now due to their own transgressions against youngsters that pastors and priests are forced keep their heads down, or has the New Testament become meaningless? Somehow this is all tied to the climate change cult, and possibly that is why China is able to laugh at people like John Kerry and Janet Yellen while new coal-fired plants are being furiously built all over China. This could end very badly for everyone.

  10. 4 digit homeless population and this is what they want to spend their money on.
    I just had 4 visitors from Australia ask about the filthy tent city downtown with people sleeping in doorways.
    My reply was “if you only knew how much money Meg Zaletel and others make from the Homeless Business its not going anywhere soon but will likely increase in numbers. It has balooned into a huge moneymaker for many “nonprofiteers” at the taxpayers expense.”
    They were quite astonished by the numbers and said they werent looking forward to returning unless it went away. Their vision of Alaska was extremely different than what they had to deal with. They rented a car from me and were very anxious to get away from Anchorage.
    I explained to them that it wasnt much different than feeding the wild animals…eventually it will decimate certain species and they all agreed on that.
    They inquired how local people dealt with the problem and I told them most people I know dont go downtown anymore as it caters mostly to tourists.

  11. Remember, this show was brought to you by…. You, the taxpayer. And other sponsors to make it more worthwhile. Enjoy your show.

  12. At least Fred Meyer stores allow their customers to choose where they want their charitable portions to go. So, it’s really the shoppers who decide if some of their money goes to this or that charity or non-profit.

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